21. fight

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"If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn." Clarke said. "What the hell are you talking about?" Bellamy asked. "That's their offer."

"That's not an offer, Clarke, that's a punishment." He said. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood. That's insane. And what happens if we refuse?"

"Then they attack."

"Give him to the grounders! Get rid of him!" People began yelling. "Easy, people!"

"Spacewalker wasted three months of oxygen on the Ark! He should've floated a long time ago! Throw him out!"

"Byrne actually gave me a gun, guess we really are screwed huh?" Murphy said with a smirk. "We kicked their asses last time, well do it again."

"A lot of people died last time. Right now we need to talk about keeping Finn alive." Clarke said, standing up and walking away. Eden didn't want to be able with him and Bellamy so she stood up. "Any orders for me, princess?" Murphy called after Eden. "Stay away from me." She said walking into the Ark.

"Still no sign of them." Eden sat down in one of the chairs, crossing her legs. "Someone's coming." Murphy walked into the drop ship. "The hell are you doing here?" Bellamy asked. "I believed I was invited."

"I thought we could use an extra gun. Might be a good idea."

"Finn should've been right behind you." Bellamy said. "Don't worry. The spacewalker is going to be fine." Raven sat down in the chair next to Eden, leaning her head on Eden's shoulder.

Finn walked in the drop ship carrying an unconscious Clarke. "What happened, Finn?" Bellamy asked, as Finn laid her down on the ground. "A grounder hit her in the head. Eden stood up, and walked over to her. "Hold her head up." Eden said to Murphy. "I need something to stop the bleeding."

"Clarke can you hear me?" Finn asked. "She's needs rest. It's just a bump on her head. Clarke' gonna be fine. Are you?" Eden asked. "That's what she said, right before I almost got her killed."

Clarke woke up a few minutes later. "How's your head?" Eden asked. "Awesome."

"I thought you were dead." Eden stood up giving them space. Eden sat back down on the chair beside Raven. "Are we going to just give up his life?"

"He-" Eden stuttered not knowing what to say. "I don't know Raven. He killed eighteen people, Raven."

"We've all killed people, Eden. Everything we've done, is to survive."

"Finn didn't have to kill those men, Raven. He took eighteen lives without even thinking."

"Grounders. Get down. We're surrounded."

"They're not moving any closer. They're staying out of range. Probably waiting until dark."

"Then let's take them now, we'll take them by surprise." Eden said. "We don't even know how many are out there, Eden." Bellamy said. "I'm not hearing any better ideas."

"We'll give them something. Finn wasn't the only one at the village." Clarke said. "What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked. "Hold on. I came here to protect him." Murphy said getting what Clarke was saying.

"We're not turning Murphy in. He's innocent...mostly." Eden said. "They'd believe he was the shooter. People saw him at the village." Clarke said. "You sick bitch."

"We're not doing that Clarke. What the hell is wrong with you?" Eden said. "They want a murderer, we'll give them one." Clarke said.

"Murphy is not the one who fucking murdered eighteen innocent people. We're not doing that. Finn is the one who has to pay the price for his mistakes." Eden said. Eden didn't like Murphy, but she still didn't think it was fair Clarke was blaming him. "Go to hell, Clarke."

"Like it or not, he's one of us."

"We have bigger problems than this right now. Those people are out there, and the only thing we can do is stay and defend this place." Eden said. "Murphy, Eden, go upstairs. Watch the rear. I'll take the lower level.  You three, take the front gate. Do not let them through. That's the plan." Bellamy said. Eden climbed up the ladder, gun in hand. Murphy walked in a few minutes later. Eden pulled up a chair, sitting in it backwards, leaning the gun against the back of the chair. "Thank you, for sticking up for me back there."

"Don't expect me to do it again."

"Are you a bitch to everyone? Just curious." Eden smirked. "Only to people I don't like."

"Finn! Stop!"

"What the fuck did he do now?" Eden mumbled going down the ladder to see what the commotion was. Finn had turned himself in.

"What is that?" Clarke asked, standing beside Eden. "It's for Finn. Looks like lover boy got death anyway."

"They want us to watch. We need to get him. We'll get in close and hit them hard." Eden scoffed. "I'm not helping you with that. They'll come in and kill us all. We don't have enough bullets or men. Anyway, your boyfriend would still die either way."

Eden walked away and over to Raven who stood next to Bellamy. "I'm gonna talk to the commander." Bellamy gave her a knife. "Kill the commander, we'll come in and grab you and Finn. We have to help him."

Clarke had killed Finn. They could see why she did it, so he wouldn't have to go through the suffering. Eden walked away, hearing footsteps behind her. She saw Raven behind her. They walked to their room in silence. When they reached Raven sat down on the bed, taking her brace off. Eden sighed sitting down in a chair. "If the Ark guards would've come down sooner m-maybe this wouldn't have all happened. Maybe more of us would be alive. If Bellamy didnt take my radio, some more people would still be alive. How did he get past without anyone seeing him?" Guilt struck Eden.

"Eden, what is it? I know that face. You know something." Raven said. "What is it?"

"I let Bellamy go destroy the radio. I had a chance to stop him. Those three hundred people who died. That's on me."

"Eden... what if I hadn't have been on the pod? What if I had given up my life for people to have more air? You would've never seen me again. But you let Bellamy walk out of camp. Let me guess that was after you slept together, wasn't it?" Eden felt tears brim her eyes. "Those deaths are on you Eden. How many times have you slept with him, Eden?" Eden scoffed. "One time. And it was a mistake."

"I can't believe you let him take that radio and destroy it. Do you know how much blood is on your hands? I risked my life to come down here, Eden! To come see you. If I wasn't in that pod and it was somebody else- what If I'd given up my life for people to see their children again. I don't even have words for how pissed I am at you. Just get out of my room. Now." Eden walked out, slamming the door shut behind her. She walked down the hall, tears brimming her eyes. She ran into a figure on the way out. "Sorry." She mumbled pushing past it. A hand grabbed her arm. "Eden." It was Bellamy. Of all people. "What?"

"What's wrong?" "Nothing." She pulled her arm out of his grasp and walked out of the building. She didn't have anywhere to sleep for the night, but that didn't bother her. She leaned against the wall of Arkadia, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. "Beautiful fucking day, isn't it?" Murphy asked sitting down next to Eden. "Go away, Murphy." Eden said. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing." Eden lied. "Yeah, well you're sitting against the wall of Arkadia, crying, and everything's fine?"

"Just leave, Murphy."

"So what happened? Was it Raven or Bellamy?" Eden scoffed. "Who the hell do you think it was?" Eden spat. "Raven." Murphy sighed, leaning his head against the wall of Arkadia.

Raven knocked on bellamys door. He opened a few seconds later. "Raven?" He was taken back by Raven kissing him full of force and lust. Bellamy pulled away, not kissing her in the first place. "What the hell, Raven?" Raven tried pulling pulling his shirt over his head. "Get out of my room." Raven stood there. "Right now, Raven." Bellamy pushed her out shutting the door and locking it behind him.

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