Spreading Christmas Spirit(cisco x reader)

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Christmas with the Ramones were fun

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Christmas with the Ramones were fun. His mother loved you, his father adored you, and his brother couldn't stop flirting with you (much to Cisco's dismay). But each time, you remind him that he has nothing to worry about because you love him and only him.
And he's always happy to see that and know your his.
After dinner, Cisco took you on a tour around his childhood house while the rest of the family were in the living room, mingling with friends and family. Soft Christmas music played in the background and the room was lit with the fireplace and Christmas lights. It was beautiful.
"So this is my old room," he said, opening the door. You walked in and looked around. The room was pretty big. The walls were covered in different comic book posters and band posters, there was a desk with all sorts of gadgets and science stuff, his bed sheets and blankets were blue and white. It really went well. Something Cisco would live in, you imagined.
"So this is where the magic happens?" You joked, turning to look at him. He leaned on the threshold. He smirked with a shrug. "Eh, you're the first girl to be in here, I used to have to hear Dante and his action going on down the hall when I was in high school."
You giggled and sat on his bed. "Well, we can have some action in here.....if you know what I mean,"
Cisco raised his eyebrows in fake shock and closed the door behind him. "This is a house of the lord, y/n." He joked, causing you to laugh out loud. "And I am a good catholic child, I do not do such blasphemy."
You shook your head, with a challenging smirk. "You didn't say that when me and you had that moment at my cousins birthday party in Coast City,"
"That's different," he retaliated, "you and your sexy seducing words and tight body got me into the devils playground."
"Come on, it's not like they'll hear," You persuaded, getting up to pull him by the jacket. Cisco, already convinced, smirked lustfully at you. "Okay, but we gotta be quick, my mom is gonna notice that we're gone,"
"Lock the door," you tell him quickly as he hurriedly ran to the door and locked it. You quickly took off your cardigan as Cisco took off his jacket and tossed it aside. Immediately kissing you, you started walking backwards until you tripped on the edge of the bed and the both of you fell on the bed.
Cisco and you took a brief moment to laugh about your clumsy-ness before starting back at making out again.
Cisco's hands roamed around your body. From your chest to your thighs, sliding up the skirt of your mini dress as you started to pull at his shirt.
He lifted himself up just enough to take off his shirt and toss it to the side
As you two kissed, your tongues wrestled with each other slowly and sensually. The way he kissed you was always the sexiest thing to you. It got you so wet and ready for him, you really didn't need foreplay. That was enough to get you hot and heavy.
Cisco rubbed his hands up your dress, pulling down your lace red panties he loved so much. "Oh, you had this planned all along, didn't you?"
You smiled innocently and shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not,"
Cisco chuckled. "My baby's a bad girl." He pulled off the panties and unbuckled his pants as you took off your dress, revealing a matching red lace bra.
Pulling down his pants and boxers just enough for his member to come out, he got right back on top of you, placing bites and kisses on your neck, drawing circles on the top of your breasts with his long tongue, driving you super crazy.
Then with a quickness, he shoved himself into you, causing you to gasp out loudly. But was quickly covered by Cisco's hand. He quietly shhh-ed you, making sure no one was coming as he began to grind into you.
It felt so good to him. The fact that you were so wet and tight, he could go all throughout this night and not care who hears.
With you, your body was on fire. Not only because Cisco is huge and really good at sex but because the idea of you guys getting caught was a huge turn on for you. Especially in his parents house, where they were just down stairs?! Oh, you loved that idea. It was so bad boy of Cisco. So rebellious of him. You liked this side of him. The dominating, bad boy side of him. Which only comes out in bed.
He was literally a gentleman in the streets but a freak in the sheets.
With every thrust, you moaned in his ear to go faster and faster and faster. Which he complied, loving the way you call him 'daddy' in his ear when he knows he's fucking you good.
"Shit" he moaned in your ear as his pace went faster and your moaning went louder, grabbing his long hair and leaving red scratch marks on his back.
"Oooooh, God! Oooooh!"
Nothing but the bed creaking and you groaning and crying out as the party went on downstairs. But no one heard due to the music and laughing.
Soon the both of you were close. Your body shook and Cisco's grip on you tighten.
""I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" You gasped out in his ear, feeling that feeling build up on you.
"Let it go, baby!" He growled in your ear as you let out everything.
You felt his hot cum fill you as his thrust grew sloppy and slow.
Everything stopped and he was still on top of you, pulling himself out of you.
He rolled off of you and yes next to you, breathing heavy.
The both of you stared at the ceiling with grins on your face. "Damn," he said with a slight chuckle. You giggled. "I know."
"Better than your cousins birthday party,"
5 seconds of silence later, Cisco smirks at you mischievously. "You wanna go for round two?"
"Hell yeah!"

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