XIX: Vah Rudania

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"Oh, yikes, sentries. They're always a nuisance, no matter where they are or how many of them there are. If one finds us, Rudania will go nuts, and cause Death Mountain to erupt." Yunobo explained, crouching further under the ledge."

"Link, you and I may be able to destroy the sentries, but Yunobo, we'll give you some sort of signal to know when to stop and when to go. But, the question is what the signal should be." Meilen said.

"How about a whistle?" Link suggested faintly, shrinking further under the ledge as a sentry passed by.

"That's a great idea, goro! When I hear one of you whistle, I'll either stop in my tracks or start moving forward. I like it! Let's do this!" Yunobo cheered. Meilen held a finger to her lips and darted out as the sentry moved away from them. She vaulted off a rock and sent a bomb orb at the retreating machine. She dashed under another ledge, and as the next sentry moved away, she whistled, signalling the okay for Yunobo and Link. Once under the next ledge, Link drew his bow and fired a bomb arrow at the other sentry. It blew up in a flash, and it's parts rained down onto the path. Meilen snapped her fingers and the parts disappeared. The scurried to the next cannon which was only a few feet away, and thankfully, there were no sentries blocking their path. Yunobo drew up Daruk's Protection and hopped into the cannon. Link summoned a bomb through his Sheikah Slate and used it to fire at Vah Rudania. With a growl, the great beast moved to a different part of the mountain, where Meilen suspected the next cannon was. They moved on, and the next section of the path was covered in sentries. Nodding to Meilen, Link whistled, giving Yunobo the signal to stay hidden under the ledge. Link snuck around the ground, firing bomb arrows at some of the sentries, while Meilen jumped from sentry to sentry, tearing them apart with her bare hands. Once all the sentries were gone, Link whistled once more, and Yunobo ran after them to the next cannon. He hopped in, and the champions repeated the process. Another roar rang out as Vah Rudania moved higher up the mountain. Meilen gestured for Link and Yunobo to follow her. The made their way up the path to another cannon, where once more, they fired Yunobo at the Divine Beast. It roared and climbed it's way into the pit of lava inside the volcano. Quickly, Meilen, Link, and Yunobo climbed to the very top of Death Mountain.

"That was so cool! you really put a licking on that thing!" Yunobo exclaimed, peering into the volcano at the Divine Beast.

"It's time to finish the job." Meilen announced, back up so she could get a running start. Link copied her movements. Together, Link and Meilen jumped into the fiery pit of Death Mountain. Through the haze, Link drew his para-glider, and Meilen, her sailcloth. They touched down safely onto the waiting travel gate aboard Vah Rudania. Link put away his para-glider and activated the travel gate.

Travel Gate registered to map. 

"Hey, little guys! Long time, no see." A voice that was none other than Daruk's echoed throughout the Divine Beast. "I always knew you two would come back. Y'know, I never stopped believing in you! You're here to take control of ol' Rudania back from Ganon, eh? You're gonna need a map that shows the guts of this place. You can grab the info from the Guidance Stone inside. Now get a move on!" Meilen laughed and walked with Link inside. Immediately upon entering, a door shut behind them, drowning them in darkness. Fierro and Aithne flew out of Meilen's hood and provided as much light as possible. Shooting down as much Malice as they could, the four eventually made their way to the Guidance Stone. Link placed the Sheikah Slate upon it, drawing out a map and some controls of the Divine Beast. Light flooded the room as port holes opened throughout the machine.

Divine Beast controls have been enabled.

"Nice job." Daruk complimented as Link retrieved the Sheikah Slate from the pedestal. "The terminals that control Rudania should be marked by the glowing points on the map. To take back Rudania, you'll need to activate all of the terminals. You two have got this!"

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