How badly do you want me? [Captian cold x Reader]

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Imagine:That the reader is a part
of team Flash but after getting into it with none other than Captain Cold, things start to heat up between the two. Already making up your mind, you decide that Cold would be your first. But, would you actually go through with it? Does Cold actually want to be with you?

 But, would you actually go through with it? Does Cold actually want to be with you?

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"'ve like, never ever before?"
You start to feeling your cheeks turning a 50 shades of red as your team mate and best friend, Caitlin, ask you about your sex life. Which is odd because Caitlin is a professional and very reserved but get a couple of drinks and her and you'll see a whole new side. After team Flash finished a job stopping yet another metahuman, it was Cisco's idea for all of us to go out for drinks because if you were to be honest, you really needed one.
It was not long ago when you were just a small time waitress at Jitters when the particle accelerator exploded and you woke up with super powers, the ability to manipulate the earth to your own will. Which is cool because you've always been a nature person. Although you were freaking out when you've learned about it, you still stuck around with Cisco, Caitlin, and none other then Barry Allen a.k.a The Flash. And you were happy that you did because you've finally found a group of friends who are willing to put their lives on the line for you and you would do the same.
"I mean, come on Y/N! There has to be at least ONE guy that you've wanted to give your virginity too!?" Caitlin slurs but you quickly cover her mouth.
"First of all, shush! Second of all I haven't, there aren't that mean guys in this town that are..normal." You says in a low tone. It's true, half the guys in Central City is either a metahuman trying to kill because or some one who only just want to screw you and leave." You state.
Caitlin looks at you for a moment before speaking. "It's Barry isn't it." She says.
You nearly spit out your drink. "No way! Barry is my friend. I've never seen him like that before." You state in a panic, which is half way true. When you first started working with Barry, you did developed a bit of a crush on him but when you found out about his feelings for Iris, you quickly stopped yourself but at least you're both good friends.
"What about Cisco? For some reason, some pretty hot girls are always throwing themselves at him." Caitlin says, taking a sip of her drink.
You turn around, looking over at Cisco at the Jukebox with Barry. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know. Cisco is kind of like a brother to me." You state, now that one is true. Even though Cisco asked you out more than once, you never felt any romantic feelings for him. Even though he is adorable, he just has this thing where you want to protect him like you would with family.
Caitlin nods her you. "Yeah, I know what you're saying." You're both silent for a moment, sipping on your drinks before Caitlin speaks up. "I think I know what kind of guy you need Y/N."
You let out a deep sigh, knowing that you shouldn't be entertaining drunk Caitlin, but your curiosity getting the best of you. "I'll bite, what kind of guy do I 'need' Caitlin?" You ask.
Caitlin leans in, as if she's going to tell you a secret. "I think you need a bad boy." She says. You chuckle. "I think that's the last thing I need."
"Oh come on." Caitlin pouts. "Just imagine it. They're probably the best guys to have being you're first. I mean, they're more experience, mysterious, good looking. Like Ronny."
"Pft, Ronny is the farthest thing from being a bad boy much next to Barry." You say, shaking your head.
Caitlin sits back in her seat. "Trust me. I know what I'm talking about." You playfully roll your eyes before Barry and Cisco runs over.
"Y/N, Caitlin. We got a robbery going on 5th and 3rd." Cisco says while you start grabbing your things. "What about Caitlin, she can barely stand up?" You ask while Cisco helps her up.
"Don't worry, I got her. You and Barry head over there and I'll take care of the rest." Cisco says as he helps Caitlin into the S.T.A.R. labs van. You and Barry both change into your suits before racing over to the jewelry store, seeing the door froze off.
"Snart." Barry says under his breath as he puts you down. You both walk in, being careful as it's completely quiet. Soon, the sound of a gun firing off draws your attention and the large light hanging above you guys begins to fall.
You quickly use your power to shield both you and Barry.
"Well, well, if it isn't the scarlet speedster and his cute little side kick." You hear a voice above you speak.
You and Barry look up to see Leonard Snart a.k.a Captain Cold leaning on the railing on the top floor. "Snart, for once can you not cause any trouble?" Barry says, his tone serious.
"Nice to see you too Barry. It's been awhile, how you've been?" Snart replies sarcastically, giving you a glance. "You too Y/N, you're looking pretty nice in your suit as always." He smirks.
You roll your eyes. "Come on Snart, do we really have to go through this again?" You ask, narrowing your eyes and crossing your arms but his smirk only widens. "Did I ever tell you how sexy you look when you're pissed?"
"Takes it." Barry starts running up the steps but is soon stopped when a ball of fire hits him. Mick steps out from the shadows, the wicked smile not leaving his face. "Mick, go easy on the kid." Snart says.
You're about to rush over to Barry when he holds a hand up. "I'm alright, just stop Snart before he gets away." You nod your head and jump into action, using your powers to make it up to the top floor quickly.
Snart is nowhere to be found until he tries to fire at you but miss.
'How can he miss when I'm out in the open..?'
"Oops sorry, my finger slipped." He says, coming towards you. You take the opportunity and use your ability to start shoot the bricks from the walls and start firing at him. You manage to knock the cold gun out of his hand and you try to leap for it but soon he's on you. Both of you rolling around on the ground and when the gun is finally in your reach, Snart quickly rolls you over on to your back. Using his strength to pin your hands above your head as he uses his body above yours to keep you down.
"Listen Y/N, I don't want to hurt you, honestly." Snart says in a low voice as you struggle under him. He pressed his body against yours more, which catches you off guard because you've never had a guy this close to you before and you actually like it.
Snart looks down at you, his face close to yours. "Every time you and the kid try to stop me, we always end up in the same situation. You coming after me. I stop you. You end up on your back with me on top of you. Even though I'm not complain, are you trying to drop a hint for me?" He ask.
You feel a deep blush forming on your cheeks because he hit the nail of the head. Since the beginning when you fought against Snart, it ended the same with him either pinning you down on the ground or up against the wall. And once he's off of you, you're left confused and extremely wet. You shouldn't be getting turned on from wrestling around with a criminal but you couldn't help yourself because once you're gone and in the comfort of your own home, you still feel his warmth, like his body is still pressed against yours. You use that to your advantage by pleasuring yourself to the thought of having Leonard Snart's naked body on top of yours.
'Oh not think about Leonard Snart naked! Do not think about Leonard Snart naked! Do not think about Leonard Snart naked!..'
You start feeling Snart's free hand moving down the sides of suit before rest on your thigh, a little squeeze brings you out of your thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" You notice Snart whispering in a deep voice that seems to rock your core. "Normally you'll be pushing me off you but seem kind of into it." You see him smirking lightly and that's when you notice how close his face is to yours.
"Tell me something because I'm curious.." Slowly, you feel him grabbing your leg and wrapping it around his waist. "How badly do you want me?" He ask as you feel him slowly grind into you which causes you to left your hips up and grind back.
'Oh crap..oh crap..oh crap..control yourself!!'
"Because I tell you how badly I want you Y/N." Snart whisper, his lips close to yours, you can easily lean up and kiss him. 'Just one kiss wouldn't hu-..' before you can finish your thought you hear Mick yelling. Almost like a reality switch, you both stare at each other with wide eyes. You hear Snart let out a low growl that almost sounds like disappointment but to your ears it was the sexist thing you've ever heard. Sadly, Leonard gets off of you and stands up, reach a hand out to help you up.
You let out a weak 'thanks', avoiding make eye contact with him but you can feel his eyes on you. Mick yells again, calling out for Snart but he only takes a deep breath, picking up his cold gun. "Gotta' run kid." He says in a calm tone as if not even a minute ago he wasn't close to fucking you right on the ground. And you would of let him too.
Leonard puts a hand on your head before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "If you want to continue our little game, you know where to find me." And with that, Snart leaves, making off with millions of dollars worth of jewelry.
Soon after that Barry comes running up, looking at you. "Y/N, what happened to Snart?" He ask as you stand there in your thoughts. You shake your head quickly, "Um..he away.." You say, rubbing the back on your head. Once the police finally make it here, both you and Barry are long gone and back at S.T.A.R. labs but the whole time you were lost in your thoughts once again thinking about Leonard Snart.
Finally after a long night you make it back to your place, falling face first onto your queen sized bed with a groan. 'Damn it Y/N...why do you have to be so weak when it comes to Snart?'
You lay down, asking yourself the million dollar question. With other guys, if they ever tried flirting with you or coming on to strong, you've never hesitated to blow them off. But with Leonard Snart, you couldn't tell if he was actually serious or just being his sarcastic self and normally you would brush off his flirty comments as him trying to distract you but more and more recently you notice that those flirty comments soon turned into lustful looks and touches and you had to admit, you actually liked it.
"What do I do now Y/N?" You ask yourself again, rolling over to your back with a frustrating groan before getting up to change get ready for bed. You change into a grey S.T.A.R. labs t-shirt and a fresh new pair of underwear before crawl under your sheets to sleep. You're soon woken up by the sound of your door bell ringing, you reach on your night stand to look at your phone to check the time, seeing that it's 1 in the morning.
'Who the hell could be at my house at this time?' You think to yourself while you get out of bed, tripping over your own part of shoes as you make your way through your living room to your front door. "Hold on." You call out, rubbing one of your eyes before you unlock you door and open it. You look up and stare in shock as Leonard Snart leans against the door frame.
"Snart! What are you doing here?" You ask, looking at him, still wearing his all black outfit with his famous blue parka.
He doesn't respond right away as he stares you up and down slowly. "Nice underwear." He comments as you look down, realizing you forgot to put pants on. You try to hide yourself behind your door before speaking. "What do you want Leonard?" You ask firmly.
Snart smirks before stepping into your place, not like you really tried stopping him. "I started having a feeling that you didn't think I was being serious about my offer. So I figured I'll come pay you a visiting instead." He says, walking into your living room, looking at a few things before turning around, leaning back against your couch.
You stare at him in confusing. "Wait, what offer?" You ask, closing your door before you walk into your own living room, standing in the doorway. Leonard sighs a little, titling his head to the side as he looks at you.
"The one from earlier. Where you'll come over to my place and we get rid of this sexual tension between us so that every time we meet on the battle field we're not looking at each other like we want to fuck each other." Snart states boldly.
You stand there, thinking. 'Am I really that obvious?' You think before looking at Snart, noticing his eyes lingering on your thighs, you can't help but rub them together. You clear your throat. "Look Snart, I don't know what kind of signs or hints you think I'm dropping but-"
"Save the small talk kid and get over here." Snart says, already taking off his parka. "Or should I come to you?" He raises an eyebrow, almost as if he's trying to challenge you but you're to busy focusing on how sexy, almost sinister like he looks in the dim light.
You try to find the right words to say but nothing seems to be able to come out. Snart shrugs his shoulders before leaning off the couch. "Looks like I'm coming to you then." And soon he starts walking towards you. His confidence leaves your knees shaking because he has a promising look in his eyes. As if letting you know you would not be disappointed if you two were to fuck.
But only one thought crosses your mind. 'If I were to sleep with Leonard Snart..then that means I'll be giving my virginity to a criminal..a very sexy criminal..who is sexy...'
Before he could finally close the distance between you two you finally blurt out your secret. "I'm a virgin!"
Leonard stumbles on his feet a little from what you've just said, looking at you in shock. "Come again?"
You chew on your lower lip. "I'm a virgin. I've never had sex before." You says firmly, even with the deep blush on your face.
You expected Leonard to laugh at you for being a virgin at your age or even just walk out but what you didn't expect him to do was close the distance between your two, cup your face gently and kiss you passionately.
"I knew you were too good." He whispers against your lips before kissing you again, his hands moving down to your waist. Without missing a beat, you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him back with just as much passion.
"Jump." He mumbles against your lips and you do so, wrapping your legs around his waist as his hands cup your ass while your lips move together as he presses your back against the wall. Leonard breaks the kiss and begins attacking your neck, licking and nibbling. You let out a soft moan which only make him keep going. He soon pulls back, looking at you with such lust, he places his forehead onto yours. "Which way is the bedroom?"
You take a moment to catch your breath before speaking. "Down the hall to the left." You whisper. His lips are back on yours and he starts moving down the hallways to your bedroom, giving you a firm slap on the ass while he walks. Before you know it, you're lay flat on your back with Leonard Snart between your legs.
Len soon leans back, his fingers hooking in the waistband of your underwear before pulling them down your legs. "Take your shirt off. Now." He commands, his tone deep and oh so sexy. You soon pull off the S.T.A.R. labs t-shirt while he takes off his. Once off, Leonard sits back and admires your figure, causing you to feel a little insecure.
"Gorgeous." You hear him whisper before leaning down, kissing you against as he presses his body against yours. His hands roaming all over your slowly, one of his hands cupping your breast as the other one grips your ass. The feeling of him rolling and pinching your nipples between his fingers causes you to moan against his lips. Leonard take the change to slide his tongue in your mouth, moaning as well as you start to grind against him.
Leonard breaks the kiss, moving to your neck and for some reason, your thoughts start to flood your mind. 'What if I'm not good?...what if I can't fit him?...what if he's just using me for sex?'
Sensing this, Leonard stops, his gaze moving up to yours. "What's wrong Y/N?" He ask, looking at you with concern. You bite your lower lip. "Are you sure about this?" You ask softly, avoiding his gaze. Snart titles his head. "Y/N, are YOU sure about this?" He ask back, noticing the expression on your face.
"I-I just don't want this to be a one time thing." You let out with a sigh before covering your face. "Oh God this is embarrassing. I must sound so needy." You say out loud, more to yourself than him.
Snart stares at you in confusing before he chuckles. "Trust me, if this was a one time thing, I would of already fucked you and left." He says calmly, removing your hands from your face gently. "But I didn't, because I know that you deserve way better than that." He says, kissing your already swollen lips. "I'm not going anywhere for a while." Leonard states. "So just lay back and relax."
All you can do was nod your head because you actually believe him. Leonard smirks before going back to attacking your neck, causing you to close your eyes in pleasure. His lips move down from your neck to your chest, kissing over your breasts before his tongue flicking over your sensitive nipples, making you moan louder.
He takes the hint and keeps going. Sucking and licking on your nipples while his other hand holds onto your waist, keeping your in place as you were trying to get some friction between the two of you.
"Leonard, I need you now." You say, panting as he lifts up his head with a smirk. He starts kissing down your body more, making you arch your back while he licks and nibbles down. Without warning, you feel him devouring your wet sex, making you cry out loudly in pleasure. He licks, suck, and nibbles on your throbbing clit and wet folds, his roughness only turning you on more. He takes your legs and places them over his broad shoulders as he moves his tongue inside you, making you moan his name out in pleasure, which only encourages him to continue his assault on your sex. Not expecting him to be rough but you love it. Soon, Snart brings a finger up, sliding it inside your tight opening, causing you to dig your nails in her shoulders. Hard. He insert another one, pumping his fingers in and out of you while he continues sucking on your clit. "Come on Y/N, cum for me."
It doesn't take long before you're crying out his name and cumming against his lips and around fingers. Leonard laps up all your juices before leaning up, sight of him licking your lips makes your body shakes. "Someone's in a hurry." Snart says with a smirk licking his fingers clean before leaning down and kissing you on the lips, making you taste yourself for the first time. In one swift move, Snart has his pants and boxers off, his cock standing thick and hard. You can't help but lick your lips as you watch him get back onto the bed, getting in between your legs.
"You sure about this Y/N? We don't have to go any further if you don't want too." Leonard ask, his intense eyes staring at you, his thumb gently rubbing on your lower lip and you heart beings to swell from him being so care and gentle. Another thing you weren't expecting from him.
You lean up, kissing Leonard on the lips. "I'm sure, I want it to be you." You whisper before kissing him again, feeling the tip of his cock pressing against your opening. Slowly, he slides inside you, moving gently to avoid moving to fast yet. Leonard gives you one hard thrust, breaking your hymen. You wince loudly against his lips and he stops, not moving as he lets you adjust to his size.
You both stay still and just kiss each other, his tongue dancing over yours as the pain soon turns into pleasure. You wrap your legs around his waist to pull him in closer. "Move." You whisper between kisses.
"You sure?" Snart ask, looking down at you. You only nod your head, thrust your hips up a little as a sign that you want to keep going. Snart soon starts moving his hips slowly, getting a steady pace going as he start trusting in and out of you.
"Harder." You hear yourself moan but he listens, speeding up his pace as his hips crash into yours until you're seeing stars. You cry out his name loudly as your orgasm hits you but he doesn't stop his rough pace and soon you find yourself on the verge of cumming again. You feel your walls clenching tightly around his cock as he lets out a deep growl that quickly sends you over the edge and soon his own release as well. Snart slows his pace down to a stop, his lips kissing and nibbling on your neck while you both pant out in pleasure.
"That was amazing." You say breathlessly. You feel Leonard smirk against your neck, his hands moving up and down your thighs. "How about a shower to clean you up?" He asks, biting on your ear playfully. You let out a weak 'mhm' before Snart pulls out of you slowly, picking you up caveman style and carrying you to your bathroom.
"This so unnecessary." You says with a giggle as he carries you. He gives you a firm slap on your ass causing you to yelp. "Shut up." He says sarcastically.
Snart puts you down and turns to get the shower going when you notice nail marks on his back. You can't help but blush to yourself, knowing that you're the one to leave them there. Soon, you're both in the shower with you standing in front of Leonard while the hot water coming over you.
Leonard wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you towards him. "How are you feeling?" He ask in a low tone, his lips kissing against your ear. You smile, turning around in his arms. "Better now." You says "Sorry about your back." You says, thinking about the scares you left there. Leonard smirks at you. "Don't worry about it. I actually like them. It lets me know that I'm making you feel good." He states boldly.
You feel a smile form on your lips. "Well, I hope this isn't the last time you do." You say softly. Snart grabs your chin gently, making you look up at him. "I meant what I said earlier, I'm not going anywhere. So get used to me being around more offend."
You bite you lower lip before looking up at him, pressing your lips against his. What started out as an innocent kiss soon turns into a full make out session with your back pressed against your shower walls.
You soon break the kiss, needing to catch your breath. You look at Snart, seeing the lust returning to his eyes. You can't help but giggle. "Round 2?" You ask,raising your eyebrows.
Snart gives you his famous smirk. "Round 2."

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