First Of Many // HR x Reader [fluffy smut?]

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  Warnings: sweet smut tbh so fluffy  

  "My dear, I don't think you've ever looked so beautiful.." HR whispered, hands on your waist as he laid next to you on the couch he called his bed. A small tint of red hit your cheeks and you smiled. The two of you had been seeing each other for a few months now, and not once had he pressured you to do anything you weren't comfortable with. He was so gentle with you, so soft and so caring. He always made you feel safe and comfortable. Which was why you wanted to do this. Reaching your lips up you kissed him again, his hands falling to the waistline of your skirt. Slowly he pushed it down, along with your panties. He broke from your kiss to place his lips on your hipbones, gaining a small sigh from you as he did so. Slowly he kissed lower and lower before his tongue was caressing your wet folds slowly. A breathy moan left your lips and he smiled against you, and your fingers ran through his short dark hair. He kissed and licked at your wetness, your body twitching when he tongue hit your clit.

Once you were thoroughly warmed up he pulled his lips back, unbuttoning his tight black jeans that had only grown tighter at the sight and taste of your body. He wiggles them off before grabbing a condom from his back pocket. He slipped it in and looked down at you, eyes wide and a hint of concern in them. "It might hurt. If it hurts too much tell me, and we can stop. Really, don't worry about anything. If you want o stop, tell me, okay?" His voice was serious and his eyes gazed into yours as you smiled, nodding. "Okay, babe. I'm ready.." you muttered before kissing him again. He started by pumping his fingers into you to stretch you out, causing you to moan softly against his lips. His tongue parted your lips as he kissed you, slowly slipping another finger into your tightness, making sure you were ready for his length. You whimpered at him, and he chuckled taking the hint. Slowly, painstakingly slowly, he finally entered you. He was thick, and your small untouched entrance stretched uncomfortably around him, causing you to gasp and wince. He froze, eyes wide looking down at you. "Are you okay? Do you want to stop? We can stop–" he was interrupted by you shaking your head, looking up at him seriously. "You're just really big.." you mused in a whisper and he smirked, leaning down to kiss your neck as he pulled out slowly, pushing himself in again, this time deeper. "And you're so tight.." he mumbled against your skin, another whine leaving you the more he stretched you. He gave a few more very slow pushes in and out before you were ready.

He began moving his hips at a slow-dance-esc rhythm. You moaned, gripping the back of his neck tightly. "Wow.." you whispered, eyes tightly closing as he poked a painful spot inside you. Again his movements ceased as he saw your face contort. "Are you okay to keep going?" He asked again, his constant need for reassurance here was so adorable. You nodded, smiling softly. "I'm just working through it, it's okay baby, really. Please don't stop.." your face burned red at the request and he smirked. "Yes, m'am." He stated, moving his hips again slower than before. This helped the pain not bother you as badly, and you moaned at the feeling of him inside you. This felt so amazing, his body so close yours and you giving him something no one else had ever had. HR knew this was a special moment, and his lips lovingly trailed along your neck and face. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.." he stated between each kiss, and you sighed appreciatively. "I love you t-too.." you stuttered as he hit a spot inside you that made your body shake.

He noticed he'd gotten a ride out of you and began swirling his hips in figure eights. You gasped loudly, letting out the rapidly taken in air as a loud moan. "O-Oh my G-God.." you whined and he picked his pace up, gaining a groan from him as well as your walls started constrict around him, advising him you were close to reaching your orgasm. He reached his fingers down and slowly rubbed your clit, and you were done for. Your entire body shook as you saw stars, your eyes clenching shut as you yelled out, back arching off the bed. Watching you convulse sent your boyfriend over the edge as well. He filled the condominium as your high slowly faded, and he kissed at your skin sloppily.

His lips found yours again and you placed your hands on either side of his face, putting every ounce of passion and love you had for him into it. HR sighed out his nose and melted into you, returning all the feeling you'd poured out against his lips. When he pulled back he smiled a huge, dimpled smile. "How do you feel?" The sweat man questioned and you smiled. "Like I'm going to enjoy doing that more often." You teased, giggling softly as he kissed you again. With a soft hum he laid his head in your chest and you ran your fingers through his hair. The two of you laid cuddling until you drifted into a nap.


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