15th Act: A shoulder to lean on

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A month had already passed without Cobra and Kira to meet. Kira became really busy at work. Since the new VR product that Sony created was supposed to be out in the market on December 1st. Ryusuke had her work overtime, she even didn't manage to help Naomi as she had promised. It was a chaotic month with many deadlines. Besides, deep down she didn't want to cross any paths with Cobra (after what had happened.) She spent all her time at work with Ryusuke, those two made a great team. And even after work, Ryusuke didn't miss a chance to be around her. He picked her up every morning from home. He took her back home after work. They had lunch and dinner every day. Ryusuke didn't change that much, he was treating Kira kindly as he always did. He took care of all the little things. Opening doors, pulling the chair (when they were having dinner), talking sweet, complimenting her and sometimes getting her roses. Of course, Kira enjoyed the attention, but she was mostly focused on her work.

Likewise, Cobra kept himself busy. Lately odder complains and incidents were happening around SWORD. The five leaders spend all the time to find out who could be behind. Cobra, overdid it as he spent most of his time trying to keep himself out of thinking. He, as Kira, didn't wish to meet her. Why would he want that "punk" in his life? She only caused him trouble every time they met. There wasn't a single day that his world wouldn't come upside down. This month that they didn't meet, he could be finally in peace. But deep down it felt like something was missing. After all, that "punk" slowly became his bad habit.

Finally, the hard work was over on Kira's side. Her work hours went back to normal. The stress month was over, and she could once again relax. And the only thing she really needed was to go back to her neverland. She had missed Naomi and the guys. She had missed the action, and how messy things could get over there. This evening she would go back helping Naomi at the Itokan Diner. Ryusuke offered to take her there. He didn't want really Kira to hang around the Sannoh district. First, because the area once again started to become dangerous. Secondly, he never understood why she would even want to spend time there. There was nothing there, that the Kira he knew, should like.

"Nikka isn't helping you this evening?" Yamato asked Naomi. He had just finished eating the second plate of an omelet. Yamato behaved like he always, it was that time of the year where everyone close to Naomi become sorrowful.

At the corner of the shop, Cobra was sitting with Dan and Chiharu talking. Chiharu wanted him to join them in gokkun (group date). Considering that Cobra wasn't hanging with them lately, he was busy all the time. But today he seemed closer to his thoughts, sadder. It was only because of that forsaken day.

She whispered at him "Nikka needed some time off. Kira promised she would help." Naomi had added more dishes, and Yamato was eating there every day. She tried anything she could these days, to make the store become more alive. It was the only way she could express her feelings. By keeping the store running.

"Indeed, I haven't seen her like a month or so," Yamato added as he was trying to catch a plastic cup and pour some soda in it.

"She was busy with work," Naomi explained.

"I thought something had happened. Kira not being around. And Cobra always being so busy." Yamato said.

"Maybe it's better she wasn't around these days. With all the problems that surrounded us once again, I was worried she would bring more trouble." Naomi expressed her worries.

Suddenly, the door opened and Kira walked in. She was wearing an elegant and tasteful cotton wall dress. With her proportions, she would look good in whatever she has chosen to wear. She spoke with a soft and pleasant voice "Are you bad mouthing me again Naomi." She startled everyone since she showed up early and with Ryusuke following her.

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