16th Act: The longest night ever

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There're those days with time passing so rapidly, so fiercely; leaving only a taste of nothingness. On the other hand, there are those days, their long (so long), you think you'll never live through the day. But the worse ones, are the long nights. Those, that are longer than the days; like the sun will never rise again.

A long night like that, the new pawns where set, for the worse game to begin.

- Kuryu Group Headquarters -

The fourth-generation leader of the Oedo family arrived at the Iemura's centrals. He walked inside without fear, as a strong Leader would. A few hours ago, Ryu (the new boss of the Kuryu Group as the old head -Kuze Ryushin- was perished), notified him that he wanted to meet him. The Oedo Clan never got involved with Yakuza groups. They're ill news, always connected to something shady, to something bad. But, after a new threat had awoken, and slowly made itself known. It made it essential for most of them to meet, and find an answer.

"Take a seat, Sawada-san." Ryu said. He was standing behind his old wooden desk. His palms resting on top. His posture was slightly bent. He was wearing a black suit, a white shirt. His necktie was loose. He seemed to worry, more than he was when the lost all the power.

The Kuryu had managed to grow a few years ago. They wanted to control most districts. Their drug sales rose each day. They were involved in any illegal activity. And they became stronger each day. But their luck ended when they decided to take under their control SWORD. Although damage was equally for both sides. The Kuryu Group lost much more. They haven't changed since then. They still are connected with illegal acts. But they don't have the same power as they used to.

Shin, sat down. "Why the sudden urge to meet in such a short time?"

"First, I wanted to meet personally the next Leader of the Oedo family," he said as he took a sip of his whiskey.

"But you were in a Hurry?" Shin asked him curiously.

Ryu looked at him "We are being attacked, stolen and hunted. We're taking a low blow. And I think It's not only happening to us."

Shin was surprised to find that even clans like the Kuryu had been on the news threat list. "Your "business" then is tracked. Although, we don't approve of your ways. You know we don't handle our affairs like that."

"Exactly. I know it's not any local group. Their ways are too harsh. Our merchandise is stolen, the factories blew up, and my people wounded or killed." he explained.

Shin paused a moment to think. "Lately, more groups have been having those issues. Things are changing, like a shadow is taking over. We have also noticed that."

The Leader of the Kuryu agreed "It's like they don't have a plan. Like they want to control us all. Small, or big Clans. Legal, or not. They want it all."

"You better freeze all your transactions. The Oedo family never agreed with the way you're doing business. But we are looking into the new threat." Shin told him as he stood up "Something really dark is behind it, and we need soon to find out, what."

"One more thing we noticed. They are also after SWORD." he added lastly before Shin left.

"We already figured that out. It covers 5 of the main and biggest districts of the city. They would be after it." Sawada notified him.

"See, Sawada-san, The Oedo, SWORD, even the Amamiya Brothers, try to play a fair game. But, you all get dragged into the worse situations anyway." the leader of the Kuryu Group mocked Shin.

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