IV: Shrines. Lots of Shrines.

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Link and Meilen approached the shrine very quickly. Meilen gasped. Link looked over to her in concern. She appeared to be fine.

"This is the Oman Au Shrine. It holds the Magnesis Trial." She spoke in a haunted voice, her eyes never leaving the shrine. She glanced at Link apologetically.

"Sorry, I, uh, I don't know what came over me." She said, looking down, embarrassed. Link smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. he gave her a half-smile, something that he felt odd doing. Either way, it effectively cheered her up. She faltered once more, however.

"The old man said he only has one para-glider, though! How will we both get down?" She asked. Link shrugged, wordlessly telling her that they could deal with it later. Meilen nodded, understanding his meaning, and followed Link to the pedestal. The boy placed the Sheikah Tablet in front of it it, causing the pedestal to light up. In response, the rest of the shrine glowed blue, except for he top part, which still glowed orange. The door was similar to the one in the Shrine of Resurrection, and opened revealing a small platform.

Travel Gate registered to map. Access Granted.

Meilen grabbed Link's wrist and dragged him onto the platform. It began to move, jolting the both of them. It began to descend into an underground room, where a voice spoke to them.

To you who enter this shrine... I am Oman Au. In the name of the Goddess Hylia, I offer this trial. But know this, only one may have the treasure...

Link looked at Meilen, who pointed to another pedestal. He rolled his eyes and placed the Sheikah Tablet onto the pedestal.

Sheikah Slate authenticated. Distilling rune... Magnesis Rune extracted.

The stone above the slate did the same thing it did to get the map and presented the slate to Link. Meilen felt power surge through her and glanced at her hands. She held them out to the metal floorboards and lifted one. She grinned and moved it to the side. Link did the same using the Sheikah Slate. He smiled at Meilen, who returned it before jumping down into the area below. Link followed quickly and they both raced into the next room. They saw a metal block in the wall of stone, but it was too heavy for them to lift it by themselves. They tried moving it together, and the wall came tumbling down. A small robot activated on the other side, and took notice of them. It began to charge a blast at the two, but Meilen began slashing at it without pause. Eventually, she struck the core, causing it to explode. Link had to tackle her out of the way before the girl injured herself. Standing, Meilen thanked the boy and they continued on. Eventually, they came upon a small glowing area, in which sat what appeared to be a monk with a glowing, blue protective barrier around him. Link wandered up to it after seeing Meilen's gesture to go to it, and out of curiosity, touched the barrier. The blue barrier shattered underneath his touch. The monk spoke to them.

You have proven to posses the resolve of a true hero... I am Oman Au, creator of this trial. I am a humble monk, blessed with the sight of the goddess Hylia and dedicated to those who seek to defeat Ganon. With your arrival, my duty is now fulfilled. In the name of the Goddesses, allow me to bestow this gift upon you. Please, accept this Spirit Orb...

With those words, a small purple orb appeared. It held a familiar-looking crest that neither hero could place. The orb drifted towards Link, and disappeared inside of him. Link gasped, feeling the unfamiliar power rush through his veins.

May the Goddesses smile upon you...

The monk disappeared and the duo was engulfed in a blue light. When it subsided, they saw that they were outside the shrine once again. This time, the entire shrine glowed blue. They once more heard the old man calling out. Meilen looked to the side, seeing him glide in on his para-glider.

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