4th Act: Tomotachi

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"Chiharu, could you get me some Shower gel?" Cobra called Chiharu the next morning. He had already used all his shower gel last night. After that incident with Kira. He felt as the smell was surrounding him.

Chiharu (still asleep) answered his phone "Ohayo (Good morning), Cobra-san! A shower...girl?" he asked him baffled.

Cobra sighed "No, damn!"

'Is everyone really messing with me.' Cobra thought.

"A shower gel. That type of liquid soap used for washing yourself in a shower!" he tried to explain to sleepy Chiharu.

"Hai (Yes)! A shower gel... Be right there.." he ended the call. Jumped out of the bed, dressed in seconds and run off to buy the shower gel.

Cobra's clothes were still laying on the floor close to the bathroom door. In his room could be observed various objects. He owned a small fridge, a washing machine, and bookshelves (filled with few CDs and books). Few pens lined up on the computer desk, and an old notebook next to them. Under it an overflowing trash bin that no one has taken out. Clean clothes were thrown carelessly on a chair next to the desk. The old posters that filled the walls (above the desk) barley stood fixed, as their corners were nibbled. An unmade bed with a folded pillow half pressed against the wall. A pair of headphones, a book and a cup on the coffee table (that was located in the middle of the room). The sitting area was supposed to be there. At the end of the room, there was a large closet.

It was Cobra's room, but it was always open. The guys entered, without even knocking on the door. If the door was open, that meant that Cobra was inside. Honestly, Cobra didn't have much privacy. But he really didn't need it.

"Cobra-san I bought you one with a strong scent. The twins in the shop said it's the best Shower gel." Chiharu said as he walked into Cobra's room.

Cobra was sitting at the edge of his bed. The towel was wrapped against his hips, hiding his lower parts. He grabbed the bottle and dashed into the bathroom. Chiharu yawned and left. He went back sleeping.

The trace of the shower gel was indeed strong. It smelled really nice. Cobra read the label 'Sakura Shower Gel... For smooth skin...' He blinked dazedly since it was a shower gel for girls. "Huh! Cherry blossom Gel..." he mumbled and placed it on the shelf. He refused to get pissed one more time. He was sure, that someone was surely messing with him. He couldn't explain with any other words his luck those three days.

"That 'punk' started it all..." he whooped. Only considering Kira now made him enraged. Last night's actions, Cobra couldn't (wouldn't) let it slightly this time. He grabbed the random clean clothes from the chair and dressed. Then he dashed off the room, closing the door behind him.

"Why are you not at work?" Naomi asked as she watched Kira (dressed as a boy again) walking inside and taking a seat.

Kira (who had a light hangover, from last night's event) cracked a smile "I took the day off. My head keeps spinning."

Naomi speechless had a few more things to ask her. Yamato informed me of what had happened last night. "So.. What about last night?" she asked her.

"You already found out. That was nothing .. I helped a boy." Kira simply answered.

"Yeah, I know that. After that. I am talking about your big fiasco. And you showing up here as nothing has happened. Have you a death wish? Kira, I don't recognize you. You were trouble, back then. But you were never that reckless." Naomi voiced serious.

Kira didn't understand her. "I didn't get injured. I am alright. You don't need to worry because I got drunk." she naïvely explained with a 'Baka' smile on her face.

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