Excuse Me If I Sound Rude [a Barry Allen smut]

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Barry is always hesitant when going back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Ever since he went 'rogue' (puns, Snart would be so proud), so to speak, Cisco and Caitlin have been on edge. What didn't help is that you, his girlfriend, also worked there. You are unlike your siblings, Lenoard and Lisa; even though you still help sometimes with heists, you aren't a supervillain. Instead, you want to help people.
But, ironically enough, you are dating The Flash, who is a supervillain. A supervillain who was supposed to pick you up a half hour ago. You huff, plopping next to your best friend. "Barry Allen: the fastest man alive...yet, he's always late. Some things never change." Cisco snorts, twirling his Twizzler in between his thumb and index finger. "Oh, reminding me, wanna get drinks with me and Cait tomorrow? Happy hour deal!" he raises his eyebrows, smiling from ear to ear.
You chuckle, playing with the hem of your dark pink sweater. "Sure Cisco, I'll go get drinks with you. If you pay." you giggle, nudging his knee with your flat. At least he's here to keep you company, since Caitlin had to leave earlier. "Maybe we can get shit faced and hook up!" you joke, cover your mouth.
Cisco rolls his brown puppy eyes, gnawing on the twisted red candy. "Oh yeah, totally, Y/N. I'm sure your sister would love that." he scoffs sarcastically, brushing the wavy raven locks behind his ear.
There's a whoosh of air, "And so would her boyfriend." Barry practically growls, beat up brown combat boots leaving a trail of smoke behind him. Cisco fumbles in his office chair, smirking slightly at The Flash's beat red face. Oh. Oh, he's jealous is he now? Evil Barry is jealous of the engineer?
So, of course, Cisco does the opposite of what any smart person would do. He eggs the speedster on. "Oh, hey, we were just talking about tomorrow. We're about to get turnt!" he exclaims, cupping his hands around his mouth, bending back slightly. "Hopefully nothing too scandalous will go down, yanno?"
"Watch your mouth! She's my girlfriend!" Barry scowls, eyeing his ex-friend. Boy, if looks could kill... "Now, excuse me if I sound rude, but fuck you Ramon. We're leaving." he fumes, zooming towards you; black jacket flying around his gray hoodie. You squeeze your eyelids tightly, feeling wind forcing on your face.
His combat boots stomp in the safe house and he flashes you to the full queen sized bed. The black jacket hits the floor in less than a second, followed by his gray hoodie. Before you can catch your breath, your body shivers as he rips your blue skinny jeans, with your underwear, down your legs. "You are such a naughty slut, babydoll. Talking about hooking up with Cisco? When you know he couldn't fuck you half as good as I do?" he tsks, bowing his head to focus on his pants zipper; his slick long brown locks dangling in front of his dark green crystal orbs.
You whimper softly, arching your back, desperate for his touch. A smirk graces his lips while he yanks his tight black jeans down his ass, cock visible under his navy boxers. His blunt nails dig harshly into the smooth skin on your thighs so hard you would think he's drawing blood. Your sweater is pushed up, exposing your lacy bra to him. Instantly, the sweater tossed to the end of the bed. "Barry..." you moan, tangling your hands in his hair.
"No touching." he orders, swatting your hands away. His hand gropes your breasts through the bra, squeezing it tightly; you throw your head back on the pillow, breathing heavily. He unhooks it, throwing it over his shoulder. "I bet I could make you come without even using my cock." he smirks, pinching your breast with one hand as the other presses against your pussy. You whine at the contact, curling the soft bedsheets in your fists. "Ah, but you love my cock, don't you, babydoll? Do you deserve it? Huh? Do you deserve my cock?" he asks, breath ghosting your cheek while he rests his lower half on yours.
"Pl-ease!" you cry out, thrusting your hips upward; heat of your sex thumping inside, making your body ache.
His nails scratch your skin and one hand tugs his boxers down, cock springing up and hitting his tight abs. Without warning, he thrusts into you, causing a struggled scream to push past your lips and your back to arch higher. His hips rock back and forth roughly, cock entering and exiting your body. "You feel so fucking good around me, babydoll." Barry pants, cupping your breasts in both hands.
An oh so familiar knot begins to tighten in your lower stomach and sweat drips from your temple. "I- Oh god!" you groan, feeling his cock slam into you. You breathe, wrapping your legs around his thighs as your climax approaches.
A strand of his shiny brown hair dangles in front of his vision and he lets go of one of your boobs, tucking the hair behind his ear. He knows you're close, he is too; your walls grow tight around him. "Come on, babydoll, mmm, cum for me." he grunts, thrusting into you again, the strand of hair falling once more. He tucks it and a few more strands behind his ears, licking his lips in the process; his muscles flexing with the movement. That alone is enough to make you cum hard and fast.
You scream as he empties himself in you, mixing his juices with yours. Swallowing, he pants, forearms falling to the side of your head. His light brown locks swing in front of his moss colored eyes while he towers over you. You reach your hand up to push his hair back in the same spot, leaning up to kiss his lips. "Mmmmm, you are very good at sex." you mumble, wincing when he pulls out of you.
He smirks, flopping his back on the bed beside you, "Guilty."

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