22th Act: Is revenge really worth it?

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The fight had already begun. It seemed that the Otome Sayji, brought many men with him. All the members of the Hoodlum Squad, except Cobra and Yamato, were fighting. The place was filled with the Sayji gang; if a gang you would call them. Though they were facing a tough opponent, the Sannoh Gang.

"These guys are wimps," said Sayji gazing at a member of Hoodlum Squad face the ground and breathing deeply.

While their leader was speaking, more guys appeared, surrounding the Hoodlum Squad. Moving closer, and cycling them together in the middle. With one purpose only, to destroy everything.

"You're joking, right?" Dan said as he noticed more gang members showing up "How many are they?"

"I don't know. They just keep coming." Chiharu said.

The battle had just started, and they noticed that they were only a few Hoodlum Squad members. SWORD had tougher fights, but still, this foe was someone noticeable in power and strength.

Though the moment was broken, as the sound of three men running caught both gangs' attention. It was Yamato, Cobra, and Noboru. Sayji turned and glared at Cobra. He finally was seeing his target.

Yamato loudly and clearly asked him angry "How long will you keep this up?"

Gazing at them both he simply answered them "Until my revenge is over."

Cobra, with his eyes pinned at him, voiced "We don't intend on fighting with you anymore."

"What?" asked angry Sayji "Hey, do you think it can be settled like this?"

They walked a few steps straight towards him. Noboru stayed behind.

"Destroy them!" Sayji ordered. The fight started again. Sayji now wanted only one thing. To reach Cobra. And take his revenge. Dan, Tettsu, Chiharu and few others crashed against them blocking his way. The fight became more severe. Even Yamato interfered not letting anyone touch Cobra. "Stop it! Don't touch him!" he yelled. Cobra was gazing at everyone fighting. That was not, what he wanted. Cobra and Sayji, stared at each other for some time. Though it was clear that Sayji wouldn't held back.

He was standing 5'9 tall. His body mass was over 160 pounds. He had dark brown hair, and eyes. If you gazed him long enough you would notice. He didn't look like a gang member. After all, in his whole life, he was working in an office. But that didn't make him less dangerous.

Sayji started kicking and punching his way through Cobra. His hits were rough and crazy, he wouldn't hold back. Cobra seeing his friends being hit, he could no more stay still. "You..." he yelled and dashed fast towards him. Sayji was hitting two of Sannoh Rengokai at the same time. He pushed them over, and while trying to punch the one Cobra pulled him over and got hit by it. Sayji was strong and wild to handle. He turned and pushed him against the wall. Though he didn't remain stable, he punched Cobra two times against his right side. And then two more punches followed against his face.

Kira showed up. She was startled, Sannoh Rengokai's members were so few (compare to Sayji's member). Next, she noticed Cobra and Sayji clashing.

"I'm not late," she mumbled and rushed towards them. But she was stopped.

Noboru pulled her back. "Stay here!" he wigged her.

"No! This is my fight. They harmed my family." Kira yelled as she struggled to break free. Though Noboru had no intention to let her go.

Cobra cycled against the air and gripped Sayji in a tight hug and crushing him against the nearest wall. He tried to hold him there tightly. Sayji was resisting, and Cobra was pushing more and yelling at him to stop it.

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