XI: Vah Ruta

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"Glad to see you two are ready to go." Sidon greeted as they approached. "Do you have your gear?" The two nodded as they stared at the Divine Beast Vah Ruta.

"Good. You see those glowing, pink orbs? You will need to shoot each of them with a Shock Arrow." Sidon explained. "Which one of you will be shooting?"

"I am." Link replied quietly.

"Get on my back. I'm going to have to carry you to each of the waterfalls." Sidon ordered. Link nodded and climbed onto the Zora's back. Meilen created a block of ice and jumped on it. Sidon, with Link now secured on his back, jumped into the water. Meilen created path for herself, being careful not to block Sidon's way. The Divine Beast roared as it's defenses came online.

"Ready?" Sidon asked.

"Ready!" The others replied, preparing themselves. And with that, Vah Ruta began to unleash volley after volley of ice. Meilen expertly leaped onto blocks and destroyed the incoming missiles as Sidon swam to the first waterfall. Link jumped off, swimming up and out of the waterfall. He took aim and fired the first Shock Arrow, successfully hitting the orb and deactivating it. As he came down, He came close to hitting one of the cubes. Thankfully, Meilen destroyed it before he was hurt.

"Watch those cubes, Meilen!" Sidon shouted. The girl cursed as the number of projectiles increased.

"Sorry!" She called in return, destroying another cube that narrowly missed the boys. Link destroyed more orbs, and the defenses increased. Meilen found it harder and harder to keep up. Link had been hit once already.

Another hit and he's done for. Meilen thought as she destroyed more projectiles. Thankfully for the girl, Link shot the last orb and the rain almost immediately died down. Meilen hoped her way over to the platform. Sidon let Link off his back, and Link climbed up next to Meilen.

"That was astounding!" Sidon cheered from the water. "We're counting on you! Do good work in there, heroes! This is where the real work starts. Best of luck. Nice job cutting off the water flow from the Divine Beast. Show the enemy no fear. I'll see you back at Zora's Domain. Farewell!" Vah Ruta began to move as he spoke those words. Sidon swam towards the dock, taking one last look at the heroes he had looked up to as a child.

"Finish the job, you two..." He said, leaving them. Link looked at the pedestal. He walked up to it, and placed the Sheikah Slate to it.

Travel Gate registered to map.

"You're here." A voice said, drawing the trio's attention away from the gate. It was Mipha! "I must say that I am so happy to see that this day has finally arrived. Now Ruta can be freed of Ganon's control. You'll need a map to prevent you from getting lost. The Guidance Stone inside contains the information you will need." Meilen smiled, happy to here from someone familiar, even if she didn't completely remember her. The trio headed towards the entrance, but they were blocked by some odd goop.

"Hey, Aithne? What is that stuff?" Meilen asked. The little wisp flew out from Meilen's hood to see what she was talking about.

"Oh, that? That's Malice ooze. We call it Malice for short." They responded, floating in between the taller beings. "Shoot that eye there to make it disappear." Meilen did as she was told. Sure enough, the Malice ooze disappeared. Meilen and Link walked to the Guidance Stone, activating it. As Link received his map, Meilen felt a little power trickle into her.

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