Who Would've Thought // Cisco x Reader Smut

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Imagine that you're just trying to make Barry jealous but end up liking Cisco more.

Imagine that you're just trying to make Barry jealous but end up liking Cisco more

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With a sigh you settled into your little hiding spot at S.T.A.R. labs. It was a small reading nook (empty broom closet) tucked behind Cisco's office. No one ever knew where you disappeared to when you needed space, and today you needed galaxies. All morning you'd been fighting off your feelings for Barry - more than usual. You'd seen him flirting with Iris so much more lately and it annoyed you. You liked Barry but would never admit it. At least to anyone but yourself. So there you sat, on your mountain of - probably 30 plus - smuggled pillows with your favorite book, Prisoner of Azkaban, in your lap. You weren't even reading it it was just spread to the page you were on across your stomach. You laid yourself back against the wall with a exasperated sigh. Unfortunately for you Cisco had made his way to his office and when you made audible sounds he had heard you, and his footsteps crept closer to the door hidden around a dark corner that was blocked off by boxes of excess parts and gadgets. You heard him shuffling things around to get to the door, and when he opened it he had a long crowbar raised in fear. He let out a breath of relief when he realized it was only you and you chuckled. "You found me." You stated smiling up at him. His features brightened back at you and he walked into the small room. "Is this like that game sardines where once I find you I hide with you?" An eyebrow quirked up as he asked, and you chuckled and patted a spot next to you on your pillow pile.
Cisco settled in next to you rather snugly and leaned back on his elbows, crossing his ankles before tilting his head to you. "So what's got you so down that you retreated in here with your comfort book?" You huffed out a laugh at the phrase and shrugged. "Just needed to clear my head I guess." He could tell you were holding back the whole truth, Cisco always read you so well without even having to Vibe you. "Get away from the scarlet speedster and his gigglebox girlfriend?" His nicknames were always on point. You nodded with your eyes aimed at the floor before you slumped over with your head between your knees. "It's just so.." "Annoying." The two of you stated in unison before laughing together. "I'm glad someone agrees." You sat up and turned towards him. "I just wish there was some way to annoy them just as much you know?" As you spoke his eyes lit up and you furrowed your brow. Before you could even ask 'What?' he was explaining his sudden excitement to you. "What if we could? We could totally act the way they're acting- NO! We could act even more obnoxious, and maybe they'd get the hint and if not it'd sure get under Barry's skin." The idea intrigued you. Maybe this was a way to make him jealous? You thought silently. A smile rose to your lips and you nodded. "Alright let's do it. But first.." you reached up and scrunched wrinkles into his shirt. "Hey! What the hell, I ironed this this morning!" Cisco protested but you scoffed, now moving to tussle his and your own hair. "Gotta make it look convincing, Ramon. Duh." You smirked as he nodded with an, "Ahh, I see. Smart girl."
After a few more minutes you heard Barry calling for the both of you. "Show time.." Cisco whispered as the two of you jumped up and walked to the main area of his office. Moments later Barry walked in with a puzzled expression on his face. "Where have you two been? – And what have you been doing?" His eyebrows raised at your messy hair and the lines in Cisco's shirt. You flashed a playful smile at Cisco and he winked at you, being as obvious as can be to convince Barry. "Oh just, researching." Cisco nonchalantly shrugged it off and walked past Barry towards the Cortex. Barry watched with confusion as he left before turning back to you. You tried to read him but it was hard when he wasn't saying anything. "What?" You asked innocently. He simply shook his head. "Uh, nothing.." You copied Cisco's gesture and shrugged before walking out. Your new parter in crime was waiting for you in the hallway and high fived you before Barry followed you out. Pretending you two didn't see him, Cisco placed his hand on the small of your back as the two of you walked. Your face tinted pink a bit at his touch. Why did that make you blush? You ignored the color on your cheeks as you heard Barry huff behind you and Cisco quickly pulled his hand away and walked ahead of you. "What's up with you two?" Barry asked sternly, catching you off guard. "Nothing. Why would something be up with me and Cisco?" You laughed, walking away before he could respond.
For the next few hours you two played off of each other effortlessly. Every joke Cisco made you giggled a little extra at. You two threw candy at each other's mouths from across the room in a sort of game, teasing each other playfully when the other would miss. At one point Cisco even ventured as to brush your hair out of your face when it fell from your ponytail. All the while Barry sat back and observed, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Even when Iris arrived his attention was locked on the two of you. Your plan was working, but you didn't seem to care very much anymore. It felt like the more you and Cisco played this game the less you cared about what Barry thought of it and the more you just wanted to keep playing. "Hey Y/N?" Caitlin spoke from inside the lab, so you followed her voice to discuss some different findings from the latest evidence you'd collected about this week's meta. Once you walked away Barry sprung from his chair and sped to Cisco who was typing at a computer game. The raven haired boy glanced up at Barry with a blank expression. "Someone's feeling urgent. What's up man?" He asked, pausing his game and leaning back in his chair. Barry leaned against the table and cleared his throat. "Are you and Y/N like.. a thing? Or do you uh, are you into her?" His question made Cisco chuckle but also think. Was he? Did he subconsciously come up with this rouse just as an excuse to openly flirt with you? He let the question linger for a minute before nodding. "Yeah man, yeah I am into her. We aren't a thing, yet." He punctuated the word with a point and Barry laughed. "That's awesome dude, she's clearly into you." That made Cisco's eyebrows raise. "You think so?" Barry huffed in response. "Uhm, totally and completely into you man. Have you seen the way she's been acting with you today? You can't fake that kind of chemistry." Cisco's eyes traveled to you with a glazed over look. He smiled watching you talking with Caitlin. "Yeah.. guess you can't."
You watched from the corner of your eye as they talked but you couldn't hear anything. Unlike usual you weren't fixated on the speedster, but Cisco. Today had been beyond fun and he'd kept you constantly smiling and giggling. Caitlin caught your glances and nudged you softly with a coy half smile. "What's with you today?" Her question snapped your focus back to her. "Huh? What do you mean?" You rebutted and she gave you her signature 'Really?' look. "You and Cisco! You've been all over each other." You smiled, glancing back to the boys talking and gave a shrug before explaining the initial plan to her. Afterwards you shrugged again. "But now.. I don't really care what Barry thinks about it. I've been having a lot of fun with Cisco and honestly? I don't want it to stop." You felt the blood rush to your cheeks at the admission. Caitlin smiled wide at you and giggled. "Then don't let it." Her statement echoed in your mind as you turned to see Cisco gazing at you with a look in his eyes you'd never seen before. It brought that same pinkness back to your face and you smiled at him, and he immediately smiled back with a small chuckle leaving his lips. Barry caught the encounter as did Caitlin, both of them simultaneously teasing the two of you individually, "That's so cuuute." Both you and Cisco laughed and muttered a 'shut up' at your friends.
After you and Caitlin finished reviewing everything you stepped back into the main room making your way towards the door. "Where you headed off to?" Harry called after you. "Just gonna take a break for a while." You knew Cisco knew where you were going and you silently hoped he would follow you back to where the two of you had started your afternoon. Thankfully he did and a few minutes after you settled into your fortress of pillows he peaked his head in the door with a grin on his face. "Room for one more?" His question didn't even need answered as he stepped in, flopping down next to you on the pile, even closer than he had earlier that day. A small laugh left your lips as he laid down and closed his eyes. For a moment you just stared at him, watching his chest move up and down as he breathed, and how his lips curled up into a small smile almost constantly. It was cute. When he opened his eyes again you averted yours as quickly as you could but it was no use, he'd totally caught you staring.
"So," he began as he propped himself up with pillows. "Today was.. fun." Responding with a nod you changed positions, deciding the most comfortable place to lay was with your head in Cisco's lap. He swallowed a dry lump that had formed in his throat with how close you were to his.. nether region. You turned your head to look up at him and smiled sweetly. "Today really was fun, Cisco." You stated, eyes and tone both softened for him. He smiled just as softly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face again and tucking it behind your ear. Only this time his hand lingered at the base of your neck. Both of you kept your eyes locked and in a moment's notice he'd pulled you up to him and your lips connected. It was electrifying, and you melted into him as you kissed his supple lips. His hand wrapped around the back of your neck and your own found it's way to his wrist, holding it where it was as to say not to stop. He got the hint, shifting to move his entire body closer to yours. Now you took the hint. You broke from the kiss only you position yourself in his lap. Once comfortably straddling him you reconnected your lips, this time with more heat behind it and he definitely noticed.
After a few more minutes of the increased heat you could feel his jeans tighten underneath you and you smiled against his lips. You broke the kiss but didn't pull away, your breath hot against his lips as you spoke. "Today could get a lot more fun.. if you want?" Your sentence had started out seductive but the last three words came out soft and slightly insecure. Cisco didn't even notice. All he heard was that you wanted this just as much as he did. "Oh, I'm always in the mood for having fun with you." His words made your stomach do backflips and you grinned before reconnecting your lips to his once more. Wrapping your arms around his neck you held his body close to yours before starting to rock your hips back and forth. He was already getting hard and that only sped up the process. He groaned into the kiss as your movements created more friction until he couldn't stand it anymore. With strength you didn't know he had, Cisco flipped you onto your back and hovered over you, hair falling into his face. "Let's have some fun, Y/N." His tone was different now, sexier and lower. Leaning down to press his lips to your skin he multi-tasked and started to unbutton your shorts before slipping them down. You let out a pleasured sigh as he nipped at the exposed skin of your collar bone, and you wondered if he could feel how hard your heart was pounding. Next he moved to the hem of your panties and you mentally thanked yourself for wearing lace today.
"Mm.." you breathed as his lips trailed kisses up and down your skin. Hearing you show your appreciation only made Cisco grow harder and more impatient. He sat up abruptly and pulled you shorts off in one swift motion, followed by his own pants. You watched his mouth curl into a smirk at the sight of the black see through panties and he groaned in appreciation. You matched his smirk and cooed up at him, your words dripping with seduction now. "You like, Mr. Ramon?" He nodded enthusiastically. "Almost as much as I like it when our call me Mr. Ramon." He winked at you before leaning back down and crashing your lips together again. This kiss was passionate, somewhat sloppy and full of lust. You didn't want to break it but you wanted more skin exposed. Pushing him off of you his face distorted for a split second before he watched you peel your loose top off your body, exposing the matching bra to the panties he enjoyed so much. Cisco took a moment to take in the sight of you, brushing his fingertips along your side and down your hips. "Wow.. you're so breathtakingly beautiful." His words lit your face up like a tomato but you smiled nonetheless. You lifted the edges of his shirt and he helped you get it off of him. He was no Oliver Queen under there but he was still toned enough to catch your gaze for a few seconds. "Now come here." You teased, curling your finger in a cone hither motion at him. He flashed that sexy smirk again before letting his hands roam your body. Eyelids fluttering closed you let out a small sigh at his touch. Next thing you knew he had slipped a hand past the lace and was teasingly stroking your wet entrance just slightly. A whimper fell from your lips and his smirk only grew. "Cisco.." you whined, causing his erection to grow more if that was even possible. "I'll make sure you keep saying my name baby." As he spoke he began flicking his thumb over your clit, causing you to draw in a sharp breath. Before you could stabilize your breathing he slid two fingers into you and began curling them just as you'd done at him minutes before. You moaned softly at the way he touched you and arched your back as he picked up speed on your clit. "God damn you're wet, and it's all for me.." he muttered, leaning down to pepper kisses down your stomach. Your body twitched when his lips dipped below your panty line. "Mm, Cisco.. don't stop." Your words mixed together with small moans. Everything you were doing was only exciting him more. His teeth bit down on the fabric of your panties, pulling them down and you helped shimmy them off. After they'd been discarded to the corner he returned his lips dangerously close to your wetness.
Your breathing hitched at the sight of his mouth so close, and he smirked and pulled his fingers out of you but keeping the attention on your sensitive nub. "Tell me what you want, baby girl.." his words sent a shiver down your spine. Who would've thought Cisco Ramon had such a dominant side in the bedroom. "I want you, Cisco.." That response was good enough for him. "I want you to tell me what you want done to you.. and I'll do it." His voice was low and raspy and so intoxicating. "Taste me.." you breathed as his work on your clit brought you closer to your climax. He hummed as his mouth connected to the center and a slur of moans left your lips. He removed his thumb from your clit only to replace it with his rapid moving tongue. God bless his Spanish roots for that. You arched your back involuntary as his tongue flicked over your now throbbing sensitive clit. He inserted a finger and pumped it quickly in and out, adding a second and then a third to get you warmed up. Your moans grew louder with every pump into you and his mouth continued to lap up your wetness. "Cisco.. I-I- oh god.." you wound a hand into his dark locks and tugged rather hard. Little did you know hair pulling was one of his biggest turn ons, so it made him moan against you and vibrate your core. Your body began to twitch as you got closer and closer to your ecstasy, so you pulled his hair again this time pulling him away. You didn't want to come until he did. "Why'd you stop me?" He asked softly, worried he'd screwed up. You bit your lip and began to slip his boxers off his hips, his rock hard, almost painfully so, member springing out to greet you and hit his stomach.
"Because I want you, all of you.." as you spoke you began stroking his length slowly. He hissed as your fingers wrapped around his sensitive head. "I'm all yours baby.." he breathed and without warning hoisted your legs around his waist and thrusted into you, causing you to cry out loudly. He was thick and rock hard and you hadn't been fucked in a while, and never like this. He thrusted a few times slowly to help you adjust before slamming into you once, then pulling out painfully slowly just to rail into you again even harder. You couldn't stop the high pitched moans that filled the air. He was still for a moment looking down at your still covered chest. "Take it off.." he growled and you happily obliged. You began to get hasty and he shook his head. "Slowly.. tease me." Cisco's eyes were clouded with pure lust and it turned you on like nothing else. You bit your lip and slowly slipped one strap off your shoulder and then the other. Staying still a moment you then rolled your hips causing him to groan and tilt his head back. Grabbing the lace bra and flinging it across the room you ground your hips in a figure right and gasped as his tip grazed the g-spot. He noticed and thrusted hard and fast, hitting it over and over again. "Fucking shit you're tight.. so wet for daddy.." a shiver filled you as he muttered 'daddy' and you took that cue to call him that yourself. "All for you, I'm your dripping little girl daddy.." Your tone was whining and you moaned out with every other word and every thrust. Cisco picked up his pace as you spoke the dirty words he wanted to hear. With the increased speed and him hitting exactly where you needed it your body began to twitch and shake again, nearing your peak. "D-Daddy.. fuck, Cisco I-I'm gonna–" he cut you off with his thumb going back to your clit circling it roughly. "Cum for daddy.." You gasped for breath as your walls clenched around him. Orgasm took over your entire body as you shook under Cisco's touch. He kept pounding as hard as ever to help you ride out your high. As you came all over his member he groaned, clearly close himself. You began rolling your hips up to match his thrusts and it made his eyes roll back. "Cum for me, Cisco.." you whispered and it sent him into euphoria. He pulled out of you and began cumming into his hand before you sat up abruptly, taking him into your mouth and sucking him off through his orgasm, making it all the more intense for him. His length twitched in your mouth with every spurt until he was finished, and you swallowed every bit and licked him clean. Both of you collapsed onto the pile of pillows where there weren't any wet marks. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you to cuddle into his chest and you happily obliged. Neither of you said anything for a few minutes as you were still reveling in your highs and catching your breath. Cisco cleared his throat and let out a long breath. "Holy fuck. Why didn't you ever tell me you could fuck like that?" He teased, in original Cisco fashion. You giggled and shrugged. "Guess I figured you'd rather find out yourself than hear about it." Both of you smirked and he kissed your forehead softly before you tilted your head up to kiss him fully. The two of you laid there naked for a while before remembering you were still technically at work. Helping each other find your clothes you looked everywhere for your panties, just to see them sticking it of Cisco's pocket. With a smug smile he began walking out, hollering back to you "I'm keeping these!" A laugh fell from you. "Fine, then I'm keeping you!" You called and he spun around so fast you wouldn't thought he was a speedster. "I'm perfectly okay with being kept." With one final kiss you left the room hand in hand. What a day.

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