24th Act: Aishiteru

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Kira remained in Tokyo, she did not follow Ryusuke back in New York. His hopes were all crushed, the day he found out that Kira and Cobra were now married. He never accepted that Ki-chan was actually Cobra's wife. Yet, he helped her to be established as a full part graphic designer at Sony. Ryusuke flew back to New York and never returned to Japan. Rumors said, that he started dating Rika and they even got married.

Natsumi (Shin's younger sister) and her husband Hayato (Kumiko's student) returned also back in New York. Their lives and work were there. They only traveled to aid the family, when Yusuke's wife died and everything was a big mess. Oddly their daughter Kyoko stayed in Tokyo. Kira's side stories had won her over. And now that she had seen on her own how Life in Tokyo and around Kira was. There was always a new adventure appearing before the last one was over. Excited as Kira was in the early days. She made her mind that she wanted to stay in Tokyo and find her own path.

As for Cobra, his responsibilities grew day by day. He was not only seen now as the leader of Sannoh Rengokai or the main head of SWORD. He was seen as the 5th Leader of the Oedo family. Although, Shin knew how heavy the title was. And as long Kuroda-san and Sawada were around. Cobra had nothing to worry about. Well, he had enough problems to deal with. And his biggest was KIRA.

"I don't want to go!" Kira boldly announced as she stepped away from her wedding dress. After the ink had dried on the certificate they only thing missing was their wedding reception. True be told, neither Cobra or Kira wanted a wedding reception. Yankumi demanded it. And not a single soul dared to deny her request.

"What do you mean 'you don't want to go'?" Naomi hissed as she was standing on the west side of the room. She was listening to Kira's outcry all day long. Her mind was dizzy and she was ready to hit her. "Kira. It's your wedding party. You have to show up." she told her. "Get dressed. We'll be late!"

Kira rolled her eyes and sat down on the armchair crossing her legs. "No! I am not showing up and admitting that a married to Cobra!" she yelled like a child.

"But you are married to him!" Yuki (her nephew) suddenly added as he was giggling. His aunt was acting lately so foolish. But today she was overdoing it. "And everyone knows it, Auntie!" he added.

Kyoko blinked as she remembered Kumiko. "And what about your mother. Imagine her wrath if you never show up." Her round face looked terrified.

Kira sighed and cast a glance at the wedding dress. She recalled how happy she was when she, Kyoko and Naomi were looking for the wedding dress. It was every girl's dream, to wear a wedding dress. To plan her wedding. And more important to marry the one she loved. And Kira was lucky. No, it was not good fortune, it was like a miracle. She was married to the only man she fell in love with. Yet, something felt off. One day they were simply cursing each other, and the next they were married. It was done very fast. Cobra like a prank on her registered their wedding contract. She went along, like the idea that the leader of Sannoh Rengokai was married and lost some of his images.

She held the lower part of the wedding gown. "What are we doing?" she mumbled and shook her head. "Naomi, will you marry Yamato someday?" Kira suddenly asked.

Naomi looked at her and tilted her head "Eventually if our relationship is mature enough. And we both feel that way. Yes!" she admitted with a smile.

Kira sighed "Exactly. Yamato will not marry you, because he would want to prank you. And you would not marry him, just because it would look funny! Reasons why I am married!" She grabbed her head feeling her blood pressure raising. "What was I thinking. I cannot go!"

"Wait you don't believe that Cobra registered the wedding contract to prank you? Or that you agree only to see him lose?" Naomi said loudly and walked over smacking Kira's head.

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