XXII: Vah Medoh

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It took them only ten minutes to reach the Flight Range, where they found a white-feathered Rito warrior sitting and gazing at the sky. They approached slowly, unsure if the Rito man would be hostile towards them.

"You're Teba, yes?" Meilen asked cautiously, not moving from her place in the doorway. The Rito looked back at them, annoyance clear in his face.

"Yeah..." Teba replied, looking back at his bow. "I don't know you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go."

"Look, we-" Meilen started, clasping her hands together.

"Did you need something? I'm busy here." Teba cut in, setting down his bow and looking at the pair before him.

"Yes, you said that. You're going after Vah Medoh, correct?" Meilen said icily, crossing her arms and drawing herself to her full height. Teba nodded, curious of how they knew his plans. "We can help you."

"Let me get this straight," Teba scoffed, eyeing them warily. "Some random Hylians want to help me bring down Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it. What are your names?"

"I'm Link," Link introduced quietly, and then gesturing to Meilen he said, "And this is Meilen. The wisps are Aithne, Fierro, and Vuur."

"I'm guessing the elder asked you to come here and talk some sense into me." Teba said. "Am I right?"

"Yes." Meilen answered shortly.

"Then let's make one thing clear: I'm not going anywhere. As a Rito warrior-" Teba began to explain, standing.

"Cut the spiel, and shut up. The elder may have asked us to convince you not to go, but we kinda figured early on that that wasn't happening. So here's the deal: We need to do one of two things: A: Tame the Divine Beast, or B: Bring it down. And since I'd prefer not to bring down my ancestors' creation, B is our only option. Unfortunately, neither Link nor I can fly, so we're gonna need your help getting up there." Meilen interrupted, revealing her commander side that Link didn't ever remember seeing before. He figured he'd probably had, but he couldn't recall it.

To their surprise, Teba laughed. "Well, far be it from me to talk you off the ledge. But it's as the elder said: The only way to stop Divine Beast Vah Medoh is to go inside it. Fat chance of that happening. There's no way we can set foot in Vah Medoh."

Link took that as his chance to speak up. "Actually, we have a way in."

"So not only are you wingless, but you're brainless too." Teba scoffed. Meilen hissed in outrage. Link looked at her passively, trying to give her the message to calm down. "Let me fill you in: the only people-"

"I swear to Hylia if you're about to say that the only people allowed inside Vah Medoh are the Champions of old, then you got another thing coming, buddy," Meilen spat, her temper out of control for the first time since their path to getting Vah Ruta back under control. "Have you heard any news about the OTHER Divine Beasts, by any chance?"

"I've heard that they were tamed by two Hylians who were rumored to be Champions." Teba answered, eyeing the pair. Meilen watched with smug satisfaction as Teba's eyes widened in realization of who they were. "Wait, you two are those Hylians?!" Meilen laughed softly.

"Yes, now, will you help us?" Meilen asked, her patience returning. Teba nodded.

"When do we leave?" He asked, standing.

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