13. the fight

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"That should stop the external bleeding." Eden held Ravens hand through this. "Eden, I need to clean your leg. It could get infected if it isn't already." Eden sighed, but nodded.

Once Clarke had finished with her wound, she went over to Raven. "I don't understand. How'd Murphy get a gun?" Eden asked. "Long story."

"Were lucky. I'd murphy would've hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

"There's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build 100 bombs. If we had any gunpowder left." Clarke walked out of the drop ship leaving us here. Raven laid her head in Eden's lap, and Eden stroked her hair back. "You know, we never had that fun i said we would have."

"No, Raven." Eden said sternly. "You need rest. That's bullets still inside of you."

"I know what I want inside of me." Raven said with a smirk. Eden hit her shoulder playfully. "Come on, it's time to go. Are you packed?" She heard from the door of the drop ship. "Yeah."

"Can she walk?"

"No. We'll have to carry her."

"The hell you will. I'm good to go."

"No Raven, if by some miracle there's no internal bleeding,it might hold until you get somewhere safe. But you are not walking anywhere." Eden said sternly to Raven. "I'll get the stretcher."

Eden brought her lips down to Ravens, and softly kissed her. "I love you, Raven."

"I love you, too."

They walked through the woods, following lincolns map. "Wait." Octavia said, and a minute later, a spear went through a delinquents head. Everyone rushed back to the drop ship, cowering behind its walls.

"Looks like you've got your fight." The final decision was made, they'd be fighting. "This is what we've been waiting for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays close." Eden jumped slightly when she felt a hand go in front of her. "We need you at the post." Bellamy handed Eden and gun and told her to go beside Monroe.

"You're not a gunner." Monroe said to Eden once she got there. "I know."

"You said there's fuel in those rockets right? Enough to build a hundred bombs."

"I also said we've got no gunpowder left." Raven said to Clarke. "I don't want to build a bomb. I want to blast off. Draw them in close. Fire the rockets. A ring of fire."

"Barbecued grounders. I like it."

"Will it work?"

"The wirings a mess down there, but yeah. You give me enough, and I'll cook them real good."

"Raven, we can't find the ignition system. Raven?"

"I can't feel my legs."

"Ok, hold on. We're coming. Okay, let me see." There was silence for a moment. "Raven, the bullets in your spine. You're bleeding internally."

"We better do this fast then huh? Get back down there."

"The stuff that Lincoln has. It slows the bleeding. I'm sure there's more of it in his cave. I can make it." Finn said.

"I'm not letting you die to save me."

"Fine. You won't let me save you, how about we save everybody else? You're the only one who can fire those rockets. If you die, we all die. I'll be back."

"I see them! Too many of them." Monroe said from beside Eden. Gunshots went off, but Eden told everyone to stop. "Stop! Reload."

"Those were our last clips." Monroe said. "Godammit." Eden mumbled. "We need to fall back."

"No. If this position falls, then they walk right up to the front door. They're too fast."

"Do you see it or don't you?" Raven asked, getting irritated. "No! It's a mess down here."

"It'll be orange. Look harder. You have to find the wire that connects the manual override to the electromagnet. It's not rocket science."

"It is, actually."

"Guess we finally found something you're not good at. I used to be picked first for everything. Earth skills. Zero-G Mech of course. First every time. So how in the hell did I end up here?"

"Raven? I'd pick you first."

"Of course you would. I'm awesome."

"I found it. Orange wire." Clarke said. "Follow the wire to the override panel."  "Raven? It's fried. Totally useless. Tell me this isn't as bad as I think it is."

"You know how to splice a wire?" "No."

"Then its worse."

"Hey, stop. Just keep talking me through it." Jasper came on the walkie talking about the mines. "Jasper can splice."

"Jasper we need you in the drop ship right now."

"We can't give up the west woods." Bellamy came over the walkie. "The west woods are mined, Bellamy. The grounders figured that out. Jasper, get in here."

"Stop! The grounders aren't attacking, they're making us waste bullets! They want us to run out of ammo. Don't shoot when they're running laterally. Don't fire until you're sure it's attack." Eden said to the gunners.

Grounders began attacking minutes later. "Now what do we do?"

"Now we attack."

"Eden, are the mines working over there?" Bellamy came over the walkie. "Yeah. We're running out of ammo."

Raven breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Eden's voice on the walkie. "Raven, tell us again how this is gonna work."

"I've told you five times. Current flows to the electromagnet. That opens the poppet valve. Rockets fire."

"Got the wire to Graft on. Raven?" Clarke peeked her head out of the floor, to see her unconscious.

"They're breaking through. Hundreds of them. Heading for the gates. Everybody back to the drop ship now!" Bellamy yelled.

"No, we need more time." Clarke yelled. "Gunners back to your posts! The rest of you inside." Everything stopped once something fell from the sky. "Is that from the ark?" Somebody beside Eden asked.

"That is the Ark." More people flooded through, but Eden recognized them as reapers. "Who the are they?" Monroe asked. "Reapers."

"What now?"

"They're taking down the gate!"

"Good because I think i did it."

"We still have people out there. Bellamys not back yet. Jasper get everyone inside." Jasper ran out, and began calling them. Eden had gotten knocked from her posts, and was fighting with grounders on the ground now. "Bellamy." She said and he came and stood beside her. "Get in the dro-" he was cut short when a grounder tackled him. Eden shot him in the head, and helped Bellamy up. "Clarke you can't save everybody!" She heard miller say. Eden shot at a grounder which was coming towards her. Eden saw the dropship door close, but saw the leader of the grounders get inside first. "Bellamy. We need to get in the tunnels." Bellamy nodded, and Monroe and sterling came by them. "We need to leave, they're going to set it off soon." They ran into the tunnels, hearing the fire start behind them.

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