VIII: Memories

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A few days after leaving Kakariko Village, Link and Meilen wearily arrived in Hateno Village. They passed through, not bothering to speak to any of the locals as they made their way to the tech lab that lay just outside the village. Many of the residents gave the travelers odd looks, though that wasn't surprising. Both of them were covered in small scratches and bruises from monsters that attacked on their journey. It certainly didn't help that Meilen was wearing her full Sheikah garb, including her mask. Continuing along the road, the pair eventually came upon the tech lab. They dismounted their horses, allowing Epona and Sunset to graze and rest. Opening the doors, they were greeted by a scholarly-looking man and a young girl. Walking up to the man, Meilen grabbed his attention.

"Good evening. I imagine that you've never seen so many books in one place. Pretty incredible, isn't it? We've gathered all of Hyrule's known literature on ancient civilizations here. As for the actual number of books, well..." The man began, before noticing Link's Sheikah Slate. "Is that- That thing on your waist? Is that a Sheikah- There's no mistaking it. That's a real Sheikah Slate, isn't it? I've never actually seen one in person! If you could show me the runes on it, I'd be most appreciative." Link showed him the Runes, and the man frowned. "Strange... It doesn't seem like you have any of the basic runes. I don't understand why they're missing. There must be some reason. Ah! Where are my manners? I nearly forgot to introduce myself! My name is Symin. And you are Link and Meilen, right?"

"You know our names?" Meilen asked, exchanging confused glances with her friend.

"I've been in contact with Lady Impa. She caught me up to speed. Yu see, we were told, 'A young pair of travelers holding a Sheikah Slate will appear. And you must do all you can to help them. They will be the hope that awakens from the Slumber of Restoration. Their names will be Meilen and Link.' Oh, dear, I forgot to tell you something very important!" The man turned away and shouted to someone. "Director! Listen, Ms. Director! This is a REAL Sheikah Slate!"

"Director?" Meilen asked, her hand drifting towards her Guardian sword.

"Oh, that's right. I haven't introduced our director. Ms. Purah happens to be right over there." Symin explained, pointing to the little girl the duo had seen when they walked in. "As the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab's director, Ms. Purah is the world's foremost authority on ancient Hyrule culture."

"Check it!" Purah shouted over to them, jumping into a pose before turning back to her work.

"I have the utmost respect for Ms. Purah and all she's accomplished. I'm honored to be her assistant. On that note, Link, Meilen, you see, the director may look like a young girl, but... Well, maybe it's not my place to be telling you these things. You two should talk to Ms. Purah herself." Symin ushered the two over two Purah, who began to speak.

"Hey! Heeeey! Are you surprised?" The girl giggled. "The director of this lab is NOT Symin!"

"Yeah, we got that." Meilen muttered. Purah giggled again before continuing.

"Snappity snap! Anywaaay, Linky, Mei-Mei, do you remember any dreams from your time in the Slumber of Restoration?" Purah asked. Both youth shook their heads in return. "You don't look like you've changed a bit in the last hundred years, but SOMETHING must have happened in all that time! Well, no matter, I'm just happy you're still in one piece. Linky, Mei-Mei? What's with that look? You do still remember me, right?" Meilen looked upset, while Link looked down to the ground.

"We don't remember..." He mumbled.

"Hmm, well, one years ago, I took the both of you to the Shrine of Resurrection after Calamity Ganon fatally wounded you. Even though I was the one who put you two safely into the Slumber of Restoration, you don't remember me.... Hmm, as expected. After 100 years in the Slumber of Restoration, subjects...have...lost...all...memories. Noted! Oh, soooooorry! I have a bad habit of taking notes rather abruptly like that. Anyhoo, do you have any questions for me?" Purah explained, jumping up and down.

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