6th Act: One to One (I can fight you all)

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"Gomen (Sorry)" Kira (dressed as a boy again) said clearly as she noticed the man sitting in the middle of the road. She had just crashed into him as she turned the corner of Sannoh district. She held her hand out to help him up. The man looked 2 or 3 years older than her. He was wearing a black school uniform (that was from Oya High.)

He refused her help and jumped up. "Just be careful!" he told her. It seemed like he was in a hurry, and didn't really pay any attention to the boy with the long black hair.

"Careful?!" Kira asked with an annoying tone "What do you mean careful. It wasn't only my fault you jumped into me!"

"I don't really have time for these now!" his voice echoed as he started to walk away from Kira.

Though, Kira as always wouldn't let the matter drop. She was just ignored. " Chotto, Chotto! (Wait)" she loudly uttered as she blocked the man's path "That was really rude."

He gazed at Kira a bit confused. "Are you looking for trouble?" the young man asked her serious.

And he wasn't wrong. Kira, even after what had happened with Cobra, she didn't change at all. If there was a possibility to get in a fight she would rush into without thinking. "I really don't like how rude you are. Let's deal with this issue. Let's have one to one?" she asked him.

The man cracked a smile. People normally wouldn't ask to fight him just because they bumped into each other. But that boy seemed to be really serious about it. Since he was in a hurry, the man nodded. "Alright, later," he said.

Kira's eyes opened widely, she didn't really believe the man would agree. 'That's my lucky day then' she thought. "Okay. I will wait for you at 6 pm outside Itokan Diner. My name is Kira." she clarified.

The young man agreed. He wasn't the type that was looking for a fight anymore. And a fight around the Sannoh district. He just wanted to be in time, to meet the others. "Ok! See you then. I'm Murayama," he replied and dashed off.

Kira blinked few times, confused. The name 'Murayama' sounded familiar. But her urge to fight won her curiosity. And she didn't bother to find out who that young man was.

Kira's mind spaced out once again as she was thinking about the fight. She was cracking her knuckles and wondering at the middle of the street. Α white motorbike that appeared from nowhere almost hit her. Thankfully the man stopped it only a few inches away from her. He was all dressed in white. He had a really scary look on his face. He was there to attend something serious, and he almost hit a short boy.

"I could hit you!" he said as he was trying to start his bike again.

Kira froze, silent, to make sure she hadn't mistaken it. "Omg! you almost hit me with your bike. What were you thinking?" she rudely asked the man dressed in white.

The man pissed "You were the one roaming the streets."

"Wait?!" Kira overreacted once more "Me?! And even if I were. You almost killed me!" she shouted.

The man sighed "Whatever!" He had more serious issues at his mind.

"Hey! Duel with me at 6 pm..." she said loudly. As she paused thinking she was fighting with that 'Murayama' guy at 6 pm. "6:15 pm then at outside Itokan Diner. My name is Kira." she added.

The man waved a "yes" at her and drove away. He had no time to deal with that odd boy at that time. But he wasn't also the kind of person that he would say no to duel if he was asked too.

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