Impure As The Driven Snow[Iris x Caitlin]

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Strap-on sex for science!

"A Hieronymus machine," Harrison Wells droned impatiently, as if he had already explained this a million times before, "is a device that works not through electronic or mechanical means, but through directing the mental, psionic power of the human being operating it. Because of this, it does not necessarily have to be constructed out of any specific material. A scale model or even the schematics are perfectly acceptable. The necessary component—the only necessary component—is the properly trained human mind. That training comes from the importance the mind gives itself. You can't just will the Hieronymus machine to work, it takes an explicit reconditioning of the thought process, a complete shift in mentality."

"Is that why you brought a strap-on?" Iris asked.

Harrison looked at her with an expression that all but pleaded with her to keep up. "Caitlin, would you kindly... I don't know how to explain it any more simply than that."

"What Harry was trying to say," Caitlin started, "—I think—was that just like the human mind gives the Hieronymus machine power, it gives other things power as well. Words or gestures—'I love you, I hate you,' they're just sounds, but we invest them with their power."

"And social taboos and rites are the most powerfully invested things in human existence," Harrison said. "The shattering of those taboos, especially for the first time, will unlock your mental prowess in incredible ways, giving the Hieronymus machine more than enough fuel to accomplish the necessary changes to the Multiverse-substratum. Losing your virginity, having sex with a woman, having sex with an African-American—"

"I don't see having sex with an African-American as a big deal," Caitlin assured Iris. "A lot of African-Americans are really sexy—I mean, your dad—"

"What about my dad?"

"Well... 'daddy' is right."

"Let's stop," Iris said.

"Are we fixing the timeline or aren't we?" Harrison demanded.

"I thought you said it was the multiverse that Zoom damaged..."

"Space-time continuum," Harrison stressed. "Do I have to explain sex to you as well?" He made a circle with one hand and poked it with his forefinger. "There. Do that. Or would you rather I showed you?"

Iris looked at Caitlin. She did much prefer the idea of being with this cute, adorable woman than Harrison's rudeness and hostility. She remembered that late night at the newspaper offices—the sensuous pleasure of Linda's glowing breasts, the lustful perfume that'd filled the air after she'd stripped off Linda's panties...

"I guess... it wouldn't be so bad..." Caitlin said, putting an arm around Iris's waist, soft and warm. "We could both promise to be gentle... and I think we're both pretty attractive, right?"

"You're pretty attractive," Iris affirmed, leaning in to nuzzle her velvet lips against Caitlin's cheek.


"And you shouldn't mind too much—" she whispered in Caitlin's ear. "Seeing as this is what you've wanted all along."

"I mean, uh, yes, it was a certain possibility that I didn't discount, but uh, uhhhh..."

"You, on the cot, lie flat on your back," Harrison ordered, pointing decisively at Caitlin. "Iris, put on the dildo. You're busting her hymen."

"Is that really—I don't think Caitlin's even a virgin."


Iris raised her eyebrows in bemused questioning. "Ronnie? Jay?"

"Ronnie and I were saving ourselves for marriage. And Jay's a gentleman."

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