Prodigy Imagine: Snow Days

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"You crazy if you think I'm about to come outside." I sipped a small portion of my hot chocolate while speaking into my phone. "Y/N, c'mon now. Me and Jojo are bored." I sighed, giving into Prod's wishes. "Walk up here, I'll be ready in like 5 minutes."

I went to my room, throwing on anything I could find. "Tank top, shirt, shirt over that shirt, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, coat, big jacket." I was making sure that no kind of cold or snow would touch me. I grabbed all 3 of my scarves, and 2 pairs of my gloves. I tripled up on my socks, and grabbed my warm Ugg boots with the fur inside. "MOM, DO YOU HAVE ANOTHER PAIR OF GLOVES I CAN BORROW!?" She walked into my room, confused. "You already have on 2 pair, Y/N. Just go outside, Prod and Jo are out there."

I nodded, putting my phone into its LifeProof case, and walking out my room. "You look like a big ass marshmellow." Craig appeared right in front of my front door, as both him and Jo laughed. "You won't be laughing when you get pneumonia." I shooed them away with my hand, walking outside, cold air attacking my face. "I did not sign up for this." 

I walked further, until I finally saw concrete. Only, I didn't know the whole driveway was full of ice, black ice. "OH SHIT!" I tried balancing on my feet, but soon, my backside landed hard onto the cold ice, making laughs roar from Prodigy and Jojo's mouths. "I'm going back inside, I didn't sign up for this." I tried propping myself up, but it only made me slip even more. Both of the boys were now face down in the snow laughing, as I was terrified, only trying to get up. 

"HELP ME!" I whined, as Prod came to pick me up. Right when he put me on the dry grounds of my front porch, I twisted the knob to go inside of my house. Prodigy quickly blocked the door, pulling me back into the snow. "You are out here to stay. We gonna have fun so cheer up." He smiled, trying not to continue laughing, as Jojo was still in the same position laughing his head off. "Okay Jojo, let's not forget who has the warm house right now. Y'all gotta walk back when I gotta walk right here. Try me." He stopped, and I smirked. 

"You know I'm playin with you Y/N," "Mhmmm, that's exactly what I thought." I carefully walked near my garage, flipping the code door up. '65769' I thought to myself, as the garage doors opened. "SLEDDING OR NAH!" I shouted, as Craig and Jojo ran to where I was standing. "Let's use this." Craig picked up the top of a storage bin, placing it right in the middle of the ice. "There's more over there."

I opened the bins, and got me and Jojo one. We both set ourselves up next to Prod, and considering my driveway was inclined, I was ready for the entertainment. "Okay, we go down at the same time. 3, 2, 1- GO!" We pushed ourselves from the garage, all slipping quickly down the driveway. I neared the bottom, and I wasn't sure how I was going to stop. "HOW DO WE STOP!" We all screamed, as all of our tops collided with the break from our driveway to the road. "That," "was," "AWESOME!" We all jumped up, giving each other a group hug, and picked up our 'sleds'. 

Being smarter than I was, we walked up the soft snow, and back into the garage, to see what else we could get in trouble to. "Snowman?" Jojo asked, picking up the empty buckets and pails. He quickly dropped all the buckets, jumping from where he was standing. "What?" Me and Prod both asked, as he held onto his arm. "It was a spider in there bruh. I don't play with insects." I looked at Prod, as both me and him busted out laughing.

"Y'all think it's funny?" Jojo picked the bucket back up, throwing it near our direction, as both me and Prod jumped out the way, and eventually ended up slipping down my inclined driveway. "Y/N GET OFF THAT ICE. Y'ALL GONE GET SICK!" My mom yelled from the front door, as Prod helped me up. "Y'all come in, it's time to eat. Boys, ya mama don't want y'all walking in this snow, so y'all can stay here tonight."

"MA, NO. OMG." I whined, as Prod and Jojo smiled at my misery. Lord knows if they stay here tonight we'll have no more food and I'll have to smell their farts of death. I pouted, as suddenly I was picked up by my legs. "C'mon, we going inside." Prod smirked, while carrying me up the driveway of ice. "Prod, I swear to God if you drop me..."

And exactly at that moment, he slipped, making us both collide into each other's faces and onto the rock hard ice. "I hate you." I remarked, as Prod kissed my cheek. "I love you more." 


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