XVI: Off To The Volcano It Is Then

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Three weeks later, Link and Meilen had finally entered the Eldin region. Compared to the Lanayru and Gerudo regions, the outskirts of Eldin were fairly nice in temperature and weather. It never rained in this region, so not very many animals made their homes here, but the moisture from the nearby Akkala region allowed plants to grow where the volcanic heat did not reach.

Along the journey to Goron City, Meilen and Link were not surprised at the appearance of fire elemental objects and enemies. Ash-colored Lizalfos, Meteor Wizzrobes, Fire Wizzrobes, Fir Keese, and orange Chuchus were encountered everywhere, making it dangerous to travel, even on the roads. Not to mention that travelers had mentioned fire-breathing Lizalfos and Octoroks that spit flaming rock. They apparently were closer to Death Mountain.

On their fifth night in the region, Meilen was taking watch when she noticed a small red flame peeking out from the trees. Assuming it was another Wizzrobe, the girl nocked an arrow. A voice shrieked in surprise and terror. The red flame darted behind a shrub. Meilen lowered her bow. Careful not to awaken Link and Aithne, Meilen approached, slowly but surely.

"W-Who's there?" The small voice squeaked. This voice sounded similar to Aithne's, but was slightly lower in pitch.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you. Come on out." Meilen whispered, crouching closer to the ground. The small ball of red flames, which Meilen now identified as a wisp, slowly floated towards the girl. Meilen held her palm out, and after a moment's hesitation, the wisp landed in her hand. Meilen walked back to her spot by the fire.

"You're a wisp, aren't you?" Meilen asked. The ball of flames nodded it's tiny head.

"I thought you were a merchant." It murmured. Meilen held the wisp out, so that they could see Aithne.

"You're not the first will'o'wisp we've come across. Do you have a name?" Meilen explained pulling the wisp back towards her. The wisp shook it's head.

"Alright, I'm gonna call you," Meilen thought for a moment. "Fierro. Now, would you like to come with us?"

"Y-You're not g-going to sell me?" The newly named Fierro stuttered.

"What? No!" Meilen shrieked, horrified at the very thought.

"R-Really?! Then, I-I guess I'll g-go with you." The wisp muttered. Meilen beamed.

"Great. So, introductions. I'm Meilen. The blue wisp over there is Aithne. And the Hylian boy is Link!" Meilen chirped, setting Fierro on her head. Then a frown appeared on her face. "So, I've been meaning to ask Aithne this, but, why are so many people out to sell will'o'wisps? And where do wisps come from, anyways?"

"Well, we wisps reside on Eventide Island, out in the Necluda Sea. The island has many connections to the gods and goddesses. Wisps rarely leave the islands, but when we do, it's usually just to see what events are taking place in Hyrule. Some time ago, a rumor began that those who set foot on the island become a mystical being called the Eventide. While that is true, it takes a lot more than just setting foot on the island to become the Eventide, but nevertheless, the rumor spread all throughout Hyrule. People all over began to hunt down wisps, to either sell to power-seekers, or to force us to lead them to the island. Out of the hundreds of wisps that were in Hyrule nearly fifty years ago, there are only a few left. I'm surprised you even found one. Wisps used to be in all colors, but, after time, we've adapted to each region. Wisps in Eldin are red, like me. In Akkala, Necluda, and Lanayru, the they tend to be blue, so I'm assuming that is where you found Aithne. In Gerudo, Faron, and Hebra, wisps are green. Most wisps were either captured or found a way back to the island. The only creatures we get along with are the Koroks and the residents of Lurelin Village." By the end of Fierro's explanation, it was morning, and the other two began to wake. Link blinked, taking in the sight of the red wisp, but he made no comment. Aithne was a different story. Compared the shy wisp Meilen was listening to, Aithne was chipper and talked a lot. Meilen smiled at her friends. It seemed that their journey was going to be helped by other beings.


*EDITED ON 1/2/18*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Bolero of Fire Remix

The wisp back story made me sad. I don't know whether to cry or be proud of myself for that story.


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