19. leave or die

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"It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."

"Sure if we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men." Eden finished. "If your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, I'm going by myself."

"You won't be by yourself." Eden sighed, standing up. She walked into the Ark, trying to find Raven. She walked into the their room, seeing Raven sitting on the bed, tears falling down her face. Eden squatted down in front of her. "Raven, what's wrong?" Eden grabbed Ravens hand. "I can't work with my leg."

"Raven..." Eden sighed, tears coming into her own eyes. "I love you Eden."

"I love you too." Eden said barely above a whisper. "It'll get better, Raven." Raven nodded slowly, and Eden stood up. "Get some rest, Raven." Raven laid down on the bed, and Eden kissed her forehead. She began walking out, but Raven grabbed her hand. "Stay, please." Eden nodded, and laid down wrapping her arms around Ravens middle. She took one of her hands, the other wrapped around Ravens middle and began softly stroking her hair, until she fell asleep.

Abby ran into Bellamy on the way to her room. She had wanted to confront him, but didn't know how. She figured this as good as time as any. "I was looking for you." She pulled him into a room that nobody was in. "What's the problem?"

"It's not a problem. But, Eden... you like her, don't you?" The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. Bellamy looked at her confused. "Bellamy, you can tell me." His gaze softened.

"I do. But she's with Raven, Abby."

"I know this isn't my business, but did something happen between you two?" Abby asked, and Bellamy ran a hand through his hair. "Something happened, didn't it?"

"I slept with her. Back when Jaha told us about the depot, we went together, we ended up sleeping together."

"She is dating Raven, Bellamy."

"She wasn't at the time. They had a fight."

"Do you regret it?"


"If you had the choice to do it again, would you?"

"Yeah, I would."

"I know why we haven't heard anything from the other Ark stations." Raven said. "Mount Weather is jamming us. I tweaked the resonator and got this." Static filled the air. "It's on every frequency. Long-range communication is totally screwed. It's also why the range in our walkies suck. It's the same signal Monty heard on the black box of the Exodus ship. Mount weather crashed the Exodus ship." Raven said.

"Can you get around the signal?"

"Around it? No. But if I can get to the tower that broadcasts it, I can make it go boom."

"No one is going anywhere. What do I have to do to get through to you all? You and your friends are not soldiers, and continuing to act like you are out lives at risks."

"You don't understand. Raven found something. Mount Weather is jamming our communications."

"It's true. There could be more Ark stations on the ground, and more guards."

"You said we don't have enough people to fight a two-front war. But mom, were already fighting one. So let us go."

"You're not gonna stop are you?"

"Not until my friends are safe." Abby gave in. "Okay. But I'm coming with you."

"It'll be dark soon. We'll never spot the traps. We should set up camp here, leave at first light."

"Were missing two." Eden said. "Where the hell are they?"

"They went to find a way in."

"A way in, this isn't what this mission is about."

"It is for them. Find them."

Finn left with Clarke to go and look for Bellamy and Octavia.

An explosion sounded in the distance. "Acid fog. Set up the tents." Eden took the walkie out of a guards hand. "Octavia? Bellamy?" She asked, speaking into it. "Everything okay?"

"Acid fog. Find cover." She gave the walkie to the guard and helped set up a tent with Raven and Abby. Once they had it, they got inside, zipping the tent up.

"Clarke? Clarke? Do you read me?" Radio static came over the walkie. "Were closer to the source." Raven said. "It's swallowing short-range now too."

"Clarke? Do you read me? Dammit Clarke!" Abby yelled. "Clarke and Finn know these woods."

"She left her pack, and her tent is in it." Abby said, worry in her voice. "They'll find shelter." Eden shifted so her feet were under her. The signal on the walkie began sputtering, and voices began speaking. "What is that?" Abby asked.

"I don't know. It sounds like they're jamming every frequency but this one. You hear that? This one's clear:"

"That sounds clear to you?" Eden asked. "Will be once I crack the encryption."

"English, Raven. What does that mean?"

"It means we'll be able to listen in on Mount Weather."

"What's taking so long?" Abby asked. "I've almost got it. They're using a type of auto modulation here, like a feedback loop. I just need to pinpoint the origin of the loop, hone in on the pure transmission. I just need to find the right-" a guy came over the radio. "Side back and report. Over."

"Copy that. Checking the west boundary line. stand by. Over."

"No signs of life. Over."

"Had the veil lifted yet? Over."

"Negative sir. Coverage is still over 90%. Over."

"Keep searching, when they pop above, hit them. Over and out."

"The veil, they're talking about the fog. It's a weapon, which means they attacked us."

"Sergeant porter?" Abby went over the radio. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Build your bomb. Use it to take the radio tower down when the fog clears. Copy?"

"Yeah, I copy."

"Were listening to the enemy. Blow the antennae, you won't be able to do that."

"Don't blow it, and we won't make contact with any other Ark survivors, and we need those reinforcements, Raven."

"Tough call. I know what Clarke would do."

"Have you tried the radio?" Abby asked after they had gotten out of the tent after the fog cleared. "It's still jammed."

"You didn't blow the tower."

"Raven figured out a way we can listen in on mount Weather." "What about the other Ark stations?"

"We don't know if they made it. What we do know is that 47 of our people are being held on that mountain. We're gonna get them out."

We heard Ark guards yelling, so we turned around, seeing Jaha. "Thelonious." Abby said.

"I have a message from the commander. Leave or die. We have two days."

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