1st Act: Finding Neverland

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~ Prologue ~

Almost a year had passed since the last encounter of S.W.O.R.D. and the Kuryu Group. The casino's plan was fully forgotten. Kuzei Ryushin (head of Kuryu) has perished and Tatsuhito Ryu (his only son) was now the new leader. The rest of the nine dragons were finally facing the law and prison. Saigo and his men had evidence to go on with their research. Of course, Kuryu Group had lost the war. But this Yakuza organization was around for decades, it could not be taken down totally. They lost power but they were still around causing problems. (Of course nothing that S.W.O.R.D cannot handle.)

The fallout that had began when the Mugen and the Amamiya brothers fought. The town split in five districts, and five organizations rose to the top took over each district. The Iemura Group, Kohaku, the Korean Mafia as well as the Mighty Warriors plotted against the S.W.O.R.D until all ended up fighting in a huge battle. The Amamiya brother dealing with Kamizono group and losing their older brother Takeru . White Rascals fighting with Doubt. S.W.O.R.D united fighting Kuryu. Smoky's (Rude boys' leader) death and the distraction of Nameless city.

All the above had caused all five districts to break little by little during those two years, until nothing was standing. S.W.O.R.D. control their district as before. But they walked through hell and back. They had lost a lot, but they were slowly back on their feet. And the important thing was they were now working as one. And Cobra was the key persona that united them. That made the leader of Sannoh Rengokai, the one who was answer for S.W.O.R.D.

Sannoh Rengokai (Hoodlum Squad) took all the time to fix the damage. The team of 6 (Cobra (leader), Yamato, Noburo, Dan, Tetsu, Chiharu ) were getting into all kinds of troubles. Funny ones, serious, in any case they kept themselves busy. They occasionally meet the rest of the S.W.O.R.D main members. They were moving on with their lives without knowing what faith was plotting to bring on their doorsteps.

On the other side of the city, another notorious yakuza clan has their roots there for four generations. The Oedo Family. Their Leader was still Kuroda Ryuichiro (3rd Generations Leader.) The 4th generation Leader would be his granddaughter spouse; Sawada Shin. His granddaughter, an idealistic teacher with hopes of making a difference in students' lives, Yamaguchi Kumiko.

Sawada was one of her first students. After many years, a lot of stories and memories those two married. They had two kids. Their first one was a boy, Sawada Yusuke. The second one a girl Sawada Kira*. Yusuke, he had a mix personality taking from his father and mother. He grew up to be a great man. He had Kuroda-san's looks (but not his persona). He became a teacher, with the same principles as his mother. But serious and clever like his father. He married at a young age, and had a son (Yuki).

On the other hand the girl, since it was the youngest in the family, became rather spoiled. Kira had a warm childhood, with lots of love. She never came across any hardships. And if she ever did, she had too many people caring for her. If her mother and father, brother and grandfather weren't enough. She had Yankumi's former students. She had Shin's friends. Her brother's friends. And the Oedo Clan. Kira received loved from all those people. But that bored her. Since when ever she needed help, there was someone to help her (or to teach her).

Kira grew up. She went to study art in New York. With Sawada as a father, she had all the connections she needed. After all her aunt Natsumi (Sawada's sister) lived in New York with her family. She had also married one of Yankumi's students; Yabuki Hayato. They had also one kid. She lived with them when she was studying in New York. It's been only a few months she's been back in Tokyo. She has a part-time job as a graphic designer in Sony. She was back home, living with everyone.

~ Zooming In ~

Sawada Kira, Was the youngest daughter of Shin and Kumi. She was a combination of Shin's and Kumi's personality; a scary one. She was usually a serious person with a laid-back attitude and cared very much for everyone ( like Shin). She's also stubborn, got easily fired up, with her Baka* moments (like Kumi). She inherited few of Kuroda's characteristics. (But those were never revealed because until now Kira lived an easy life. But that's going to change.) She was spoiled to the bone. Kira was trained to fight like her mother by Oshima Kyotaro. But Kuroda-san, Shin, Yankumi, Yusuke, basically everyone was around training her. That's why her fighting skills were excelled.

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