II: Wake Up, Link

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Wake up, Link...

Water began to drain from the table, revealing a boy. He looked to be about Meilen's age, which was fifteen years of age. He had long blond hair, and from what Meilen could see from his barely opening eyes, his eyes were blue. He was clearly Hylian, with his pointed ears and skin only a few shades darker than Meilen's own skin. Meilen covered her eyes, seeing that the boy was only wearing shorts. She did not wish to be disrespectful. She felt her way to the other end of the room, and stood facing the wall. That's when it hit her. It was Link!

"Meilen?" He asked, his voice scratchy from sleep.

"Hey-o! Know where we are?" She replied, not missing a beat.

You are in the Shrine of Resurrection...

"Why didn't ya answer me earlier, Oh Mysterious One? I'm pretty sure I asked." Meilen whined. She heard Link chuckle. He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around. He was wearing an old shirt with sleeves that ended just past his elbows, and pants that barely fit, along with an old-looking pair of boots. Unlike Meilen, he had no weapon. He smiled at her before speaking again.

"Do you remember what happened? I don't remember anything." He asked quietly, with a concerned tone. Meilen shook her head.

"Nope. I woke up a few minutes before you did, really. So, how do we get outta here?" She rambled. Link shrugged and looked around. He noticed a pedestal, and walked toward it, with Meilen following close behind. When they reached it, the pedestal seemed to activate, revealing a device with the Sheikah symbol on it.

That is a Sheikah Slate. Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber.

Link did as he was told, and took the slate. When he did, it activated and opened a door in the wall. They walked into the next room, only to see it was empty and there was no door.

"Great. Another door to find." Meilen groaned. Link held back his small laugh and walked up to another pedestal, trying to see if it would do something.

Hold the Sheikah Slate up to the pedestal.

Link did so. A monotone voice spoke to them, beeping and whirring.

Authenticating... Sheikah Slate confirmed.

Another door opened. Meilen squinted at the bright light, with Link joining her a moment later.

Link, Meilen.... You are the light- our light- That must shine upon Hyrule once again. Now, go...

The light died down and Meilen looked to Link. She let out a grin. Link rolled his eyes.

"I'm down for this, how about you?" Meilen asked. Link couldn't resist smiling, and he nodded in reply.

Together, they walked out of the shrine and into the world. They ran out onto a cliff with trees and grass everywhere. The view they saw was breathtaking. They saw that they were on a plateau, and off the plateau they saw a castle, mountains, a volcano, lakes and rivers. It all seemed familiar to them, though, they could not place it within their minds. Link looked to his right and saw a figure, who, after noticing Link had spotted him, walked back to his fire. The boy nudged Meilen, who was still looking at the land.

"There's someone down there. Maybe we can figure out where we are." He suggested. Meilen nodded silently, and proceeded to walk down the cliff towards the person, with Link following.


*EDITED ON 1/2/18*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Bolero of Gilgamesh

I highly recommend you listen to it! I put it at the beginning of the chapter for you to listen to!

Sorry the chapters are so short! I promise the next one will be longer!


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