26. tondc

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"Why are you focusing on the dam? I told you acid fog was the priority." Clarke said as she walked in. Eden sat on the bed watching Raven. "Until Bellamy gets his eyes on the dispersal system, there's only so much I can do."

"Fine. Tell me about the dam, can we cut off their power?"

"Maybe. I'm still playing with a few things." Clarke picked up a tone generator. "How many of these have you made?"

"Only two so far, but-" Clarke but her off. "Two? That's not enough. There will be Reapers everywhere."

"High-frequency tone generators don't grow on trees, Clarke. Wick is scrounging for parts."

"Raven, I am about to leave for Tondc, where Lexa and the heads of all 12 grounder clans are waiting for me to tell them we're a go, but only we're not a go, because they still have acid fog, and we only have two tone generators."

"Hey, we'll be ready. We will."

"Ark station, do you read me? Anybody there?" Bellamy came over the radio. "Bellamy you're late. Every three hours means every three hours."

"Are you through? Have you found the source of the acid fog?" Raven asked. "No. Thats gonna have to wait."

"What? No. Nothing is more important than that." Raven said. "Our friends are. They're starting to take them from the dorm one at a time every few hours. I don't know where they're taking them. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss, and I'm still trying to find a way in. Maya's gonna make me mobile so I can talk to you from anywhere."

"You have to find them. That's the plan. If you don't, all of this is for nothing."

"I'll be right back." Clarke said walking out. "I thought you were going to Tondc." Eden said. "Plans have changed. I'm staying here."

"The commander is expecting you, Clarke." Eden said. "Our people inside mount Weather are in trouble. I'm not going anywhere until I know they're okay." She walked out.

"So tell us where you are now."

"I'm at an intersection. Which way?"

"Ok. He just passed the air filtration system on this floor, which puts him about here. Bellamy, we think you're close. The lab should be up ahead. Any chance you can be more specific?" A drill whirring over the radio gave it away. "Never mind. I got this."

"Is that a drill?" Clarke asked. "Bone marrow extraction." Bellamy said. "You ready for the last treatment you'll ever need, lieutenant?"

"You have no idea. I've waited my whole life to breathe fresh air."

"That's Emerson." Clarke said.

"Let's get back to this secret army she claims to have. She tell you anything that might help us find it? Stop drilling, please."

"The window for extraction after death is incredibly short."

"No sir, nothing about the army. She did say that she was coming for you and if we let her people go she'll let our people live."

"It's a little late for that."  "I'm sorry i failed sir."

"No, it's okay, we'll finish the job tonight. Whitman just radioed in. Apparently there's a war council meeting happening tonight in one of their villages, and all of their leaders are going to be there."

"Sir, I feel good. Let me take out a team and support Whitman."

"No. He has less chance of being spotted if he's alone."

"Sir, whitmans good, but he can't take out that many targets alone."

"Which is why we're gonna use a missile. This time, were not gonna miss."

"Please tell me you heard all of that."

"We heard it."

"We have to warn them." Eden said sitting up from the bed walking over to them. "Did Kane take a radio?" Eden asked.


"This is the only unjammed frequency, we have to keep it open for Bellamy."

"If I leave now, I can make it there in time."

"In time to be blown up, you mean?" Eden asked. "When I get back I want to know my friends are safe, and the acid fog is down. Can you handle that?"

"Yeah, we can handle that. Go."

"Clarke wait, Octavia was in Tondc when I left, is she still there?"

"She's here. She's safe."

"Octavia's in Tondc for the meeting, Clarke. Why'd you lie?" Eden asked. "Bellamy can't be distracted. It helps no one."

"Hey, don't get blown up." Raven said.

"Talk to me, what do you see?" Raven asked Bellamy. "Close your eyes. Imagine a bottomless pit."

"Just stick with it. According to Dante's coordinates, you're almost there."

"What's happened on your side? Did they evacuate Tondc?"

"Don't know yet, but it's Clarke. She'll figure it out. Just concentrate on squeezing your ass through those vents, and stop worrying about your sister." Eden looked at her. "Raven! Shut up."

"Octavia's in Tondc? She's there? Raven?"

"She's gonna be okay. Clarke fired out of here. She's gonna get there in time."

"How could you keep this from me?" Bellamy asked. "She was trying to protect you, Bellamy." Eden spoke up noticing Raven didn't know what to say. "You still have a job to do. Let's just get it done." Eden said.

"You've got to pull the outside air in to reverse the air filtration system."

"Just tell me how we even know if it's working." Bellamy said. "Containment breach." A voice said over the PA. "I'd say it's working."

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