V: Kings and Stories

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The duo was presently entering the Temple of Time, noting a strange glow coming from the statue at the other end. As they approached, a voice spoke to them.

"You who have conquered the shrines and claimed the Spirit Orbs, I can offer you great power. In exchange for four spirit orbs, I will amplify your being. So, tell me what it is that you desire." It said. Link looked hesitant to answer, sparing a glance at Meilen.

"I see what it is you wish, and I will give it to you." The statue spoke up before Link could say anything. With a flash of light, a string of cloth appeared. It was of a black color, and held the Sheikah symbol at both ends.

"In exchange for the Spirit Orbs, your friend has wished for a way for you to get down the cliffs, Meilen. This is a sailcloth. It works just like a para-glider, so worry not. Now go, someone waits for you at the top of this temple." Meilen took the cloth and wrapped it around her shoulders. She then turned to Link and hugged him in thanks.

"The blessing of the Goddess has brought you closer, I see. Here I am, get up here- Quickly!" The old man called. He was indeed on the roof. They began to climb the walls of the ancient temple. They found the man standing on a platform. He had small blue flames surrounding him.

"Well done, young ones. Now then, he time has come to show you who I truly am." The old man began. He was then engulfed in a shining blue light. When said light died down, it revealed a man who looked too regal to be just any nobleman. He wore a stately blue overcoat, and a golden crown adorned his head. "I was King Rhoam Bosphoramous Hyrule. I was the last leader of Hyrule, a kingdom which no longer exists. The Great Calamity was merciless. It devastated everything in it's path, lo, a century ago. It was then that my life was taken from me. And, since that time, here I have remained as a spirit. I did not think it wise to overwhelm you while your memories are still fragile. So rather than that, I assumed a temporary form. Forgive me. I think you are now ready to hear what happened one hundred years ago. To know Calamity Ganon's true form, one must know the story from an age long past. The demon king was born into this kingdom, but his transformation into Malice created the horror you see now. Stories of Ganon were passed down, in the form of fairytales and legends. But there was also a prophecy: 'The signs of the resurrection of Calamity Ganon are clear. And the power to oppose it lies dormant below ground.' We decided to heed the prophecy, and began excavating large areas of the land. It wasn't long before we discovered the ancient relics of our distant ancestors. These relics, the Divine Beasts, were giant machines piloted by warriors. We also found the Guardians, an army of robotic soldiers that fought autonomously under the command of one powerful being. This coincided with the ancient legends, oft repeated throughout our land. We also learned of a princess with a sacred power, her appointed knight who was chosen by the sword that seals darkness, and the half-Sheikah warrior, who led the army of Guardians. It was they who sealed Ganon away using the ancient relics. One hundred years ago, there was a princess set to inherit these powers, with a skilled knight and strong warrior at her side. It was clear that we had to follow the path of our ancestors. We selected four skilled individuals from across the land, and tasked them with the duty of piloting the Divine Beasts. With the princess at their command, we dubbed the pilots Champions- a name that would solidify their unique bond. The princess, her appointed knight, the half-Sheikah warrior, and the Champions were on the brink of sealing away Ganon once more, but nay. Ganon was cunning, and responded with a plan beyond our imagining. He appeared from deep below Hyrule Castle, and seized control of the Divine Beasts and the Guardians. And turned them against us. The Champions lost their lives, and those in the castle did as well. The half-Sheikah warrior had been gravely injured, along with the appointed knight, while defending the princess. And thus, the kingdom of Hyrule was devastated. However, the princess survived to face Ganon alone."

A memory flashed in Meilen's mind. One of the princess's voice.

Link... Meilen... You are our final hope... The fate of Hyrule rests with you!

Meilen heard Ganon's roar, and shook her head quickly, listening to the king's tale once again.

"That princess was my own daughter," Rhoam explained, turning to look at the castle. "My dear Zelda... The courageous knight who protected her until the end was you, Link. And Meilen, you were the warrior of half-Sheikah and half-Hylian blood. You both fought valiantly until your fate took an unfortunate turn. And then, the both of you were taken to the Shrine of Resurrection. Here you now stand, revitalized one hundred years later. The words of guidance you have heard since your awakening are from Princess Zelda herself. Even now, as she works to restrain Ganon within Hyrule Castle, she calls out to you two for help. However, my daughter's power will soon be exhausted. Once that happens, Ganon will regenerate himself and nothing will stop him from consuming the land. Considering I could not save my own kingdom, I have no right to ask the two of you this, but I am powerless here. You must save her... My daughter. And do whatever it takes to annihilate Ganon. Somehow, Ganon has maintained control over all four Divine Beasts, as well as many of the Guardians. I believe it would be quite reckless for you to head directly to the castle at this point. I suggest that you make your way east, out to one of the villages in the wilderness. Follow the road out to Kakariko Village. There you will find the elder, Impa. She will tell you more about the path that lies ahead. Consult the map on your Sheikah Slate for the exact location of the village. Make your way past the twin summits of the Dueling Peaks. From there, follow the road as it heads north." The king pointed to the said peaks, and then returned his gaze to Link and Meilen. "Go on, here is the para-glider, as I promised. With that and Meilen's sailcloth, you should be able to fly off the cliffs surrounding this area. And... I think that's it. I've told you everything I can. It is up to you now. You must save Hyrule." And with those final words, the last king of Hyrule, King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, disappeared into the night.


*EDITED 1/2/18*

Chapter Inspiration Song: Nayru's Waltz

It is truly a beautiful song that I put at the beginning of the chapter for you!


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