IX: Zora In Trouble

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Meilen was in a bad mood. Not only did they have to trek across wetlands, unable to use their horses because they left them in the hands of Purah, but they were also attacked by several monsters. And then, Meilen injured herself climbing the Sheikah Tower so that the map piece for this 'Lanayru Wetlands' could be returned to the Sheikah Slate. And even better is that it wouldn't stop RAINING. So, it was safe to say that Meilen was not having the best day.

"We should stop here for tonight. How's your leg?" Link asked gently, pulling the girl underneath a ledge to shelter them from the constant rain. Meilen grumbled under her breath before replying.

"The same as it was when you asked me the last time. Can we just get some sleep?" Meilen whined, thoroughly done with this day. And it only got worse when ghastly roar rang out across the land. Link and Meilen swung their heads around, looking for the source. Link was the first to spot it. It was the moon. It was a blood red color, and soon the sky matched it's color.

Meilen... Link... Be on your guard... Ganon's power grows... It rises to it's peak under the hour of the blood moon... By its glow, the aimless spirits of monsters slain in the name of light return to flesh... Please, be careful...

Meilen and Link sat in silence as the red glow faded away, and the moon returned to it's normal silver.

"Well, that's not good." Meilen muttered before finally falling into the dreamworld. Thankfully, she rested peacefully for once.


Link prodded Meilen's side. She swatted his hand away before standing and stretching. She snapped her fingers, retrieving what was to be their breakfast for the day. The pair continued along the road. They later came across a bridge with two small towers that looked like mushrooms to Meilen. She didn't hesitate to point this out, which sent Link into gales of laughter, which in turn woke Aithne, who was confused as to what in Hylia's name was happening. After calming down, Meilen pointed out a shrine to the others.

"It's called the Soh Kofi Shrine. It's got a Minor Test of Strength." Meilen reported. Link groaned and activated the travel gate, silently stating that he did not want to deal with that at the moment. Meilen giggled, and with Aithne perched on the girl's head, the trio continued towards the bridge.

"Say, hey there!" A voice calling out stopped them. "Young ones!" They searched for the source of the voice, which happened to be a red Zora standing atop one of the towers. The Zora man jumped down, landing directly in front of them. "Pardon the entrance, but you two are Hylian, aren't you?"

"He is," Meilen answered, "I'm only half-Hylian." Link nudged the girl, indicating that now would be a great moment to stop talking. If the Zora found the interaction odd, he didn't comment.

"I was hoping you'd have a moment to talk. Oh, pardon me... I am Sidon, the Zora prince." The Zora, now identified as Sidon, continued. "And what are your names?"

"I'm Link."

"Name's Meilen, and this for-once-silent ball of flames is Aithne." Meilen answered.

"Hey, I do not-" Aithne started.

Link sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Sidon seemed amused by the trio.

"What fantastic names! And I can tell that by the way you carry yourselves that you are no ordinary people!" Meilen snorted quietly at the comment, but kept silent. "You must be strong among Hylians, yes?" Sidon asked. Link shuffled his feet and Meilen scratched the back of her neck.

"Not particularly.." Link trailed off weakly. Sidon smiled.

"No, no, no! Do not be so humble!" Sidon was practically shouting by this point. "I can tell by just looking at you. I am a Zora prince, after all. I have an eye for talent that is unparalleled! I have been searching for someone like the two of you for a long time. Right now, Zora's Domain is in grave danger because of the massive rainfall coming from Divine Beast Vah Ruta!" That got the trio's attention very quickly. After all, that was why they were here. "Please, promise you'll help us! We need your strength, warriors!" Sidon begged. Meilen and Link exchanged shocked looks. There was absolutely no way they were not going to help. With determined stares, they answered in unison.

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