25. talking

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"Raven, any word from Bellamy?" Octavia asked her. "Nothing yet."

"Lincoln is still missing too. They should be back by now."

"He'll be okay."

"He better be. Are you okay? You seem a little off." Raven sighed, and turned towards her tears in her eyes. "Eden left. I don't know when she's coming back, or if she is. She's with Jaha and Murphy on the way to some City of Light."

"She wouldn't just leave you, Raven." Raven let a tear fall. "Yes, she would. She's mad at me because I blamed her for the 300 deaths."

"Raven, she'll come back." At that moment, Eden walked into the room. "Eden?" Raven asked. "I thought you went with Jaha and Murphy." Raven said. Eden walked out of the room. "You can't avoid me forever, Eden."

"I can, and I will." Eden said. "Eden, I'm sorry okay?"

"I forgive you for that, Raven. But you could've told me about the other thing."

"I'm gonna leave." Octavia said, walking out. "I was pissed, I just wanted to get back at you. God I'm so fucking stupid." Eden wanted to forgive her, she couldn't be made at her for much longer. "I thought you left today. I couldn't do it without you, it was torture thinking you were gone."


"I shouldn't have tried to sleep with him. I regret it.  You have every right to be pissed at me. I love you, Eden. I can't do it without you." Eden couldn't take it anymore.

"I love you, Raven." She said tears in her eyes. Raven looked up at her, tears coming down her cheeks. "You do? After everything?"

"Yes, nothing can change that." Eden kissed her softly, her hands tangling in her hair. "I love you, Eden. So fucking much." Raven kissed her again their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Eden backed Raven up against the door, locking it so nobody would come in. Eden placed her hands on either side of raven. They backed away, and went towards the bed in the room. Eden pushed Raven down on it, and took her brace off. Eden got on top of Raven, kissing her with love and lust. Raven pulled Eden's shirt off, and pulled her bra off.

Eden hand travelled up and down Raven before finding the hem of her shirt and pulling it off of her. Eden went down to Ravens neck, and began softly sucking on it. Raven tilted her head so Eden could reach it better. Eden pulled off Ravens bra, and stopped sucking on her neck and went down to her breasts. She took one in her mouth,  and massaged the other with her hand, making Raven let out a moan. Eden stopped and did the same to the other breast.

She kissed between her breasts, and down to the waist line of her pants, and pulled them off of her. She went up to her lips, and rubbed her through her underwear.

Eden could feel the heat radiating off of her, and felt how wet she was through her underwear. Eden pulled her underwear down, and inserted a finger inside of her. Raven moaned against her lips, making Eden smirk. Eden slowly pumped her finger in and out of her, making her feel pleasure, but not enough to make her orgasm. "Eden." She moaned in her ear, turning Eden on. Ravens fingernails dug into Eden's back, most likely leaving marks.

Eden added another finger into her, making Raven arch her back. "Eden." Eden went a little faster against her soaked clit. Eden felt her tighten around her fingers, so she took her fingers out of her, making Raven whimper. Eden went down to her thighs, kissing them softly. "Please, Eden." She went to her clit, rubbing it softly with her thumb. She licked her folds, her taste going into her mouth. "Please, Eden." She moaned. Eden licked her clit, flicking it every so often. Her tongue entered entered inside of her. Raven moaned her name as she released into Eden's mouth.

They began getting their clothes on, Raven putting on her brace. Eden put her shirt on, her back hurting from the scratches Raven put into it.

A knock sounded on the door and Raven went over to it, opening the door. The radio went off. "Can anyone read me? Camp Jaha, this is mount weather. Can anyone read me." Bellamys voice went off on the radio. Clarke went over to it. "Bellamy?"


"Are you all right?" Clarke asked. "I'm fine. That's it for the good news. We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Jasper, Monty, and everyone else, they just locked them in a dorm. They're alive, I think so, for now. Maya says they're already using their blood, and things are gonna get ugly in here really fast."

"Maya is with you? She helped me escape."

"If not for her, I'd be dead. And Clarke, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me you have one."

"We can't do anything until we disable this fog. Raven will help you. You also need to figure out a way to free the grounder prisoners. There's a whole army inside that mountain, and they don't even realize it."

"Trojan horse. Good plan."

"What does maya think? Is it doable?" Raven spoke up. "She says it not a problem. If I'm gonna pull this off, I'm gonna need you to buy me some time. It won't be long before they realize I don't belong here, and if that happens-"

"That can't happen." Clarke said. "I'll come up with something."

"Come up with it quick." Clarke walked out of the room, leaving us there. "I've missed you." Raven said, wrapping her arms around Eden's middle. Eden smiled and turned around, kissing her full of force. "I love you, Eden."

"I love you too."

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