Slow[Wally x Reader]

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It's not entirely smut but oh well

You smiled as you rolled over in bed to look over at your friend who had woken you up with his talking

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You smiled as you rolled over in bed to look over at your friend who had woken you up with his talking.
This wasn't the first time you two had shared a bed, it kind of became routine after Netflix and snack (a term he himself had coined.). This was the first time you saw him with that look on his face.
"Slower." he grinned "slower. Uh-huh perrrfect." He purred
"Wally?" You whispered
"Yes babe, that's MY name." He moaned and you finally saw the movement of his hand underneath the sheets.
Oh. My. God. What. No. Yes. How?!
A million thoughts ran through your mind as you, no you didn't enjoy this. Right? You shouldn't.
You bit your lip as you watched his facial expressions change.
"Slow babe, sloooooow. No no no don't - ... oh? Yeah that's good too. Just like that Y/N."
What the hell were you doing? Would it be weird to try and find out so you could do it later?
God damnit you huffed, typical Wally getting you all worked up.
"Mmmffff." He moaned as you tempted the thought of putting your hands down his Pyjama pants you were borrowing.
"Nope too weird." You muttered to yourself, accidentally breaking him out of his dream.
"Oh shit." He blushed as he realised what you had just witnessed.
"I would love to know how you think I'm such a - what was it? A deity of sex?" You grinned at him teasingly
He blushed but recovered quickly "well I could enlighten you but then I'd never get you off me." He winked
"Oh you want to bet?" You winked at him causing him to blush more.
"Are you serious or?" He asked quietly "because I know we flirt but I've still got a boner and I'm a millisecond away from climbing on top of you. Plus I really enjoy our friendship and I'm happy to crush on you still-" you cut him off by placing your finger on his lips.
"We'll just have to be careful to go slow." You grinned as he had just admitted he reciprocated your feelings.
"Y/N I.."
"Wally shut up unless you're telling me exactly what I did in your dream." You smiled climbing on top of him and gently stroking his throbbing erection.
'How do I know this isn't my dream still?" He asked himself as he closed his eyes in bliss.
"Or mine." You grinned at him.
You smiled as you rolled over in bed to look over at your friend who had woken you up with his talking.
This wasn't the first time you two had shared a bed, it kind of became routine after Netflix and snack (a term he himself had coined.). This was the first time you saw him with that look on his face.
"Slower." he grinned "slower. Uh-huh perrrfect." He purred
"Wally?" You whispered
"Yes babe, that's MY name." He moaned and you finally saw the movement of his hand underneath the sheets.
Oh. My. God. What. No. Yes. How?!
A million thoughts ran through your mind as you, no you didn't enjoy this. Right? You shouldn't.
You bit your lip as you watched his facial expressions change.
"Slow babe, sloooooow. No no no don't - ... oh? Yeah that's good too. Just like that Y/N."
What the hell were you doing? Would it be weird to try and find out so you could do it later?
God damnit you huffed, typical Wally getting you all worked up.
"Mmmffff." He moaned as you tempted the thought of putting your hands down his Pyjama pants you were borrowing.
"Nope too weird." You muttered to yourself, accidentally breaking him out of his dream.
"Oh shit." He blushed as he realised what you had just witnessed.
"I would love to know how you think I'm such a - what was it? A deity of sex?" You grinned at him teasingly
He blushed but recovered quickly "well I could enlighten you but then I'd never get you off me." He winked
"Oh you want to bet?" You winked at him causing him to blush more.
"Are you serious or?" He asked quietly "because I know we flirt but I've still got a boner and I'm a millisecond away from climbing on top of you. Plus I really enjoy our friendship and I'm happy to crush on you still-" you cut him off by placing your finger on his lips.
"We'll just have to be careful to go slow." You grinned as he had just admitted he reciprocated your feelings.
"Y/N I.."
"Wally shut up unless you're telling me exactly what I did in your dream." You smiled climbing on top of him and gently stroking his throbbing erection.
'How do I know this isn't my dream still?" He asked himself as he closed his eyes in bliss.
"Or mine." You grinned at him.

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