XX: Master Sword

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After days of searching for even the smallest clue of where the master sword could be, they finally found the hint they had been searching for: The Lost Woods. At the Woodland stables, where they had stopped for the night, they came across an old man who warned all passerby to beware the Lost Woods. Needless to say, the duo and their companions asked the man where the Lost Woods were. He informed them that if they kept heading up the road, they would eventually find there way into the Lost Woods.

"It is a place in which the wind blows this way and that," He had said, "Legend says if you follow the wind, it will lead one to a sacred grove in the center of the forest." Needless to say, the four left for the Lost Woods the next morning. Once they arrived, they tied up their horses in a alcove nearby. Before entering, both Link and Meilen held their wisp friends in their hands. With one last glance at each other, they entered the forest. Immediately, fog over took their vision to the point where they could only see a few feet in front of themselves.

"Left!" Fierro squeaked, feeling the wind pull them in said direction. And that was how the process went for the next hour. One of the wisps would tell them which direction the wind was blowing and Meilen and Link would head that way until they were told to move another way. Eventually, the fog began to clear as they approached a log big enough for them to walk through. As they did so, the fog cleared completely and sunlight filtered though the dense trees on the other side. The chatter and laughter of the Koroks rang out across what Aithne had identified as the Korok Forest. Just ahead on the path lay a small platform, upon which resided the Master Sword. While Link began to reach out for the sword, a small burst of energy ran through the clearing, engulfing the heroes in a memory.


"Your master will come for you." Zelda murmured as she knelt in front of the sword that her close friend had held only hours ago. She was covered in mud, but the tear stains had long since left her face. "Until then you shall rest safely here. Although the Slumber of Restoration will most certainly deprive both of them of their memories, please trust me when I say that I know he will arrive before you yet again.

"Thank you, Mistress Zelda, for all you have done for my master. Until he arrives, I shall wait." The voice of the sword drifted off, the blue light fading from the sword as she fell into her slumber.

"If I may be so bold, what is it that you plan to do next, Princess?" A voice echoed across the grove. Zelda opened her eyes, peering up at the Great Deku Tree.

"The Master Sword. I heard it speak to me." Zelda announced. "It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something I must do."

"I sense there is great strength in your dedication." The Great Deku Tree mused.

"Great Deku Tree, I ask of you, when they return, can you please relay this message. Tell them I-" Zelda began, but was cut off by the Great Deku Tree.

"Now then. Words intended for them would sound much better in the tones of your voice, don't you think?" He boomed. The memory faded as Zelda looked up, a hopeful expression on her face.


Link automatically took a step back in shock as the memory faded. He glanced at Meilen, who was recovering from the memory as well. A yawn rang throughout the glade.

"Who is that?" A voice that the heroes recognized as the Great Deku Tree called. "Hrm? Well, well, it's you two. You finally decided to return." Meilen was about to snap back that they didn't control how much time they spent in the Slumber of Restoration, but then decided against it, seeing that being rude to a sacred being was probably not in her best interest.

"Better late than never. After one hundred years, I'd nearly given up hope on seeing you both again. I suppose you are here to take up the sword once again. As I'm sure you have forgotten, let me remind you of this: The sword stands as a test to anyone who would dare attempt to wield it. As you are now, I cannot say whether you are worthy or not,," The Deku Tree continued. "If you sought to free the sword in any kind of weakened state, you would surely lose your life where you stand. Best of luck, young one." With an encouraging glance from Meilen and whispered good lucks from the wisps, Link stepped up to the sword. Wrapping his hands around the hilt, he began to tug upwards. Meilen grew worried. She could clearly see the sword sapping her friend's strength. He was getting weaker by the second. But just then, the sword moved. It slid out of it's resting place and began to glow with a brilliant blue light. One that began to engulf Link himself. As the light died down, Link was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?!" Meilen asked the Deku Tree.

"Do not worry, child. He is now in the Temple of the Sword, where he will be blessed by the monks of Hylia."


When the blue light that had overtaken Link died down, he did not recognize his surroundings.

To the one chosen by the sacred blade, we commend your efforts in this trial. You are now strong enough to wield more of the Master Sword's power than ever before. Courageous hero, chosen by the blade, take up your sword and break the blue barrier.

Just ahead of Link was a stand not unlike the ones that monks lay upon in the shrines. The only  difference was that it was bigger. Link walked up to it, and tapped on the barrier, breaking it. He moved forward to stand before the five monks in front of him.

You have done well. The depth of your heroism is beyond question. We are the ones that brought you here, following a revelation from the Goddess Hylia. To the one who has overcome the Trial of the Sword, you have proven your hand worthy of the legendary Master Sword. Now that the hero has gained the power necessary to combat the Calamity, our sacred duty has been fulfilled. Chosen hero, with the awakened Master Sword, now boasting it's true splendor, protect the kingdom of Hyrule, for now and for always...

With those words, blue light once more engulfed Link, transporting him back into the Korok Forest. When the light died, he found himself standing before the Deku Tree once again. Looking around quickly, he spotted Meilen, Aithne, and Fierro playing with some of the Koroks. Satisfied that his friends were still there, e turned his attention to the Great Deku Tree.

"Ah, so you have finally returned." The Deku Tree mused. "your mind, body, and soul are now ready to wield the Master Sword at it's full potential. Now you are truly one with that sword of yours. I must say, it's blue glow suits you. Now, shouldn't you four be off to somewhere?"

"Yes. It is time to take back the last Divine Beast," Meilen announced, standing. "Vah Medoh."


*EDITED ON 1/2/18*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Hero's Requiem

That end part was an excerpt from the Trial of the Sword DLC pack. Oh, how I hated that DLC.


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