Change of Pace // E2!Barry x Reader

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Warnings: oh my god rough lil E2 Barry it's wild up in here y'all

Pushing the key into the lock of your shared apartment, Barry let out a happy sigh at the familiar space. The thin man made his way to the kitchen. "Hello? Y/N, are you home my love?" He calls softly, frowning a bit when he heard no response. Before he began worrying over where you could be he heard your soft footsteps upstairs. He walked slowly towards your bedroom, but stopped in the hallway when he heard you talking, quickly realizing you were in the middle of a call. He was about to walk in when he overheard your words.

"No, no don't get me wrong it's not bad," you emphasized dramatically, trying to get your point across. "He just.. I don't know. He never wants to be in control, I'm always the one to initiate anything and god forbid I try to be submissive." Barry quickly realized the details of your conversation were about your more intimate life, and he just stood there with a flushed face and took it all in. "I guess it just gets a little boring after a while.." he hears you admit and his heart sinks a bit at the thought that he wasn't pleasing you like you wanted. There was a rather easy way to change that.

"Anyways, I gotta go he'll be home soon and I need to start dinner." Your words made him straighten up and fix his sweater, adjusting his glasses before he took a few silent steps back from the door to reinact his arrival. "Y/N?" He called down the hall, knowing this time that you'd heard him. You hung up the phone and met him in the hallway with a large smile. "Hi baby," you stared and kissed his lips gently. "How was work?" Your question lingered as Barry simply stared at you with a strange look in his eyes. "Yoo-hoo, earth to Barry?" You waved a hand in front of his face only for him to grab your wrist tightly. The sudden force caused you to gasp slightly, and Barry smiled just a bit. Silently he spun you around, hands on your hips as he walked the two of you forward back into your bedroom.

Once your knees hit the bed you turned around to face him, about to question what this was about when his lips met yours, hands rubbing slow circles around your hip bones. This kiss was unlike any other you'd ever shared with your boyfriend. It was hard, and hungry. Without waiting for permission he pushed you back as you fell into the bed, Barry crawling on top of you to hover over your body. He continued to not speak, only act. His hands moved in from your hips to the button of your jeans, quickly opening them and pulling them down, along with your underwear. You sighed at how hasty he was being. "What's gotten into you today?" You asked softly, wanting to make sure there wasn't anything wrong. Barry simply grinned, leaning back down to kiss you again. "Nothing.." he muttered. "But sadly we can't say the same for you." His words confused you until you felt his long and slender fingers enter you.

A breathy moan fell out of your mouth, causing the brunette to shutter just slightly. Hearing your noises always made Barry tremble, and he could feel his pants tightening as his erection grew rapidly. Trying to ignore it he curled his fingers slowly, bringing another drawn out moan out of you to fill the room. Barry couldn't help but let out a shaky sigh. This may be a tad harder than anticipated.. he thought to himself, but still he continued to the best of his ability. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his lips on your neck, kissing at first before sinking his teeth into you sharply, causing you to gasp and clutch a hand to his shoulder. "B-Barr.. wow.." you muttered and he felt his confidence skyrocket. He started to wonder why in the world he'd never tried this before.

Removing his fingers from you caused you to whimper, but Barry brought them to his lips and licked the taste of you off of himself. You watched with your mouth gaping, and you could've sworn you felt your knees begin to shake. A low and raspy chuckle left his lips. "As sweet as ever.." he muttered before beginning to strip himself of his slacks and briefs. As he did so you sat up slightly, connecting your lips to his in any attempt for physical contact. He loved how eager you were being but he needed to show you he had it in him not to give into you. Rather forcefully he pushed you off of him, and back down to the bed causing you to bounce on the mattress just a bit. "Don't move," he ordered and your eyebrows shot up at his aggressiveness. "Unless I tell you to." He added, the tone of his voice authoritative and strong. It made your body ache for him and you simply nodded.

Within minutes he'd stripped himself completely and raised himself off the bed, circling it back and forth with his eyes glued to how heavily you were breathing. Seeing you like this instead of himself was exhilarating, for both of you. Stopping at the end of the bed he made sure to push his hips out to catch your eyes to his prominent hard on. "I want you to strip for me, kitten." A shutter ran through you at the sound of his voice and you nodded quickly, beginning to hastily remove your blouse before hearing Barry click his tongue in disapproval. "Slowly." He growled and a tiny whimper escaped you, but you obliged. With much less speed you slipped the unbuttoned shirt off your shoulders, watching as your boyfriend's lust-glazed eyes roamed your figure and his tongue caressed his bottom lip. You bit down on your own as you painstakingly slowly pushed your leggings off your hips, exposing your lacy thong. Barry groaned before climbing onto the bed, resting on his knees. Your eyes locked to his throbbing erection and he grinned wickedly.

"Suck." He simply stated and you happily obeyed, any excuse to touch him you were happy to take. Instinctively your tongue licked from his base to the sensitive tip, eliciting a groan from the man. One of his hands reached down and unhooked your bra with one swift movement, and you felt it fall from your chest. Letting the same hand caress up your back and into your hair he grabbed a handful and tugged lightly at first. "I said suck, not tease." His voice was just a growl now, and you gasped at the way he held your hair. Suddenly he pushed your head foreword and you took him in your mouth immediately. He hissed at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth as you swirled your tongue against his tip and began to suck at a rapid pace. A loud groan erupted from his throat and he tugged at your hair even harder, forcing you to moan around him. The vibrations made his hips jerk forward and you tasted the first few drops of pre-cum as he neared closer to his climax. "B-Baby.." he breathed, regular tone and demeanor returning for just a moment. Suddenly he pulled your mouth off of him by tugging your head back and he pushed you on the bed again.

His hands found your thighs and shoved your remaining garments completely off. He wasted no time lining himself up with you and teasing your folds just barely, grazing his tip back and forth. You whined at his teasing and tried to pull him closer but his free hand grabbed your wrists to pin them above you. "You don't get to persuade me, kitten. I'm going to ravish you and there's nothing you can do about it." Barry's bright green eyes locked to yours and you felt yourself grow even wetter just from his words. You'd never seen Barry be this way and it was something you'd always dreamed of but never thought would come true. And now here you were, pinned beneath him as he teased you endlessly, body and mind both pleading for his touch. "Barry, please.." you breathed and he quirked a playful brow up at you. "Keep begging kitten and just maybe I'll give it to you." He leaned down to your face, hot breath tickling your lips. "Just maybe.." he whispered as he barely pushed himself into you only to pull right back out. You whined and writhed under him, squirming at any attempt for more contact. "Barry.. Barry, baby please I need you.. I want you so badly, please touch me, please give it to me, hard.." you last word sent a chill up his spine and he couldn't resist.

No warning, he thrusted roughly into your soaked entrance. A loud moan bubbled up from your throat and you felt his tip graze your center at the very first movement he made into you. Quickly he set a hard pace, his length slamming into you faster and faster as he gripped your wrists even tighter. With every rhythmic pound you moaned, louder and higher pitched the more the ball of pressure in your stomach grew. Barry couldn't control himself, he thrusted wildly into you and groaned at how good it felt to fuck like this. You'd only ever done anything remotely close to this when you were drunk last Halloween, and your skimpy little nurses outfit brought on some kinky fun. But even that was less than half this speed and force.

You could feel your body shaking beneath him and you cried out as he rammed into your g-spot over and over. "Barry! I-I.. mmph.." you lost it, the ball that had tightened so harshly inside you released as you came all over him. The way your juices trickled out around him made him groan, and with one last hard thrust he removed himself before letting go all over your mid section. He stroked himself through his orgasm, and you watched in awe of your boyfriend. Once he'd finished he collapsed next to you, panting hard with his eyes screwed shut to keep the salty beads of sweat from reaching his green orbs. After a few minutes of silence only interrupted by heavy breathing from the both of you, you turned your head to him and smiled. "Barry, that was.." you began but couldn't find the words. He simply chuckled as a red flush rose to his cheeks, turning to face you now. "Y-You liked it, right?" His normal shy self was back and you giggled, running a hand softly through his hair. "I loved it, Barr. That was honestly the best I've ever had. And not just from you, ever." His face lit up with a bright and excited smile before he kissed you, this time a normal, slow and passionate kiss.

"I think I'll go out to get dinner tonight, I'm sure you're too tired to cook." He teased and pecked a kiss to your nose before hopping up. He dressed himself and glanced at you, furrowing his brows at the mess he'd made on your stomach. He dashed into your bathroom and wetted a towel, bringing it to you so you could wipe yourself clean. A giggle left your lips as you muttered a thank you. Barry smiled his bright beautiful smile at you as he replaced his glasses on his face, adjusting them to settle onto his nose. "Chinese or Big Belly Burger?" He questioned, half out the door. "Mmm, I need French fries, please?" He smirked at the word you'd repeated many times earlier and you blushed, causing him to chuckle. "Burgers it is. I'll be back soon my love, we can even eat in bed if you'd like!" He called as he left the room. The slender male paused in the hallway as he heard you dial your phone. "(Your best friend's name)? Oh, oh my god.. do I have a lot to tell you. ...It was the best I've ever–" he began walking off now, doing a small but energized happy dance down the stairs and smugly tightening his bow tie before heading to his car. Barry made a mental note to let that side of himself out a lot more often.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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