19th Act: Kira, part of the Oedo Clan!?

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And there he was again. He was offering to that reckless punk to take her home. It was late, for her to return home alone. But what was he really thinking? That punk had turned his life upside down. There was no more peace in his life. Each day, she would find a way to revolve his daily routine, to a crazy adventure. He could never guess, what she would do next. Even if she managed to keep away a month from his life. Her coming back was stronger. And now there she was. He already knew her brother and her mother. And yet, he thought of her already as a member of the Hoodlum Squad. But slowly it was something more than a simple member. He could say, "That punk" was his friend. She could be trusted. She was reliable. And whatever they were facing, she would never run away. Sometimes, he still couldn't read her. He would never.

"Punk, Let me take you home," Cobra said. Everyone had already left. Only Naomi and Yamato were cleaning to close the diner.

As for Kira. He was the one that was always blocking her fun around the Sannoh District. Since the day she entered the Hoodlum Squad, there he was. What was the result, of his interference? They would always end up in odd and extraordinary circumstances. It pissed her, god did he pissed her. But on the other hand, he was one of the few (maybe the only one) that didn't treat her like the sweet girl (that most did.) She was "that punk" or the "reckless punk" in his eyes. And although, every time he called her that, Kira wanted to punch his face. But there were those times, she totally liked it. She was more like her careless self around Hoodlum Squad. But even more around him. She didn't need, (neither did she wanted) to see her in any other way. Mask herself as a sweet lady or a pretty cute girl. She didn't need that. She was just a wildcat around him. A spoiled brat around her family. A sweet cute girl around the rest. Cobra had more sides of him (sides Kira never wanted to acknowledge). She knew now, she could trust him. He was loyal, honorable, and leader. Last but not least, he could be scary. She saw him as her friend, and that was clear. Cobra talked to her in a rude way. He was dragging her around. And they went through many "accidents". If it was anyone else, she would surely not allow it. But don't get the wrong idea. If she still had the opportunity to fight him, she would.

"Okay. But not at my family home. Take me where we were last time." she notified him.

Cobra wanted to take her back home. But she promised him she would sleep at Shin's family home. He was sure, she wouldn't keep that promise. To make sure she would stay there, he remained outside the house for a few minutes. Though he was tired and didn't want to lose more of his time. He drove back home. A few blocks away from Shin's old family home, he almost hit a chubby man. The man was drunk and lost his balance. Cobra was sure he had seen him before. But the darkness didn't help him much to recognize him. He made sure the man was alright. He noticed he wouldn't be able to return home. He offered to help him. He drove around with him for a while, searching. Until they found the right house. He helped him to reach home. Only to find out that he was passing the Oedo's family grounds.

"Minoru, are you drunk again." Tetsu ((Gokusen Tetsu)) yelled at him as he found him crushed against the entrance.

Cobra was still shocked. He had just noticed it was the Oedo clan. And he remembered where he saw the chubby guy and the yelling one. "I almost hit him. He couldn't return and helped him."Cobra honestly explained.

"Thank you Young man." an older man appeared. He seemed sincere. Like a man from an older age.

Cobra could tell, he was not someone ordinary. "Nothing to thank me for. Honestly, I almost hit him," he said again.

"When Minoru is drunk, it can end like that. You don't need to explain yourself." Shin said as he also came to see what was going on.

"Sawada-san?!" Cobra puzzled. He sighed as he had to manage again to mix himself in odder situations.

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