13th Act: A shady Ghost or a Ghost organisation?

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"Let's us through, we need to speak with Rocky!" Yamato requested as his way was cut (when he tried to go upstairs in Heaven club). He, Tettsu and Todoroki (after they dealt with the men with the sparkle blue masks) needed to inform the rest. Though the guy didn't let them through. Only when Bito signaled them to let them pass (he let them trough.)

Rocky was sitting upstairs with few females, Koo, and Aizawa was there too. He noticed as Yamato walked in and stood in front of him. The leader of the White Rascals got used to Yamato showing up like that. But he only showed up if he had something serious to discuss.

"Why are you here?" Rocky asked. He pulled his back up and sat straight facing him. After their previous Club got taken by the Kuryu group, they found a new and better one. Since then it was working perfectly.

Yamato didn't wait and explained, "These days we had and issue with Oya High."

But Rocky interrupted him "I have heard, that Todoroki and his friends attacked your guys." He gave a quick glance at Todoroki. Seeing him there, the leader of the White Rascals was sure something else was hiding behind those attacks.

"You already found out!" Tettsu (Hoodlum Squad Tettsu) mumbled as he took a seat next to Koo.

Koo smirked "Of course we did. News travels faster than you think Tettsu."

"Then what else is there for us to know?" Rocky buzzed as he stared directly at Yamato through his sunglasses.

Yamato grabbed his phone, he gave it to Rocky "Look at the Video. Oshiage was taken yesterday. Not to get her hurt, Murayama and Cobra had to fight. The same happened to Todoroki, that's why they attacked us."

Rocky's facial expression changed to more serious. He played the video "And what happened?"

"We saved Oshiage. Cobra and Murayama fought. And we took care of the guys." Tettsu disclosed.

Aizawa looked at them puzzled "Then why are you guys even here?"

"The problem is. Those guys have nothing to do with a gang or handling things like that. They were told to do so. They were paid. And they only found it funny. They never planned to hurt anyone. But the one that put them into it surely did." Yamato uttered with a higher tone.

Rocky looked at the video again "Then you mean. That it could be the same with the ones behind the Elite school attacks?"

"Exactly. In the first seconds of the videos, there is a 10th shadow of a man. The men there were only 9. Also when we got there, they were already talking with someone on the phone. Someone who told them about Cobra and Murayama's fight. We looked for the number but they had already delete it. " Yamato informed them as he rested against the table (were Rocky was).

Rocky tapped his leg returning the phone to Yamato "Does Cobra or Murayama know about the shady Ghost?"

"Have you seen Murayama and Cobra back then when they fought how they were?" Yamato responded.

He shook his head "Not really, only heard about it."

"Exactly. They barely could move. And now that both are stronger, and specially Murayama... there was no way I could talk with them today. That's why I came here." Yamato made it clear.

"You want me to inform Takeshi and Hyuga?" Rocky asked directly.

And Yamato nodded "Not only that. We have to be extra careful. That 'Shady Ghost' you talked about, if it aims for SWORD it will surely appear again."

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