VII: Kakariko Village

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As Link and Meilen entered Kakariko Village, the girl immediately felt a sense of familiarity, as if she had been here before. Link looked at Meilen, who had paused to take in the sight before them.

"Lady Impa is in the big house at the end of the road." She announced after a moment. Link nodded and the duo continued on their way. Sure enough, at the end of the road stood a house. They climbed the stairs and only stopped to talk to the girl in front of the door. She looked up, and covered her face.

"A man?!" She exclaimed, hiding her face even more. Link and Meilen shared a confused look. The girl peeked out from behind her hands and took notice to the Sheikah Slate that lay on Link's hip. "Is that- It's a Sheikah Slate! Could you two be the heroes my grandmother talked about? What were their names?" The girl trailed off. Link gave her an encouraging look, not daring to interrupt her himself.

"Oh, its not that I forgot, I'm just really bad with names! As for me, my name is Pa-Paaa- Oh, my name is Paya!" She said, lifting her head from her hands. "Phew, I got it out... I know I should be able to say that easily, seeing as how its my own name and all..."

"It's alright." Meilen comforted. "I'm Meilen, and this is Link." The previously mentioned boy waved silently.

"My grandmother's been waiting for your return ever since I was little. Plea-Please hurry inside." Paya rushed out, before returning to her chores. Together, Meilen and Link pushed the doors open, revealing a room containing of an old woman. The room was bare, only containing a few necessary living items, like a bed. The old woman wore the robes of a Sheikah Tribe leader and a hat that held the Sheikah symbol. The woman looked up.

"So, you're finally awake. it has been quite a long time, you two. Link, Meilen, I am much older now, but, you remember me don't you?" The old woman asked. The two looked away in frustration and sadness at the reminder of their missing memories.

"What is the matter?" The woman asked, leaning forward in concern. "Your eyes, they lack the light of familiarity. It is I, courageous ones, Impa. Surely, you must remember the name Impa?"

"No, I'm sorry, but we don't remember anything." Link voiced their thoughts, his voice just barely above a whisper.

"Ah, I see... So you have lost all memory. It matters not. In fact, it may be a blessing in disguise for the time being." Impa muttered, shaking her head. "Dearest ones, come bit closer. A hundred years ago, the kingdom of Hyrule was destroyed. After you fell, Princess Zelda's final wish was that you be placed in a sacred slumber. And then, alone, she went to face Ganon. Before the princess went to nobly meet her fate, she entrusted me with some words she wished to say to you two. I have been waiting a hundred years to pass on this message. However, these words, which the princess risked her life to leave you... Well, if you were to hear them- Meilen, dear, please do not bang your head on the wall- You must be prepared to risk your life as well. But, I'm afraid that they might be too much for you to bear while you are still without your memories. Are you two prepared to risk your life for this message?" Meilen and Link shared a look.

"Yes." They answered, in unison. Impa laughed.

"Not a memory to your names, yet you are intent as ever to charge forward with only courage, justice, and power on your side!" Impa exclaimed heartily, pressing a hand to her stomach to try and control her laughter. "You two haven't changed a bit. Once a hero, always a hero! Very well, since you have lost your memory, I will recount for you all that has happened... The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of Calamity Ganon, a primal evil that has endured over the ages. This evil has been turned back time and time again by a knight wielding the soul of a hero, a girl who holds the blood of two peoples with the power of the Goddesses Four, and a princess who carries the blood of the Goddess. With the passage of time, each conflict with Ganon faded into legend. So listen closely, as I tell you the 'legend' that occurred ten thousand years ago. Hyrule was then blossoming as a highly advanced civilization. Even the most powerful monsters posed little threat to the denizens of the realm. The people thought it was wise to utilize their technological prowess to ensure the safety of the land should Calamity Ganon ever return. They constructed four mechanical wonders that came to be known as the Divine Beasts. They also built an army of autonomous weapon called Guardians, who were led by a girl who was half-Sheikah and half-Hylian, and carried the magical gifts given to her by the Goddesses Hylia, Din, Farore, and Nayru. The Divine Beasts were piloted by warriors of exceptional skill from across the land. And thus, the plan to neutralize Ganon was formed. Upon Ganon's inevitable return to Hyrule, the princess and the hero fought alongside these five Champions against this ancient evil. The half-Sheikah warrior and her army of Guardians were tasked with protecting the hero as the Divine Beasts unleashed a furious attack on their terrible foe. And when the hero, wielding the sword that seals the darkness, delivered his final blow, the princess used her sacred power to seal away Calamity Ganon." Impa explained, gesturing over to one of the tapestries that hung on the wall. It showed the Guardians, the Divine Beasts, Calamity Ganon, and three figures that must have been the princess, the hero, and the half-Sheikah warrior.

"A hundred years ago," Impa continued, her expression turning grim. "In preparation for the revival of Calamity Ganon, we strove to follow the lead of our ancestors of 10,000 years prior. Despite our best efforts, we underestimated his power. In order to avoid that grave mistake, the princess left you these words, 'free the Divine Beasts'. That is what she said."

"What are the Divine Beasts?" Meilen asked.

"The Divine Beasts are the ancient Sheikah weapons piloted by four of the Champions. The Divine Beast Vah Rudania, wielded by Daruk of the Gorons. The Divine Beast Vah Medoh, controlled by Revali of the Rito. The Divine Beast Vah Ruta, controlled by Mipha of the Zora. And the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, commanded by Urbosa of the Gerudo. It would be ill-advised to face Ganon without the aid of the Divine Beasts. You must infiltrate them, and wrest them from Ganon's control. More information about the Divine Beasts can be discovered by seeking out the other races in the land. The Sheikah Slate will guide you. You must meet with the leaders of each race." Impa explained. "The Sheikah Slate is your guide, and also your memory. Someone at the Hateno Village Tech Lab may be able to help you."

"Hateno Village? Where is it?" Link asked feebly, his hand drawing to his Sheikah Slate.

"The location shining on the eastern edge is Hateno Village. It is a small village, one of the very few places that avoided suffering significant damage during the Great Calamity. You two are Princess Zelda's only hope, and Hyrule's as well. You cannot turn back now. Follow your hearts and seize your destinies. Find Purah and regain your memories!" And with a dramatic flourish, Impa beckoned for the pair to begin their journey. They thanked her and walked outside, noticing that it had grown dark out. Meilen pulled Link toward an inn she had noticed earlier. They were greeted with a calm man's voice as they entered.

"Hello. Will you two be staying with us?" The man asked politely. Link nodded in answer to the question.

"Would you like two beds or just one?" He asked the two travelers. Link threw a questioning look at Meilen, silently asking if she would mind having to share a bed with Link. She shook her head in reply, saying that she didn't mind.

"One bed, please." Meilen answered, getting out some money.

"That'll be 20 rupees. When would you like me to wake you?"

"In the morning, if you could." Meilen said, as she and Link went to one of the beds and climbed in. They said a quick goodnight to each other before falling asleep.


The next morning, Link was the first to wake, and noticed that in the night he and his friend had gotten closer to each other, with the boy's arms wrapped around the girl's waist. He released his hold, and proceeded to wake Meilen. The girl stretched and yawned as they walked outside. Meilen froze mid-yawn. When Link turned to her in concern, she pointed to a shrine that resided on a hill in the village. They walked up to it, and Link activated the Travel Gate, but they did not enter it. Instead, they mounted their horses, and made for Hateno Village.


*EDITED ON 1/2/18*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Love Thy Goddess

Sorry for the late updates! I'm going to try and upload four chapters before next weekend.


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