Super Sex

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Warnings: Oral sex. Just general smutty goodness

Summary: Barry tries something new with his superspeed...

___________________________It was nearly midnight and Barry still wasn't home

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It was nearly midnight and Barry still wasn't home. Early today he had mentioned going after some meta human that was robbing banks. No big deal. At least that was what I kept telling myself. Barry had been gone for seven hours, and I had tried calling Star Labs, but no one answered. If this was a normal bank robbery, Barry should have been back within the hour. I snatch my phone and compose another text to send to Barry.
Hey Barry. I'm really worries so just call me or text me or have Caitlyn call me when you see this. I love you.
I groan and send the text. Maybe this will be the text Barry sees. I decide to turn on the news to see if maybe some news network is covering him. Before I can turn on the television, I'm whisked out of my bedroom into the kitchen.
"Barry! Thank god you're okay. You scared me to death! I thought you hurt!"
"I'm fine Y/N. The network at Star Labs crashed. I couldn't see your texts or 27 missed calls. When the network went down, we couldn't get the doors open. I'm sorry I scared you."
I smiled and wrapped my legs around Barry's waist, and pulled him closer to me. I put my head against his, "So how do you plan on making it up to me Flash?"
Barry smiled, "I was thinking me and you, our bedroom, maybe trying out my superspeed..." I wrap my hands around Barry's neck, "That's very kinky Flash."
"Says you." "What are you waiting for?"
Barry grabbed me and ran into our room. The speed of his running had knocked papers off the dresser. "You're making a mess." "You won't be concerned with the condition of our bedroom for much longer." Barry tells me.
Barry snakes his hands under my shirt and pulls it over my head, revealing my black, lacey, bra. I lift up my hips and Barry helps me out of my pajama pants. "You're wearing too much." I say as I tug at the hem of Barry's shirt.
Within seconds, Barry was in his underwear. His member hardened inside the confines of his underwear. Barry notices me stare, "You like what you see?" I moan, "God yes Barry!" Barry smiles at my enthusiasm.
I wrap my arms around Barry's neck and pulled him into me. "I'm tired of waiting. I want you now." I tell Barry. Barry snakes his hand up my spine and unclasps my bra. He took my right nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it as he massaged my left breast with his hand.
"Fuck Bar!" I groan. Barry releases my breasts and pushes me into the mattress. In a second Barry has his arms at my head. Barry's body has me trapped between him and the mattress. Barry smiles and leans down. "I wanna try something. Are you game for a little experimentation?" Barry asks me. I nod.
Barry moves away from my face and down towards my pussy. I lift my hips so he can remove my panties. "Barry, you've eaten me out before." I tell him. "I know. I learned a new skill." Before I can respond, Barry's mouth is on my core. He licks a strip up the center and I try to buck my hips up. Barry moves one arm up so he can hold down my hips.
I moan as Barry continues licking at me. It felt great, but none of this was new. Suddenly Barry sticks his tongue into me. He starts circling it around faster than a human, but not at superspeed. I let out a yelp. This took me to a hold new world. It didn't take long before I felt my stomach begin to knot up. "Barry I-I'm gonna-ah!"
Barry didn't stop after my first orgasm. He drank up my juices, and continued his assault. Barry moved his mouth up slightly so he was right over my clit. Barry took the nub into his mouth, and placed his tongue over it. I had a break for a moment before Barry placed his tongue over my clit and used his superspeed to vibrate. "FUCK BARRY!" I scream.
I was beyond cloud nine, hell, I was on cloud twenty. My metahuman boyfriend was using his tongue was a vibrator. This is insane.
All of the sudden I felt two of Barry's long fingers slip inside of me. Barry curled his fingers up against my g-spot, and started vibrating. "B-Barry I-I'm gonna-ah passss out-t" I manage to say. "Cum" Barry orders me. I do and then I'm out.
I wake up and look at the clock. I was out for three hours. "How was your nap sleeping beauty? I didn't hurt you did I?" Barry said while sitting next too me. "I wouldn't use the word the hurt, you blew my mind." Barry wrapped him arms around my torso and pulled me into him. I leaned my head against his chest and listened to his heart. Barry stroked my hair as we cuddled.
"That was the most amazing experience of my life Barry." I say as we cuddle. Barry squeezes me, "I bet. You did black out." I turn my head around and reached up to kiss Barry. He smiles into the kiss and I flip my self around so that I am straddling him. "Are you really up for another round Y/N?" "Only if you are Flash." I say with a smirk. Barry smiles before pulling the covers over us.

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