Under You [a E2 Barry Allen Smut]

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Imagine: you are wearing lingerie because the rest of your  clothes is dirty and Barry gets a glimpse of it.
[Earth 2 Barry!!]

Barry had a long day at the CCPD

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Barry had a long day at the CCPD. He had been going non stop since five in the morning and it felt like he was doing case after case. So, when the day finally comes to an end, he rushes back home. Frustration starts bubbling up inside him as he tries to shove the tiny key in the doorknob, glasses falling down the bridge of his nose.
An angry huff dangles off his tongue; he jams the key in, twisting the knob. His brown dress shoes scratch against the hardwood floor and he drops his leather briefcase with a sigh. He's about to call out for you, until he sees you pass through the kitchen. In nothing but your seethrough black lace babydoll lingerie.
His jaw almost smacks the floor. Keeping calm, he shrugs his green windbreaker off his shoulders, tossing it over his forearm. "Sweetheart," he squeaks, scurrying towards the kitchen at a slow pace. "I...I'm home..." he gulps, pulling at his white button down collar. His bowtie feels like it's strangling him.
Coming around the corner, you smile, cupping his flushed cheeks. His eyelids flutter down for just a moment, peeking at your exposed breasts. You picked a great day to do laundry..."How was work?" you ask sweetly, taking note of the growing tent in his tan dress pants. Hmm... Discretely, you allow your hand to travel towards his groin, cupping him in your palm.
"F-fine?" he breathes, thick brown eyebrows scrunching together while you start rubbing your palm up and down. Somehow, you have trapped him against the wall connected to the staircase; he whimpers, throwing his head back, thick melted chocolate locks bouncing. "Y-you...ah...please. I...I can't-" he cuts himself off, shaking his head.
Batting your eyelashes, you crouch down, dripping your hands down his entire body; his breath hitches, glasses slipping to the upturned dip of his nose. "What do you need, baby? Tell me." you whisper seductively, toying with his pants zipper. The lingerie leaves absolutely nothing to his imagination, showing off your perfect body.
Barry blushes like a madman, tugging at his bright yellow and silver bowtie, attempting to give him a little more breathing room. He doesn't even get to answer before your fingers pop the button on his pants and unzip his dick from its clothed cage. A low whine passes his pink parted lips as he screws his eyes shut in a pained expression. This is killing him. "Y/N, p-please - I...I need - ah..."
In one fluid motion, you manage to collect both his dress pants and gray boxer briefs in your fists, yanking them down, causing his dick to slap his clean button up. Smirking, you lean forward, peppering kisses here and there; first on the inside of his thighs, ending at the head of his dick. He withers underneath your touch, hands desperate to grab a hold of something. When you take him in your mouth, he comes undone; pulling his bowtie off his neck as the lens' of his glasses fog his vision.
Your tongue swirls around his head, bobbing up and down, hands neatly placed on both of his hips, fingers digging into his skin. A deep moan rips out of his throat, encouraging for you to keep going. And, oh, do you keep going. His nimble fingers tangle in your hair while you hollow your cheeks, sucking even harder.
Panting and whimpering, Barry glances down, enjoying watching your breasts jiggle. A cry leaves him and his head slams back against the wall forcefully. "I...oh god...pull...I-I'm close..." he warns, waiting for you to pull away.
Except, you don't. You keep going; head bobbing, leading him to cumming. In just a few seconds, and a few sucks, he unloads himself, calling out your name like a holy prayer. His hands tug on the strands of your hair, yanking you off him; a long line of spit connecting his dick to your lips. With a limp hand, he pushes his glasses up his nose, smiling lazily. "Thanks, love." he says in a daze.
You swallow, standing up and kissing his lips, making him taste himself. "Hmm...maybe I should do this more often." you tease, pulling on the collar of his dress shirt.
He cracks a sideways grin, "maybe you should"

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