11th Act: Murayama's Threat

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"Murayama, why did you pause?" Todoroki asked him as he was waiting at the main entrance of Oya High. They all talked and agree to search for the gang that had blackmailed them. They couldn't just let them be.

But Oya High's Leader was gazing at his phone screen with a terrified look on his face. "We can not go!" he said and lifted his phone. He turned the screen towards Todoroki. "They caught Oshiage.." he mumbled.

Todoroki strolled over and looked at the screen. It was a link that forwarded them to live to stream. There was a dark room with few men, dressed in black. The only thing that was visible on them, were their glittered blue masks. And in the middle of the room was Oshiage tied up. "Those are the same guys that blackmailed us. What do they want?" asked Todoroki.

Murayama sighed "They want me to fight with Cobra. The message said 'The leaders of Oya High and Hoodlum Squad must duel or the girl dies. You have until dawn'."

"What will you do?" wanted Todoroki to know. He couldn't believe that those guys would move so fast. The odd thing was that they knew that Murayama and Oshiage were together.

"What do you think I will do. I will go and face Cobra. " Murayama responded. His mind was still speeding, mixing Oshiage into it, made things serious.

"But we have a few hours we could..." Todoroki tried to explain.

Though he cut him off "I will go and talk with Cobra, first. In any case, we may brainstorm something out, or we will end up fighting" he said and runoff.

Meanwhile at Itokan Diner...

"I don't get it. We know it was them. But you let Murayama go?" Ken asked Cobra. He was still confused about why Cobra would trust him.

Cobra was still fighting to find a logical explanation of why the Oya High attacked them. Then he turned his focus on Ken. Cobra had an issue expressing himself, especially when he was thinking. He was many times misunderstood. And this time he would do the same.

"Because he trusts him." Kira explained gaining the attention of everyone "Plus, Murayama wanted more than you guys to find out why the attacks happened."

Yamato nodded agreeing with her "Exactly. It's not like a stranger came and asked us to give him some time."

Unexpectedly, the door opened and Shiba dashed in. She was panting. She looked scared like something bad had happened. She stopped in the middle of the room "Oshiage... Black van... they took her.." she said with broken words.

Cobra, stood up more than worried "What happened?" he asked her.

"Oshiage... While I was closing the shop. A black van stopped a few steps away. Few men with black outfits and masks took her and left." she filled them in with tears on her eyes. Shiba was shaking, crying, in fear. Oshiage was her other half. They did everything together. Only the thought of losing her sister upset her. She collapsed on the floor, sitting in the middle and crying. Her tough act was gone.

Cobra lifted his deadly gaze "Let's go!" he said as the guys stood up ready to follow him.

"Wait!" Kira shouted without any delay causing everyone to stop.

Cobra, furious glared at her. "Not now punk!" he yelled at her as he faced the door ready to leave.

"No, wait!" Kira shouted again and walked over where Shiba was sitting. She knelt next to her "What kind of masks were they wearing? Metallic Blue?" she asked confusing everyone.

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