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_________________________________________Garroth's POV

   "It's just you and me." I awkwardly said breaking the silence between me and my new found lover. He laughed slightly and nodded.

   "I think we scared off Dante." Laurence said breaking into laughter.

   After a few seconds of awkward silence Laurence broke out with 'the question.' "You want to go on a date?" He paused looking at my blank expression. "I know a pretty good coffee place not far from here. We can even walk there." He smiled.

   "S-sure." Say something else you big dummy! I tried to convince myself. "I would love to Laurence," I finally stuttered out.

   A smile spread across the smaller males face and he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a warm hug. I hugged him back laying my head on his shoulder. "Okay, Stutter King." Laurence said flirty-like, making me blush a bright red.

I loud beeping sound interrupted our embrace, which became a make-out session after a while, Laurence broke his lips away from mine and I whined silently.

   The brunette looked down at a wrist watch and cursed under his breath. Ignoring my questionable look he grabbed something the couch.

"Bye babe." He whispered, kissing my forehead. "The date will have to be later. I will text you when I'm coming home." Laurence continued. He opened the door saying, "Bye," one more time.

I sat lonely on the couch, thinking, for awhile. I couldn't be more confused. "I-I just got a boyfriend," I smiled by the sentence. "I got a boyfriend!" I screamed from the top of my lungs, laughing hysterically. I pushed away a lock of my blonde hair and sat down to take a breath. "I have a boyfriend..." I laughed silently this time.


I woke up from a notification from my phone. It has been three hours since Laurence left, I was lonely and must of all tired. I grabbed my phone on my nightstand, squinting my eyes at the screen because of the sudden brightness.

"Heading home now. Get ready for our date. Love you." Read the text.

I threw my phone on my bed sheets and went to my rather large closet. "What to wear." I said to myself while ruffling trough my clothes. At the end I picked out a white t-shirt a blue zip up jacket and jeans. By that time Laurence walked in through the door.

"You ready m'lady?" My boyfriend teased from downstairs. I rolled my eyes, walking down the steps to join him.

"H-hey Laurence." I stuttered as I made my way down to the living room where Laurence was patiently waiting. He blushed, making me heat up as well. He looked amazing, I didn't realize how attracted I was to this boy until now. His beautiful blue eyes, amazing personality, soft brunette hair I could go on forever.

"Ready to go?" We intertwined hands, letting go when we got outside and walked peacefully the rest of the way.

A/N: Meh. Not my favorite chapter. But it's something.
Hoped you enjoyed anyway!

Bye guys

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