26.Did I roll my eyes out loud?

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Martina's POV

"See you at lunch?"



I opened the grib of my hand which was still holding cam's arm forcly to hear me out.

I felt kinda unsure about it. I don't want her to feel like she's the third wheel now, because she clearly isn't.

I just don't feel like telling her about Jorge. I haven't even told her everything yet about Mason.

Thinking about that..

Ugh no.

Don't you even fucking dare to let those thoughts in.No, Think about something else instead.

Ice cream and panecackes, ice cream and panecackes.


Oh..Right, Jorge's still here.


"I asked if you bought new clothes, I've never seen these before"

New clothes?  Oh wait,

I shook my head. " No, just found it cropped behind some old clothes"

"Well" he quit talking for a moment as his eyes flickered down to my toes back up. "Looks good on you"


I guess the gorgeous look he threw my way made me speechless.

I tensed as his hand tightened against mine.  I moved  away before he could secure it.

"What?" He frowned, raising me a brow as he did not understand me.

No one can know this.

No one can.

"Seriously? What's up with you?"


"Not here" I spoke underneath my breath, scared to even speak it out. All he could give me right now was pure amazement written on that face.

"Don't look like that at me, I mean you no harm"

"No harm?" He said it like he chocked in his own laughter. "like you could do me any harm at the first place"


"Why won't you let me hold your hand, isn't that what we're suposed to do?"

Right..Girlfriend and boyfriend.

"I don't know, at least not here" I let out a frustrated breath, tried to step away from him again but he wouldn't budge.

"Where else?" 



"Appearently my name sounds to sexy when it comes out of your mouth"

Somethimes I just really don't get why I'm surrounded with low key conversations as this.

"I have to go to the toilet" I made up.


Right there I had expected him to keep standing near the lockers and just wait for me to come back.

Appearently he followed me.


Once I opened the door of the ladies room , the first thing that actually cought my eyes were a few girls having a chat while taking mirror pictures.

The thing is, I knew these girls.

They used to creep around Mason the time he got more popular because of his new friends..

Otherwise, a few foolish men whores.

Out of the blue they began to chuckle, I couldn't really figure out the main reason till I turned my face backwards.

That fucking idiot followed me inside.

"What are you doing in here?" I stated out loud. I felt so embarrassed.

"Following you"

Now his eyes shifted to the girls as well. Observating they were watching us clearly like we just made the funniest scene they had seen their intire lifes.

Well perhaps..

"What's so funny?" Jorge asked, taking a step towards them.

Was this really happening?

"Perhaps she should have taken you to the bathroom of the other gender" The brown eyed girl, other wise Veronica replied.

That bitch.

"Perhaps if you'd use the glasses the doctor has gaven you, you'd see I walked inside after her"

What the..

"Perhaps if you'd know her, you wouldn't let her go down on those little knees of her to please you and look for someone else"

My heart litterally dropped right there on the ground, forcing myself not to burst out in tears.

They just laughed instead.

"Why don't you just take that filthy face of yours and dump it in some of dump-yard and even take your terrible attitude along.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I mention your useless ego too?"

Now all of them stared my way, yet I couldn't even believe what he just said. Did he actually do that for me?

"Oh, did I roll my eyes out loud?" He hissed underneath his anger which made them grab their bags and leave.

How did he do that?

All I could give him was a questionable glare written on my face.

"I'll wait outside for you, take your time"

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