I: Open Your Eyes

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Open your eyes...

At the voice's command, red eyes shot open. The blue light came into focus too quickly for Meilen's brain to process, so she shut her eyes once more.

"OW! Holy Hylia, who turned on the lights?!" She screeched, rubbing her head. She opened her eyes again, this time slowly. When her vision adjusted, she took a look around the room. It was made of stone, with blue glowing things all over. She slowly, but surely stood up from the stone table she was laying on and looked down at herself. She wore a simple white dress, and had no shoes on. She walked around for a moment, before spotting a small table with objects on it. There was a small hunting knife, a bow, and a quiver full of arrows. Also sitting on the table were clothes. It looked to be a Sheikah assassin outfit, complete with a mask. She quickly changed into the outfit, looking at her reflection in a puddle. She saw her ruby-colored eyes, silvery-grey hair, pale skin, and her muscular arms and legs. She frowned at her hair.

"That's way too long for fighting... I'll have to fix that later. Exploration first!" She muttered to herself.

Where am I? No wait, what happened? Meilen thought for a second.

Memories? None. Great... Hey, mysterious voice, mind telling me where I am? There was no reply.

Lovely. She wandered around the room trying to see if there was anything she could do. She brushed her fingers on the Sheikah symbol on one of the walls.

Focus on seeing the door open...

Meilen frowned in confusion, before shrugging and doing as the voice told her to. She closed her eyes and focused. Not a moment later, rumbles echoed throughout the room. Opening her eyes, Meilen saw a gap in front of her. She stepped into the next room, seeing another stone table, this time filled with glowing blue water.

Wake up, Link...


*EDITED ON 11/11/17*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Tears From The Sky

I really recommend listening to it! I put it at the beginning of the chapter for you!


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