29. Mount Weather pt. 2

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"Octavia. You stayed." Eden limped a few feet behind Clarke, her leg slowing her down. "Screw you. Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie."

"We have to get in there." Clarke said, referring to the door. "If that was possible, do you think I'd still be out here? Why did Lexa sound the retreat?"

"She made a deal with the mount Weather, freed the grounders, now we're on our own."

"God, her army could've taken this place down. Stupid bitch." Eden said. "She was saving her people." Eden scoffed. "Don't tell me you're taking up for this bitch."

"What about Lincoln? There's no way he would've taken up for this plan."

"He didn't. They took him. I am getting through that door."

"And that's your plan? Bellamys counting on you. Everyone's always counting on you. You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc." Eden looked at Clarke not hearing about this. "You let a bomb drop on Tondc?" Eden scoffed.

"I am doing the best I can!" Clarke said. "Yeah, well it's not good enough." The door opened, showing Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, and a girl in a hazmat suit. Octavia hugged Bellamy, hugging Jasper and Monty next. Clarke wrapped her arms around Maya. Eden smiled at the small reunion. She saw Bellamy walk over to her. "Glad to see you in one piece."

"Can say the same for you."

"Where's your army?"

"Gone. Just like yours." Clarke said. "Say you have a plan."

"Not really."

"We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he's in quarantine." Maya tank on her suit beeped. "We just changed it. That can't be right. It's her last tank." Jasper said.

"We'll find you another one." "All the supplement oxygen is on level 5."

"Then we have to get you to level five. We'll take the trash chute again. It will work."

"To get in, maybe."

"Maya's right. Every soldier in this mountain is there. We'll never make it out."

"We can do this. We'll split up."

"You guys go for Dante. We'll help maya." Clarke turned to Eden. "Eden..."

"I'm going in there, one way or another." Clarke knew it was useless to fight with her. "Okay. Come with us."

"Hold her down!" Men yelled as they strapped Raven down into a table to take her bone marrow.

Clarke, Bellamy, Monty and Eden piled into Dante's room.

"Sir we need your help again. It's okay. I took out the camera from the junction in the hall. We can talk freely. No ones watching anyway. Thanks to you, they're all on level five."

"You're not."

"No, I'm not. We don't have much time. We need a way to get our people out of this mountain without killing everyone."

"He's not gonna help us."

"You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain, my people, even the ones who helped you."

"We knew they'd be safe on level five. We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them."

"Were the good guys here, not you. Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would've happen to mine?"

"Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what's going on in level 5. You're gonna help us, wether you like it or not."

"I told you, there's no one here." Dante said. "Sorry if we don't take your word for it." Eden said, behind everyone due to her leg. "Why aren't you with your people on level 5?" Bellamy asked. "After what I've done, they can be free. Deliverance comes at a cost. I bear it so they don't have to."

"It wasn't cage. It was your idea to make the deal with the grounders."

"We're in."

"It's clear."

"Let's get the monitors up."

"Is that Raven?" Clarke asked. Eden turned around at the sound of her name. She saw her on a table, her bone marrow being taken out. Eden felt tears well in her eyes. "Tell them to stop. Now." Clarke said. "I won't do that."


"Carl Emerson, security detail, come in. Who is this?" He asked over the walkie. "You know who this is. Give the radio to the president." A minute passed before a voice came on. "This is president Wallace."

"I have your father. If you don't let my people go, I'll kill him."

"How do I know you have him?" Clarke put the walkie up to Dante's lips. "Stay the course, Cage."

"You won't do it." Cage said. "You don't know me very well. This ends now. Release my people."

"I can't do that. It would mean the end of our people, Clarke."

"Clarke we need him." "And I need his son to believe me." Clarke couldn't bare seeing Raven up there much longer. "Don't make me do this."

"Dad, I'll take care of our people."

"Neither of us have a choice here Clarke." "I didn't want this."

"Neither did I." Clarke pointed the gun at him, but she couldn't bring herself to shoot him. Eden grabbed the gun out of her hands, and shot him in the chest, shock filling everyone's faces. Clarke turned to her, tears in her eyes. "You didn't have to do that, Eden." Eden sat down in a chair, ignoring Bellamy's words.

"Listen to me very carefully. We will not stop until our people are free. If you don't let them go, I will irradiate level 5. Cage, listen to me. I don't want anyone else to die. There has to be a way to get us all out of this."

"Emerson is coming for us." Monty said, watching the cameras. "Can you deactivate his key card?" Bellamy asked. "That's easy."

"Where's he going?" Eden asked, limping over to the cameras. "The dorm."

"Monty? Can you do it? Can you irradiate the level?" Clarke asked. "I can do it."

"Wait a second, Clarke. We need to talk about this. There are kids here."

"I know. And people who helped us. But if you have a better idea, speak up now."

"Kill everyone, simple." Eden said. "That's not simple Eden." Bellamy said.

"Take that one off the table. Put her up there." A man pointed to Abby putting her on the table. Raven was too weak to stand, the handcuffs the only thing holding her up. She just hoped Eden was okay.

"Clarke were out of time." Monty said. "My sister, my responsibility. I have to save them."

"Together." Clarke said, as Bellamy and Clarke both put there hand on the lever, pulling it, and pulling the outside air in.

They walked out, well Eden limping, but saw the deaths of people who were innocent. They came across Jasper holding a dead maya. Eden just wanted to find Raven, and make sure she was okay. "We need to get home."

Raven was in medical, her wounds being cleaned, Eden by her side. "She's good to go." Abby said, but turned to Eden. "But you, I need to clean your wounds." Eden nodded, sitting up on the table Raven was previously on, Raven now sitting beside Eden. Raven laid her head on Eden's shoulder as Abby examined the wound. "Bad news or good news?"

"Good news." Raven cut in. "The arrow wasn't poisoned. And the bad news, it's infected." Fucking great. "I can clean it, it could bring down the infection."

"And if it doesn't?"

"I'll have to cut the infection out." Eden nodded, and Abby began cleaning the wound, Eden wincing every so often at the pain.

Raven and Eden went back to their room, the both lying down in exhaustion. "I love you, Eden."

"I love you, too." Raven laid her head on Eden's chest, hearing the beating of her heart, and Eden's hand going through her hair.

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