XVII: Gorons

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After a few more days of riding on horseback, Meilen and Link approached a stable. After speaking with a woman who worked at the stable, Meilen bought Fireproof Elixirs off the woman. They left their horses at the stable and continued along the road. As they approached the maw of Death Mountain, a merchant that the duo had encountered before stopped them.

"I'd be careful," The man warned. "There's a Guardian Stalker prowling around the bend. Once it sees you, there'll be no stopping it." Meilen nodded and they continued along the path. Sure enough, there was a Guardian Stalker. Meilen crouched behind a rock, trying to formulate a plan to take it out.

"Alright, I've got a plan, but I'll need a distraction. Before I can hit it in it's weak spot, I'll need to take out it's mobility. Meaning, while you distract it, I'll cut off it's legs and then hit it's power core: the eye." Meilen ordered. Link nodded, and with the two wisps tucked safely in his cloak, he darted out, rolling and dodging the mechanical beast's blasts. Meilen darted behind it, and hacked away at it's legs, successfully grounding it. She clambered to the top of the Guardian and swung down stabbing and killing the Guardian with her Guardian Sword. After it blew apart, Meilen snapped her fingers, storing away all of the springs, gears, and other parts that were left behind. The four continued their way up the path, eventually passing through the Southern Mines of the Gorons. There they learned that since Death Mountain started acting up because of Vah Rudania, the Gorons were forced to mine down in the maw of the volcano instead their usual mine. Continuing on, the travelers made their way towards the gate of Goron City. Just as they were about to reach the gate, the mountain erupted, sending molten rock down to the path they stood on. The champions were forced to take cover under an overhang until the event stopped. Once it did, they stood and finished their trek to the city. Just as they passed through the gate. The Goron guard that stood there nodded to them as they entered. Once inside, a Goron directed them to the boss of the city. They approached the large Goron and tried to catch his attention.

"Drat!" The Goron howled, stomping his foot. "That blasted Rudania!" Meilen and Link shared a look.

"What's wrong?" Meilen asked, setting Fierro on her shoulder. The Goron boss turned to them in surprise.

"With Rudania running wild recently, Death Mountain's eruptions have gotten real bad." The Goron explained. "Do ya see Rudania stompin' around up there on the mountain? They say that a hundred years ago, it actually used to protect our people from harm, but that was then, and this is now! Now all it does is mess up our mining operation! We're all suffering because it's stoppin' us from doing business! I can't tell ya how many times we've used the cannon to chase off that fiend, but it always comes back!" A crack rang out as the Goron boss popped something in his back in his rage. The Goron grumbled, trying to play off his pain.

"Are you OK?" Link asked quietly, holding his hand up for Aithne to climb on so they could see.

"Hmph, it's just some back pain. Wait. Who are you?" The Goron boss asked in return.

"We're travelers." Meilen answered shortly, unwilling to tell the Goron who they actually were.

"I see. So, then you came all this way to pay your respects to me? I like you four already. Well, my name's Bludo. I'm the great Goron boss who's fearsome enough to silence a crying child. Or to make a silenced child cry, either way. Anyway, I was plannin' to drive off Rudania like I always do, but then this blasted pain in my back flared up outta nowhere. That blasted Yunobo, when will he return?" Bludo trailed off, scratching his head.

"Who is Yunobo?" Aithne asked, sitting up in Link's hand.

"Yunobo is a young Goron who helps me drive off Rudania. He went to grab some painkillers for my back from the abandoned North Mine, but he hasn't come back yet. Hey, if ya happen to see Yunobo, will ya let him know I'm lookin' for him?" Bludo asked before trudging into his home.

"Let me guess: We have to go find him?" Fierro asked, floating their way onto Meilen's head.

"Yep, but first, we have got to get more Fireproof Elixirs. I feel the effects wearing off."


*EDITED ON 1/2/18*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Zelda: A Link To The Past: Death Mountain Orchestrated

I know, I know, this chapter is really short, but I hate putting time skips in the middle of chapters and writing the section in the North Mines would be incredibly boring for both you readers and me. So, I plan on finishing the Vah Rudania section before the end of today.


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