Spread beautifully[Barry Allen one shot]

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"You're so beautiful, all spread out like this, just for me."

"You're so beautiful, all spread out like this, just for me," Barry breathed, towering over you on the bed

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"You're so beautiful, all spread out like this, just for me," Barry breathed, towering over you on the bed.
Your cheeks flushed red at his hungry gaze, which dragged up and down your bare body, spread underneath him. Your arms twitched, his lingering stare making you self-conscious, but Barry was having none of that.
"Don't cover up," he purred, wrapping his hands around your wrists and pinning them above your head on the pillow. You squirmed a little, which made you press and drag against Barry, causing the both of you to moan. Barry pressed his body against you harder, looking for more friction.
"You feel so good, Y/N," he whispered, pressing his mouth against your neck and trailing his parted lips up to your jaw, right under your earlobe. At your whining and wiggling, Barry let out a soft chuckle against your skin and then took your earlobe between his teeth. You were breathing hard, your chest moving up and down, constantly pressing your breasts against his bare chest and creating more friction. Your fingers fisted in the pillowcase your hands were pinned to and Barry pressed a kiss onto your cheek; you could feel the smirk on his lips.
You turned your head and pressed your lips against Barry's. He hummed and lazily moved his lips in time with yours, sliding his tongue against your bottom lip. Your lips immediately parted, but Barry pulled back and sent you a grin. You pouted, but then Barry moved his legs farther apart, forcing your own legs to spread apart even more, since he was seated between your thighs. You shivered at the feeling of being so exposed.
Sending you another devilish grin, Barry brought your hands up and settled them in his hair before moving to place himself completely against you, planting his face in between your breasts. He pressed kisses against your sweaty skin, brushing his fingertips against your nipples, making you shiver once again. He made his way down your body slowly, your fingers tightening in his hair the farther down he got. Barry paused to stick the tip of his tongue down into your belly button.
"Barry!" you squealed, erupting into a fit of giggles. He looked up at you innocently and then his lips spread into a cheeky smile.
"I couldn't help myself," he chuckled, his voice low and kind of gravelly. The sound of his voice shot straight down to where he seemed to be heading. Your legs tried to close a little bit, but Barry noticed and shook his head at you.
He resumed his task of placing kisses all down your naked body. Soon, he was right over your clit, breathing hotly against it. Your own breaths were coming out hard, already insanely aroused. His hands came up to cup the bottom of your thighs and forced them farther apart, displaying all of you to the desire in his green eyes.
"Gorgeous," he breathed against you. You bit your lip and fisted his hair in your hands harder, tugging on his hair a little bit, making his eyes roll back for a quick second. Then, he set his eyes down and got to work.
Needless to say, neither of you got any sleep for the rest of the night. Barry might've been the fastest man alive, but he wasn't the fastest man alive.

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