Let's Try Something[Barry Allen x reader]

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Prompt: "They always make shower sex so appealing, but honestly this is getting dangerous."

You and Barry had just come back from a really nice dinner. He took you out as an apology for missing so many others because of Flash work. You told him it was alright as long as he's saving people, otherwise you'd be pissed. Tonight, he didn't get called away, interrupting your laugh at a cute joke he told you. Tonight he didn't get sent away into a situation, that might not let him leave. Tonight, you had fun, with the one you love.
When you two got back, it was all giggles. Well, you wee all giggles. Barry was fine, thanks to his metabolism. You may have had one too many glasses of wine before coming back, and now you were tipsy to say the least.
Barry smiled at you giggles and sat you on the couch, walking away he stated he was going to hop in the shower but you grabbed his belt loops to anchor him in front of you. Suddenly your expression, and his, turned serious. You stood up and kissed him deeply, pulling him closer by his belt loops. You wanted him. He pulled away and tries to push you away. You show him a look of surprise and shame.
"No, Baby, it's just– you've been drinking. I don't want to take advantage of you like that." You smile brightly at his statement.
"I'm perfectly fine. It's not like this is the first time we've been together. I want you."
"But... What about my shower?" He said, pouting.
"I'll join you." That sparked a fire in his eyes. Even though you've had sex before, you've never done anything really... Adventuress? Playful? Kinky. And he was clearly excited about it. Kinky S.O.B.
He grabs your hand and leads you to the bathroom, fast walking while undoing his tie and throwing it somewhere. When he reaches the door he turns around and kisses you lightly, as sweet as it is, you deepen the kiss and pull him closer, undoing his shirt buttons and pushing off his jacket. He reaches behind him and opens the bathroom door, pulling you in, braking the kiss to turn on the water.
He unzips your dress slowly, making sure to have his fingers lightly dance against the newly exposed skin, which sends shivers throughout your body. He pushes down the straps of your dress to see you're not wearing any underwear or a bra, which draws a growl from his throat. He unzips his pants and pulls them down along with his boxers, his erection springing free.
He takes your hand and pulls you into the warm shower. Once in, he pushes you against the wall which causes you to slip and let out a Yelp. Thankfully, Barry catches you before you fall in the ground.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" He asks worriedly grabbing your face between his hands. As response you kiss his lips slowly. He returns the kiss and not much longer the mood returns. He attaches his mouth to your nipple, causing you to arch your back and moan in pleasure. You lace your fingers through his hair and tug lightly.
He returns to your face and you drop to your knees in front of him. You grab his length in your hand and lick off the precum forming at the tip, then lick a long stride along the bottom. He cries out as you lick the sensitive vein on his length and his knees start to buckle. He stumbles back into the wall, in the process almost falling.
"They always make shower sex so appealing, but honestly this is getting dangerous." He laughs at your honesty.
"Yeah, I hate to be like this but, can we like not in here? It's scary." You giggle and take his hand, turning off the water.
You grab a towel and start to wipe him down, paying special attention to his lower regions. Once you're done, he takes the towel and does the same to you, playing with your boobs in the process. When he's done he looks at your face and bites his lip.
"Can we... Try something?" He asks worriedly. You furrow your brows in confusion. Has the sex really been that bad?
"Uhm, yeah, sure." He smiles brightly and then picks you up. You let out a squeak in surprise. He places your knees on the counter in front of the mirror.
"I want you to see how beautiful and sexy you are when you come. I want you to see what I see." He starts to rub your clit in circles which causes you to close your eyes in delight. Then, you feel his hand stop. He puts his head on your shoulder and your open your eyes in annoyance at the loss of contact. You look into his eyes silently asking why. "Keep your eyes open." You quickly nod your head and he continues to rub circles.
He takes his fingers and inserts them into you which causes you to moan loudly. His thumb is still rubbing your clit as he starts to pump his fingers in and out. He kisses and nips at your shoulder lightly. You looked into your own reflection. Barry completely having his way with you turns you on, but watching it, makes you come. And you come hard. He works your through your climax then pulls out his fingers and let's you down. You lean against the counter, trying to catch your breath.
"Did you like that, baby?" He asks, pushing the hair out of your face and kissing your forehead. You nod your head yes, because of your shortness of breath. "Mm, I did too."
He picks you up again, but this time only sits your on the counter. He spreads your legs open and this time gets on his knees. He laps at your folds, cleaning you up in a way, but only making more of a mess. You grab his hair as he sucks on your sensitive clit. He continues to suck, then with one last lick, separates and stands back up. He grabs his own length and lines up with your entrance. He pushes into slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size.
"You feel so good, baby... All mine... God, yours so pretty..." He thrusts in and out, getting faster with each thrust until you're coming again. Then, his thrusts get sloppier he comes too. You can feel his hot seed filling you as you come down from your climax.
He pulls out and pulls you off the counter. You wrap your arms around his torso and rest your head as you try to catch your breath again. He's also breathing heavily but he treats you like you're priority number one, which is correct to him. He picks you up bridal style and brings you to the bedroom where he lays you down, then lies beside you.
Once you both catch your breath, you snuggle closer to him and rest your head and hand on his bare chest (A/n his Barr chest haha).
"I love you, (Y/n)." You hear right before you drift into a blissful sleep.

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