So Did We

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What is it like?

She asked me.

What is it like to live with all the drama I'm dealing with right now in the future?

I had looked over upon the girl sitting in front of me and Imagined how I had asked the exact same question to my mother each day.

As you all know, my mother had left me and my father in a terrible situation.

A situation that I was suposed to deal with all by myself.

The saddest part is that I believed I could have done it too.

But the answer is no.
I could not.

People under rate what it's like to have a depression. To actually wake up with a hole inside of you that aint leaving.

Not within a week..Not within a month..Not even in a few years.

I figured people actually don't even care.

Sure, they ask you how your day has been. Sure, they ask you if you're okay.

But honestly, they truelly hope you say. "Yes I'm fine, thanks". So they can just leave and think about their own issues instead.

So, to all of you.

Just imagine what's it like to lose your mother and people just expect you to have figured it out within a week.

Life goes on right?

Well it did.

So did violence and the depression all along.

I got beaten up, raped and terrorised.

And now you might think, that's so sad. Yes, all of them thought so.

But now you might have forgotten something.

People talk.

Backstabbing right?
Well let me tell you something else to make you feel better about it.

We all do.

So my clothes or my behavior provoked that thing to rape me?

Do you think that any man or woman actually asks for a rape?

Like how pitty are people to even let that cross their minds?

Well, once in court they do.

Sad right?

My rapist never got found, yet I was expected to let it be after a while.

Teachers expected me to do my best since it had been a few months now.

Yes I will do my best but why not get you into the same situation and see how you feel about it then?

Like that hasn't crossed my mind a few times. I'm sure you all have been in a situation you wished people would understand how you feel.

People left, but new people came across my path as well.

I had met a girl that could turn my life upside down. She was the only friend I had, at least I thought so.

It's funny to see how you grow up and realise friends just come and go.

So did the friends I had before my rape. They were there once, but they also left.

So did she.

Yes, kinda depressing but things weren't quite as beautiful between us anymore.

Yet I wish her the best, and I'm quite sure she does the same thing for me.

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