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Garroth's POV

"Ugh, Laurence, hurry up and finish your food!" I whined, I was tired of waiting for my boyfriend to finish his small meal he ordered! We've been here for at least a hour by now.

"Be patient Gar." He took a bit from his cinnamon muffin. "I'm almost done."

Dramatically, I put my head on the table, sighing loudly. "Fine. If you're taking so long I'm going to get a muffin too." I dragged myself out of the chair, passing Vylad's and Dante's table, they left already though.

I went the longer way to annoy Laurence for taking long. I looped around the whole place, passing more tables and taking more steps than it would to just walk straight ahead and make it there.

      I passed a familiar face, Zane. "Zane? Hi, Baby Brother!" I waved to him. Was he lonely? No one was with him, not that he had any friends except Aphmau. "Baby brother?"

"What, Garroth?" He looked away from his phone, clearly annoyed.

"Are you lonely?"


"Then, who are you with?" I pressed on. "Is Aph here?" He shook his head. "Um, mom?"

"Oh, of course! You're correct! I'm here with mom."


"No!" He groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I was being sarcastic, Garroth." He looked back down to his phone.

"Oh." I rocked on my feet, waiting for him to say something. He never did. I frowned, he never wanted to talk to me. "Okay, then who are you with?" I poked him, trying to get him to tell me.

"Go away, please." He groaned.

     "Fine." I surrendered, throwing my arms into the air. "I surrender!" I yelled.

     "Garroth, you're making a scene-"

     I looked around seeing millions of faces looking at me. Even Laurence, who stopped eating and stared at me. He chuckled slightly, making me smile. "But-"

     "Go." He demanded. I walked away, sad he wouldn't tell me. I am his big brother after all! He should be able to tell me everything!

     I went to the counter, getting myself a muffin and another drink, just to annoy Laurence really. If he was going to take forever, I will too.

I made my way through the maze of people, again, making my way to mine and Laurences' table.

     Laurence was truly amazing. To his looks and personality. I could go on and on. And I will probably will.

     "I'm back." I pulled out my chair, sitting down. Laurence finished his food, the muffin wrapper on his plate. "Missed me Laur?" I chuckled. He laughed to, rolling his sky blue eyes.

     "No. Not really Gar."

     "Rude!" I huffed.

     "You're adorable Gar." He laughed again, staring at me. I blushed just from his stare. I felt hypnotized from him. He was the adorable one.

     "I love you Garroth..."

A/N: Whyyyyyyy?!
Sorry for a short chapter!

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