10. the sickness

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"Clarke shouldn't be out here, Bellamy." Eden said to Bellamy. "Her mom was on the ship."

"You want to help her find me the black box, hard drives. Anything that will explain why the ship crashed." Raven said as she walked over.

"Stay sharp." Bellamy said.

"Maybe if you didn't bring guns." "If we didn't bring guns we would've been killed."

"Why there coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now."

"Clarke, stop!" Raven yelled to her. "That's hydrazine highly unstable when it's not in solid-form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist."

"Fire in the hole." She threw some of it, making a big explosion. "Clear the area!"

"Move in formation, no straggling! Weapons hot! We need to get back before dark."

It was now nighttime, and they were all now back at camp. "Somebody hit the trip wire!" Eden walked out of the gates when she heard this. She walked over to one of the wires. "I don't see anything!" Gunshots went off. "Save your bullets!" Eden yelled. "I think I got him!" A delinquent yelled. Everyone piled over to them, and Eden saw Murphy. He held his hand up, as he surrendered. He was covered in blood, bruises covering him. "We need to get him to the drop ship." Eden said. "We hanged him."

"We can't leave him out here." Octavia helped Eden get him into the drop ship. "Where is he? Where's Murphy?" Bellamy asked Eden. "In the drop ship." She followed Bellamy into the drop ship.

He claims he was with the grounders!" A delinquent yelled. "We caught him trying to sneak back into camp."

"I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the grounders." Bellamy didn't believe him. That was obvious. "Did anybody see any grounders." The room filled with 'no's and 'uh-uh's.

"Well in that case, what the hell is wrong with you. We were clear what would happen if he came back."

"Bellamy, if he was with the grounders, he would know things that could help us."

"We hanged him, Eden. We banished him, and now we're going to kill him." Bellamy raised his gun, and Finn stepped in front of him. "Get the hell out of my way."

"Finn is right."

"Like hell he is."

"Eden, think about Charlotte."

"I am, but what happened to Charlotte was as much as our fault as his. He's not lying, his fingernails are torn off. They tortured him."

"What did you tell them about us?" Bellamy asked him. Murphy looked up at him. "Everything."

"Once he's better, we find out everything he knows, then he's out of here, okay?" Eden looked up at and nodded. "What if he refuses to leave? What do we do then?"

"Then we kill him."

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't know anyone was in here." Clarke said to Raven. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Still nothing from the Ark. It's like they shut it down from the other side. It could be solar flares blocking the signal."

"But you don't think so."

"I got a bad feeling."

"There's a lot of that going around."

"Clarke, I'm sorry about your mom. Clarke your eyes." Clarke' went up to her eyes, coming back with blood on it. "Clarke? Where's Clarke?" A delinquent outside said. "What's happening? Raven get away from us."

"They're the ones who brought Murphy in." Clarke went to the drop ship, Murphy close behind her. She walked over to Murphy who was throwing up blood. "Murphy, I need you to tell me how you escaped from the grounders. What happened?"

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