XV: Vah Naboris

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Upon entering Gerudo Town, Link could feel the glares of the other men outside. Hurrying inside, many of the Gerudo were shocked and cautious of the voe that was being escorted to Riju. They entered the throne room, where Riju sat impatiently on her throne.

"I've been waiting for you two." The Gerudo chief began, standing from her throne. "Now, please give me the helm." Silently, Meilen handed over the Thunder Helm. Riju slipped it on. As she did so, Meilen's eyes turned glassy, as she and Link recalled a memory.


Link approached Urbosa, who was holding a sleeping Zelda. Meilen sat next to them, sleeping as well. Link sat down next to the Gerudo Champion, and was immediately cuddled by Meilen.

"Well, you certainly got here fast." Urbosa began, reserving her opinion on Meilen's actions. "I should expected as much from the appointed knight. They were out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now. Except Meilen, it seems, as she doesn't look intent on letting go of you anytime soon. Speaking of Zelda, have the two of you been getting along all right? I know you and Meilen have." Before Link could begin to reply, Urbosa stopped him. "It's okay, I know. Your silence speaks volumes. Princess Zelda gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny, no matter how many times Meilen reassures her. Don't worry, it's not like you carry any blame in this. It's unfortunate. She's put in more than enough time. Ever since she was a young girl, she's gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it. That's the motivation driving her research. I'd be doing the same thing. Meilen helps her through rough patches. They really are quite special. You be sure to protect them with your life. The night brings a chill... It's probably time we take them in. Or..." Urbosa snapped her fingers, and lightning struck just outside of the Divine Beast. Zelda shot up, babbling. Meilen groaned and snuggled into Link further.

"Urbosa, I thought I told you never to wake me up like that again." Meilen mumbled, finally getting up. "Hey, Link. What are you doing here?" The memory faded as those words were spoken.


"Are you two all right? You spaced out for a moment?" Riju exclaimed, watching as the pair recovered from something.

"I-It's alright, Lady Riju, simply a memory." Meilen announced. Riju nodded.

"Alright. The threat Divine Beast Vah Naboris poses has only grown since we began searching for the heirloom. Gerudo Town itself will be in danger before too long. We must hurry. There's only one way to get close to Naboris now that we have the Thunder Helm, and that's with a sand seal. Meet me at the lookout post in one hour. From there, we will head towards Vah Naboris." Riju ordered. Both Champions nodded, and made their way to the Bazaar to look around before they left. One lady at the clothing shop gestured them over.

"I hear that you two are going to help appease the Divine Beast. I wanted to give you something that may help." She explained, holding out objects for the two.

"These are rare Gerudo voe clothes, I figured you might need them, so I would like you to take them, free of charge." The merchant said, handing the clothes to Link, who left to go change. "These are for you. Specially made Guardian jewelry. I was once informed that I was to give these to 'a being who was not fully Hylian, and resembled the Sheikah'. They provide a sort of force field from Guardian beams." Meilen donned the bracelet, necklace, and earrings as Link came back. The jewelry glowed an eerie blue, the same color as the girl's guardian sword.

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