24. City of Light

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Bellamy and Lincoln had left to get someone to be an inside man, since they needed one. "Open the gate!" Kane yelled, as the grounders began coming into Arkadia, and all piled into a room to hear Kane's speech. Murphy stood beside Eden and a grounder approached her saying something in a language she didn't know. "I don't speak grounder." Eden said, and the man pushed her back,into the wall, and  Murphy pushing him back. "Murphy, Eden apologize to that man!" Kane yelled. "For what? He was the one who came at her."

"Two days work detail."

"Go float yourself, Kane." Eden said. "Care to make it three."

"You'll burn just like your friend." He said to Eden. "What the hell have I done to you?" Murphy punched him in the face. "Hey, Murphy back off!"

"This argument is a waste of time!"

Murphy and Eden were stuck in a room cleaning all day. Eden sat down in a chair, stopping from cleaning. "You're supposed to be cleaning."

"I'm not cleaning for something I didn't do."

Jaha walked into the room, holding guns. "I take you two don't approve? I asked you a question." He said after we didn't respond.

"I think the grounders can go to hell." Eden said. "I got you two off work detail." Jaha said. "Why?" Murphy asked. "You two knew my son, i want you to take me to his grave, now that there's a truce, it is safe for me to go and say good-bye."

"Well, you can get someone else to take you." Murphy said. "I'm told the graves are unmarked you can show me which one is his. You can hold the mop, or you can hold the gun." Murphy grabbed the gun. Jaha turned to Eden. "Same goes for you." Eden grabbed the gun.

"It's extraordinary, isn't it?" Jaha asked. "Give it a few days." Murphy walked said. "I may not know everything that happened before I got down here but I do know something that you're feeling, son."

"I'm nobody's son, you made sure of it."

"I remember your father. Alex Murphy convicted of theft of rationed medicine. He stole it to take care of you. I remember them all."

"Hate to break your moment, but we're here. Graveyard is this way." Eden said, walking where the graves were.

"You about done? We got to be heading back."

"How well did you know him?" Jaha asked. "Enough to be hung for his murder." Jaha looked shocked at him. "Clarke sugar-coated it for you, didn't she?"

"What happened to my son?" Jaha asked. "Twelve-year old girl stabbed him in the neck with the knife she took from me. She did it because she couldn't kill you. You've got a lot of blood on your hands, Chancellor. Every single one of us would still be alive, including your son, if you would've never sent us down here."

"If I didn't send you, they would have died on the Ark with the rest of us, and we would've never known Earth was survivable. Their sacrifice is why we're here. Good can come out of even the darkest acts john." Jaha stood up and began walking towards the drop ship. "Uh, Camp 'you' is that way!"

"Well rest at the drop ship for awhile." Jaha said. "Suit yourself. You staying?" Murphy asked Eden. "Yeah." She walked into the drop ship, laying her bag down on the ground.

"You must be hungry." Jaha said. "No one gives something without expecting something in return. You pull me off work detail, offer me food. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Everyone deserves a second chances, John."

"You never gave a damn about us, and you still don't." Murphy said. "Thats why you're not fighting for those kids in mount weather."

"I have to think of everyone. I know you don't want to hear this, but sometimes you have to sacrifice the few to save the many. Like I said, good can come out of even the darkest acts." Eden watched them bicker from the corner of the drop ship. "Well you can take it from me, that no good can come out of any of this. I was pardoned, slate wiped clean, and I'm still treated like dirt."

"You made mistakes. So have I."

"I'm nothing like you, chancellor." Murphy said. "No? We both should've died several times over. We both have suffered at the hands of the grounders. We both have been betrayed and imprisoned by our own people."

So there's no place for either of us then. Great, I thought you were supposed to be inspiring."

"There's a place for all of us, John. When I first landed on Earth, I met a woman who spoke of a place beyond the dead zone, a place where everyone is accepted. A city of light."

"Sounds like a fairy tale." Eden spoke up. "Or a second chance."

"You don't even know if it's real." Murphy said. "You're right, I don't. But I believe."

"Of course you do."

"I'm gonna find it Eden, and once I do, I'm gonna come back and lead my people home."

"Yeah, don't bother, chancellor." Eden said.

"Were glad you could make it."

"The hell is this?" Eden asked. "We're going to the City of Light."

"You're going now. There's a million of ways to die out there." Eden said with a scoff. "If it's not your time, nothing can kill you, if it is, if only takes one."

"Right. Do you have a map?" Murphy said. "No."

"Then how in the hell do you know where you're going?" Eden asked. "We don't, but we won't be ruled by fear. You want to be stop being treated like a criminal, then you have to stop think that's all you are. Take this leap of faith with me, john and Eden, and let me show you there's so much more for you than this." Murphy looked at Eden. "Are we really listening to this?"

"I'm going back to Arkadia. You go." Murphy nodded. Murphy joined the group as eden grabbed her stuff. "You're going back to Arkadia?" Eden nodded at Jaha. "Hope you find your fairy tale you're looking for." Eden mumbled as she pushed past them back to Arkadia.

"Have you seen Eden?" Raven asked Kane. "Yeah, she left last night with Jaha and Murphy. Jaha came back this morning, got a group and said they were going somewhere, and wouldn't be back for awhile."

"What?" Raven asked tears brimming her eyes. She needed to talk to Eden about everything that is going on between them. "I'm sorry Raven. He said some might not make it back." Raven nodded. "Thank you."

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