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A Year And A Half Later

It had been one year since the defeat of Calamity Ganon. The restoration of Hyrule Castle and Castle Town was moving along swiftly. Hylians and Sheikah alike flocked to live in the new city. It might not have been as many people as one hundred years ago, but it was still a lot of people. Four new champions had been named to pilot the Divine Beasts. Riju, the newly crowned queen of the Gerudo, now piloted Vah Naboris. In honor of his relative, Yunobo was given the title of Champion of Vah Rudania. Prince Sidon had been given the role of piloting Vah Ruta. Tehba was now the pilot of Vah Medoh. Link and Meilen, now seventeen, lived peacefully in Hateno Village.

Despite Calamity Ganon being defeated, his power still lurked over the numerous Guardians scattered across the land. Whenever Meilen and/or Link came across one during their many travels, gaining new gifts and power, they immediately dispatched it. As well as many online Guardians, the Yiga Clan was still out there, as well as numerous monsters. While the Blood Moon never appeared again, monsters were still a danger to any traveler.

And then there were the Goddesses and their spiritual guards. Over the last year, both Meilen and Link had been ordered by one of the Goddesses Four to go through a series of trials. These trials gave both Meilen and Link new powers that they hadn't known they could achieve. Meilen had gained power over water, shadow, earth, and ice. She also came to be known as 'the Eventide' by the wisps that lived on Eventide Island and the locals at Lurelin Village. Link had gained power over the forests. He was known as the Greenleaf, which was a great honor according to the Deku Tree and the Koroks. They generally kept to themselves whenever they left their beautiful home in Hateno Village. They often visited Tarrey Town and Lurelin Village, as reminders of the many trials they went through. Hyrule was finally at peace, safe from the threat of Calamity Ganon.

15 Years Later

"Meilen, have you seen my sword?!" Link yelled from the upper level of their home. Meilen chuckled, and glanced furtively at her god-daughter, Saviha. Saviha was Zelda's daughter, and she looked just like her mother. Meilen smiled coyly at the little girl of ten years, and looked up.

"I think one of the boys might have taken it!" She shouted in reply to her husband. Just then, the door burst open, revealing to little boys, both merely twelve years of age. One looked just like Link, with blond hair and sky blue eyes. The other looked like his twin, but had Meilen's silver hair and red eyes. Link walked down the stairs, and was met with the sight of his god-daughter holding the Master Sword, and his twins sons wrestling on the floor. He cast an exasperated glance at Meilen, who only replied with an amused look.

"Loyahl, Anarvi, get up please. Saviha, may I please have my sword back?" Link said, stressed.

"Okey!" Saviha chirped, handing the Master Sword delicately to Link. The blond twin, Loyahl, and his brother, Anarvi, stood up.

"Alright kids!" Meilen cheered, skipping over to her husband. "Why don't you go get the horses ready so we can get going to Auntie Zelda's castle!" With a cheer, the small group of children rushed outside. Link turned to Meilen.

"You know, sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I never met you." Link stated. Meilen hummed and kissed him on the cheek.

"You'd be dead." She deadpanned. Link huffed, but they broke into laughter moment later.

"Come on, Mom, Dad, you guys are so slow!" Anvari shouted at them. Still laughing, the happy couple went out to join their kids. Meilen smiled mysteriously, and thought,

I guess heroes do get happy endings.


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